
I don't even know what to say

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A boy find the himself in a white space

there is no beginning and there is no end

He does not know where to go

He is confused he does not remember anything only thoughts and feelings remain

He starts to walk aimlessly thinking that he will get somewhere eventually

he does not no how long has been walking he does not feel fatigue he does not feel hunger and thirst eventually he came across a desk with a blue screen

He does not know where he has seen it or if he has ever used it but all the knowledge about it is in his head he was staired at it when suddenly a pop up came up it read random world selection press y to start

He pressed it then suddenly letters started to appear on the screen world's such as high school dxd , monster girl quest , elden rings started to appear on a screen one by one and flashing in an out which he assumed to be the names of world's than the flashing of the screen finally stopped and on it was

World:date a live

Then the screen closed immediately and another screen popped  up it red random species selection with the same press y to start so he again pressed it again words started to come one by one flashing in an out of the screen such as spider , cockroach , rabbit , banyan tree , human which he asumed to be the name of  species then it started to stop

Species: crystal based energy entity (spirit)

Another screen appeared on it it was written Background (source celestial body) selection random press y to start

He pressed it then it is started to flash again with words such as namik Cybertron galvan b Earth Mars black hole which he assumed to be the names of celestial bodies or as it is written on the screen source celestial bodies which he does not know the meaning of then it stopped and on it it was written

Background(sources celestial body): alternate universe Arburia destroyed with great one on it


                      Body template:Arburian Pelarota

                      Concepts: freedom preservation, protection, end, corruption, absorption, planet shadows, knowledge, channeling ,hope

                      Energies: resentment, life force of planet ,Mana

Without the closing of the last screen another screen pop the out         Random traits selection please select y to start now he was getting annoyed he does not know what is the meaning of all this and he thinks that the screen also sensed his annoyance.   

Because words started to appear on the screen

Detecting delay processing auto select activating auto select for further processes

Starting random traits selection trade selected:eternal 7 stages of depression, Mana adaptation , broken soul, closer's sorrows

Then another screen popped out

Random Angel template selection starting

Due to the of Pre selected source body the chances of Angel template belonging to the same world as the source body increases exponentially

Due to the effect of eternal seven stages of depression and broken soul number of Angel select templates selection is increased to 7

processing with selection

Angel templates selected:

Hands of armageden

Map of infinity

Great one(with leader enforcer and interpreter)

Arburian Pelarota

Rings and Chaos crystals(alternate versions of Chaos emeralds)

Incursean Ship

Coffin of haunting past and chains of regret

Another screen popped up        Creating angels

first template selected

hands of armageden

concept match selected end

creation finalized



second template selected

map of infinity

concept match selected knowledge and Predator

creation finalized



third template

great one

concept match selected corruption and absorption

creation finalized



4th template selected

Arburian Pelarota

concept match selected planet, channeling and protection

creation finalized



fifth template selected

rings and Chaos crystals

concept match selected freedom creation finalized



6th template

Incursean Ship

concept match selected preservation and hope

creation finalized



7th template

Coffin of haunting past and chains of regret

concept match selected shadows creation finalized




ngel creation finished choosing

Random talent talent selected based on existing characteristics

Selecting talent

Talent selected: acoustic soul

Selecting random spon point

Spon point Selected

Sponning body using the energy's (life force of planet, Mana ,resentment)

Then my vision starts to go black and I feel sleepy

As the boy starts to false sleep his body starts to dintegrate into specs of light that  blow away like it was the wind that blowing it but that was impossible because there was no wind in this white space and finally the last of the light specs vanished from this white void