
I Do Daily Quests In Wizard World

This is a vast and powerful wizarding world community. Powerful wizards willfully capture gods, conquer planes, and transform civilizations. Lin En came to this world and after being exposed to the power of wizards, he gradually realized that knowledge is power and power is truth. On the road of pursuing the truth, I will always be a humble apprentice.

potz4ever · Fantasi
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70 Chs


After finishing the experiment, Lynn sat cross-legged on the bed and began to meditate.

Three hours later, the twelfth earth ring in my mind was successfully condensed.

Accompanied by a cool current, Lynn's brain cleared up for a while, and he habitually opened the panel; his mental attributes increased by 0.1, and the progress of the Earth Ring Meditation method also reached 12%.

It takes about three days on average to condense a ground ring.

Lin En estimated that it only takes 24 days to increase the Earth Ring meditation method to 20%.

The difficulty of meditation is expected to rise dramatically as a result.

I just don't know whether my meditation speed is fast or slow compared to other wizard apprentices.

I remember that Teacher Angelet said that wizard apprentices are divided into first-level wizard apprentices, second-level wizard apprentices, and third-level wizard apprentices.

What are the criteria for judging these three levels? I should be regarded as a first-level wizard apprentice now.

Lynn thought from the bottom of his heart.

Lynn let out an expression of admiration.

The next day, Lynn continued the experiment.

Lynn repeated the experiment this evening after reviewing the summary of last night's failure.

Soon, a dark green potion was successfully made.

The color is still not standard.

"Completed the daily task: Experiment (1) completed an experiment with a very low difficulty."

"Completion: Passed ()"

"Reward: 10 general experience points, 1% mutation progress."

In the spiritual sea, a door was opened, and at the same time, a lot of new knowledge was poured into the mind.

Enjoying the feeling of being in an ocean of knowledge makes Lynn extremely comfortable.

Sure enough, the rewards for completing the experiment are even greater than before.

Lin En discovered six mistakes after unfolding the extension symbol, five of which were due to a lack of perfect control over the small details of the time and raw material processing, and the remaining one was due to a difference in the addition ratio.Bigger problem.

Fortunately, these mistakes are not serious and only affect the quality of the medicine.

Looking at the tube of reagent in his hand, Lin En suddenly found himself in trouble. He didn't seem to have prepared a reagent bottle for storing the reagent, so he used a cork to plug the mouth of the test tube. The reagent is not volatile or oxidizing, and it can persist even when exposed to air. For a short time, it will not affect the medicinal properties.

Afterwards, Lynn cleaned up the laboratory and received a daily reward of 10 general experience points.

Calculated in this way, if the completion of the daily guarantee is qualified, 20 experience points can be obtained for the daily guarantee.

much faster than before.

Lynn pondered quietly in his heart.

What if you do two experiments a day?

Lynn guessed that there should be no extra rewards, because once before, Angelet conducted two experiments on the same day, so Lynn also cleaned the laboratory for two days in one day but did not trigger the rewards, just like cooking can only be triggered once a day.

Daily tasks: once a day is considered a daily task; otherwise, it should be considered a repeated task.

However, in order to maintain the spirit of exploration, Lynn still took part of the meditation time to conduct the second experiment today.

with the experience summarized in the second experiment.

The third experiment ended successfully five minutes earlier than the second.

Looking at the bottle of turquoise potion in front of him, it is already very close in color.

Unfortunately, no daily tasks are triggered. It seems that all tasks of the same type can only be triggered once a day.

Tomorrow, it is estimated that it will be able to achieve a higher evaluation than "pass."

Lin En thought to himself.

At this time, the old pier

The flame of the lighthouse is the only glimmer of light on the pier, and the dark sea water is pouring down with a cold wind.

Da Jinya sat by the window and listened to his subordinates report on recent events.

Although the hole in the ground was recently filled, the newly filled floor is the same color as the surrounding floor.

Every time he sees this hole, Da Jinya will recall the unbearable memories of that day.

Listening to his subordinate's report, Da Jinya's face gradually became serious.

A big event happened to the Borent family a few days ago. It is said that many dignitaries who went to the Borent family banquet that day failed to come out.

No one knew what happened, and the incident was kept under wraps until today.

It is said that many people died that day.

Not only that, even the current patriarch of the Borent family is dead!

Others might just think it was an accident, but Da Jinya clearly remembered that guy asking him about the Borent family that day.

"Such a big thing happened to the Borent family, and it happened not long after that guy asked himself."

Da Jinya's complexion suddenly became ugly.

He seemed to see a **** pot looming in his daze.

no! But don't let people know that I have something to do with this matter.

A stern look flashed in Da Jinya's eyes.

The younger brothers who participated in this incident that day must be dealt with as soon as possible.

As long as that guy doesn't say anything, others won't know that they have something to do with it.

And that guy is really dangerous.

Even nobles like the Borent family dare to attack.

Even nobles dare to do something, let alone an ordinary person like myself. The big gold tooth labeled Lin En as dangerous.

He just wanted to stay away from Lynn.

Da Jinya has been hanging around in the underground docks all these years, and he knows the truth—absolutely not to offend the nobles.

The relationship between these nobles is intricate, just like the roots of a big tree buried in the ground. If you don't pull them all out, you will never know how closely connected these root systems are.

Aristocrats have married other nobles from generation to generation, and many nobles have very close relationships.

because there is also a noble succession decree in the kingdom!

When a noble's direct blood relatives are murdered so that there is no blood left, the king can be just, and the collateral blood relatives who avenged the nobles can inherit the title and territory of the original nobles.

Nobles will never dislike their own lands more.This decree also led to intermarriage between nobles. Unless they were canonized by the king during the war, the titles of the nobles would always be inherited by the descendants of the nobles.

Da Jinya also learned that the Borent family hosted a banquet that day to entertain a powerful man.

He couldn't imagine what kind of existence a big man could have that a viscount would take seriously.

But what is a little strange is that Da Jinya received the news yesterday.

The big ships at the old pier have all been conscripted by a certain big man, and judging from the faint rumors, they are related to the Borent family. The people above revealed that the reason for the rumor was to let the underground rats like Da Jinya and the others cooperate well so as not to make any fuss, and all small thoughts were collected.

Big gold teeth naturally won't make fun of themselves,

It just made him wonder why the Borent family had recruited so many ships in the port.Are they preparing to go to sea?

He has never heard of the Borent family going to sea. There are many shipping companies and chambers of commerce in Bangor Port. These chambers of commerce and shipping companies will pay a large amount of taxes to the Borent family every year.

These taxes are enough to feed them.