

Today was another standard date – well, more or less. Harry waited in the common room until Ginny appeared at the top of the girl's stairs, wearing an emerald green dress that hugged her developing figure. As soon as she reached the common room proper, he took her in a loose embrace and chastely kissed her on the lips.

"Good evening, gorgeous."

She giggled. "And you too, handsome."

He presented his arm to her. "Walk with me?"

"Of course," she replied.

Harry led her out of the common room and through the halls of Hogwarts until they arrived at their destination.

Like clockwork, Pansy exited the Slytherin common room just then, wearing a ruby dress with a very familiar cut.

As with Ginny, Harry pulled her in a brief embrace and complimented her appearance. After exchanging pleasantries, he offered her his other arm, and the three of them started their trek up to the Room of Requirement.

"You coordinated on the dresses?" Harry asked.

"No," Pansy said with a straight face. "I just so happened to pick a Gryffindor red dress and Ginny just so happened to pick a Slytherin green dress with the same exact cut."

Harry and Ginny chuckled.

"Then I will count myself lucky to have found a matching pair by pure chance," Harry said. "So, how shall we do the table layout for dinner?"

"What do you mean?" Ginny asked, sounding honestly confused.

"Well," Harry explained, "when having a dinner date it is customary to sit opposite one another. But this is a three-way date. If I were to sit opposite both of you, I'm worried I might not get any of the action." He smirked at her.

Pansy grabbed his head and placed a firm kiss on his mouth. "You'll get plenty of action tonight if I have my way, Potter."

Harry chuckled. "I'm glad to hear that, Slytherin."

"But for the seating arrangement," Pansy said more seriously, "perhaps we could sit in a triangle?"

Harry hummed in agreement. "That might be the best choice. Why don't you two wait here while I make the room?"

Both unlocked their arms from his and he walked back and forth to call the correct configuration. When the door appeared, Harry turned towards his girlfriends to find that Ginny had pushed Pansy against the wall and was kissing her rather more passionately than was appropriate in a public space – even when not taking into account the wizarding world's relatively dim views on same-sex relationships.

With a smile at the beautiful sight, Harry walked up to them and put his arms around them. "The room's ready when you are, girls."

Ginny pulled back, smirking at him. "Let's get inside then." She put her arm around his back, mirrored almost immediately by Pansy, and together they led him into the room. As Harry had intended, there was a round table for three inside, and the room itself was shaped and decorated like one of those themed muggle restaurants, only the theme here was a mix of quidditch and muggle rock and metal music. On the background, some songs that had been among Ginny's favorites were playing.

Harry sat each of them down in a chair before sitting down himself and calling Dobby to deliver their meals.

"What music is this?" Ginny asked as their food was being delivered.

"A few of the albums that I've bought recently," Harry explained. "I picked out some songs that were your favorites in the old timeline."

Pansy smirked. "No consideration for me?"

Harry chuckled. "There's a few songs for you in there as well. Though I do of course have less of an idea what you prefer – you only discovered muggle music just two months back, after all."

Their conversation fell silent somewhat as they made their way through the meal – which was of course delicious as always – and after the dessert Harry got up and guided his dates to a side room, which contained the same TV that he had brought out for his date with Hermione.

This time, he went with Terminator – an action movie seemed like a great fit for these two girls. As the movie was starting up, Dobby popped by once again, providing a large bowl of popcorn that Harry put on his lap, with one girl leaning against each shoulder.

For both Ginny and Pansy, this was – unsurprisingly – their first encounter with the snack and it was very well-received. Both also absolutely adored the movie itself, so Harry decided that they'd watch the sequel on their next date together. By the end of the movie, he had one girl curled up into his side under either arm, their breasts comfortably pushing into him.

"That was amazing," Pansy said, looking up at him. Ginny immediately gave her agreement.

Harry smirked. "Welcome to the comfort of muggles."

Pansy grinned as she threw her leg over Harry, putting her knee on the couch in between his legs, and kissed him. "You're completely corrupting me with all this muggle entertainment."

Harry smirked. "Guilty as charged."

Ginny left the couch to embrace Pansy from behind. "And you're snogging a blood traitor almost every day," she whispered into the girl's ear.

Pansy turned to kiss her too. "And proud of it."

Harry pulled the girls on top of him as he adjusted to lie on the couch on his back, earning an "uff" from Pansy, who ended up squeezed in the middle. Luckily for her, Ginny wasn't very heavy. The girls quickly readjusted, both lying on one of his legs and supporting themselves with one arm on the side.

For the next ten or so minutes, two of them would lock themselves in a kiss, while the third would kiss every bit of uncovered skin they could find. However, the girls then attacked Harry with a joint effort, forcing him to enjoy their worship of his skin, and within a minute they had gotten him out of his shirt.

"He has a nice chest, doesn't he?" Ginny said in between her activities.

"He does," Pansy agreed. "Nice and muscular and perfect to taste and kiss."

To Harry's disappointment, the girls had moved away a little, moving out of his arms and leaving him unable to kiss them as they continued to explore his chest with kisses, talking to one another as if he couldn't hear them.

Eventually, they reached Harry's crotch.

"Oooh, that doesn't feel too bad," Pansy said, rubbing him.

Ginny's eyes widened. "They're not all this big, are they?"

"They aren't," Pansy said, moving to fiddle with Harry's trousers. "Not according to Lyra, at least, and she's had years to watch boys shower."

As Harry's trousers were pulled off, leaving him in his underpants, he finally got up and stopped the girls.

"Are you sure you want to go there?"

They looked at him as if he were insane.

"Ginny is only thirteen," Harry explained. She was the youngest by several months - and she was a full year younger than any of the girls Harry had slept with so far.

"And I already went all the way with Pansy," Ginny countered. Pansy nodded in agreement.

Harry thought that wasn't quite the same, but he figured they wouldn't appreciate it if he said that. And perhaps he should just give them what they wanted. He pulled both girls close and gave each a kiss.

"At least allow me to undress you two like you undressed me."

Ginny giggled, trying to push herself in front of Pansy, however the Slytherin went straight for the redhead's neck and took a gentle, yet firm bite, eliciting a moan. "Not so quick."

Harry grinned at the interplay, but did start pulling up Ginny's dress first, leaving her in her underwear. However, he then motioned for her to move back a bit and evened up their outfits by taking Pansy's dress off.

He continued that way until their bras came off, which prompted him towards an intermezzo of breast play. A few minutes later, the girls combined their efforts to take off his underpants, which was cause for Harry to call up a bed from the Room and move them there.

He was sure he wouldn't be disappointed by what this evening had in store for him.

After some contemplation, Harry had decided not to invite anyone along for the discussion of Gabrielle's life debt. While Lyra had often been very helpful, she was also the daughter of the man who had almost killed the girl in the first place, and Harry felt no need to remind the family of that. And none of his other girls were as politically savvy as she was – only Pansy could probably offer insights Harry might miss, but she had been claimed by Ginny for the afternoon.

The moment Harry entered the room – one of a number of Hogwarts rooms that allowed for formal meetings – Gabrielle ran up to him and placed a kiss on his mouth, which he chastely returned. As they walked to the chairs and couches, she deliberately remained at his side with his arm around her waist – Harry figured removing it probably wouldn't be appreciated – and they sat down together, allowing Harry to finally take note of the other people present. Minister Delacour and his wife Apolline were here, of course, but Fleur had also joined them. Though Harry had hoped she would be and had told Gabrielle that, he hadn't known whether to actually expect her.

"First of all, Lord Potter," Mr Delacour said, "I would like to once again speak my gratitude for saving my daughter's life."

"I didn't have any other choice, sir," Harry said, inclining his head in respect. "And please call me 'mister', you are a minister after all."

"Of course, Mr Potter. Now, to get straight to it, we are of course here to speak about resolving the life debt that you obtained when saving my daughter. I have gone ahead and invited my wife Apolline for advice on veela matters, and my other daughter Fleur as she already knows you. From what I heard from Gabrielle, I expect you do not mind this."

"No," Harry replied. "In fact, I appreciate it. It is a rather tumultuous time for Gabrielle, and she should have as much support from her family as possible."

"I'll manage," she told him in her French accent, cuddling into his side.

Harry grinned. "So you've told me, but I'm not going to take you away from your family."

She giggled. "Are you sure you won't? That does sound thrilling."

"Let's get to business," Harry said, pulling his attention away from the enthusiastic girl. "As you know, I've done this a few times now, so please tell me if I am going through things too quickly."

The first advantage quickly presented itself, as Gabrielle's age – a year younger than Harry – allowed them to place a more stringent requirement on her age of marriage, which of course counted for 'more' in the contract. A second one was also simple to find, as Harry could demand in the contract that she would change schools to Hogwarts. While they decided Gabrielle would go back to France several times over the coming months to visit her old friends, the clause they agreed on stated that she would switch schools immediately, halfway through the year, and she would receive her Hogwarts sorting at the first opportunity.

With those two big clauses out of the way, there wasn't all that much more needed to satisfy public – or at least noble – opinion on the contract.

"Would it be risky to add a clause that requires Gabrielle to have sex with me at regular intervals?" Harry asked.

"What do you mean with 'risky'?" Mr Delacour asked, seeming a little apprehensive.

"From what I've seen of Gabrielle so far," Harry explained, "she is rather… enthusiastic to explore our relationship further, which she says can be attributed to her being a veela."

"That sounds about right," Apolline agreed. Her accent was thicker than her husband's, but not as strong as Gabrielle's. "It's very unusual for a veela to reach 'er sixteenth or even fifteenth birthday a virgin. Continue."

"With the other contracts, I didn't want to add a clause that would require us to have sex because sometimes the girl might just not be in the mood. However, such a clause would be more meaningful, so if it is a reasonable expectation that Gabrielle will pretty much always be in the mood…" he trailed off, leaving the rest unsaid.

"I don't like it," Mr Delacour said.

"I think it's fine," Fleur disagreed. "'Arry's right that Gabby will always be… in the mood, as they say, and I don't think 'e will abuse it."

Gabrielle actually climbed on Harry's lap. "I don't mind it."

Harry put his arms around her. "Of course you don't," he grinned, kissing her head through her silvery blonde hair.

Mr Delacour looked at his wife, who nodded. "It appears I have been outvoted. We'll add the clause."

With that out of the way, only a few minor clauses remained, and barely half an hour later, the contract was signed. Gabrielle immediately demanded Harry's attention for a good snog and then pulled him along to the Room of Requirement while he grinned at her forwardness. He'd already freed up an evening just for her.

That evening came two days later, and around dinner time, Harry made his way outside to the large carriage where the Beauxbatons delegation slept. He arrived there just seconds before Gabrielle stepped outside, and couldn't help but smile at her beauty.

While her hair was loose, several strands had been braided or otherwise bound together, giving her a regal look. In addition to that she was wearing a white dress that, though by no means scandalous from Harry's somewhat muggle perspective, was definitely more daring than a witch would wear.

It was held by a thin golden strap above her developing chest, leaving her shoulders uncovered, and contained several golden ornaments – including a belt – around her waist, before ending above her knees.

"Good evening," Harry greeted, grabbing her hand and kissing it. "You look wonderful, Gabrielle."

She giggled. "Thank you, 'Arry." She grabbed his head and planted a firm kiss on his mouth. "So do you."

"I'm glad to hear that," Harry said, grabbing her hand and guiding her to the castle. Gabrielle leaned into him ever so slightly as they made their way over the field, through the gate and upstairs to the Room of Requirement. It always somewhat irked Harry that the Room was on the seventh floor – though that also made it very convenient for Gryffindors in particular – but at the same time he could appreciate getting to walk with his girl for longer, making small-talk to her.

Gabrielle held onto his hand when he made the room, so he didn't ask her to wait while he did so – she seemed more comfortable in her heels than any of the other girls anyway – and once inside, she immediately attacked him with an enthusiastic snog.

He grinned. "Calm down, Gabby. We're in no hurry."

She slipped a hand under his shirt, grinning back. "That's what you think."

He put an arm around her waist and guided her to a table. This time, he had gone for a room with an aerial view, as if they were on a hill or even mountain looking out over the surrounding landscape. Harry had gotten Fleur's advice on it, and she had told her that Gabrielle, like all veela, loved to be in the air, or if that was impossible, to at least be someplace high up.

Unlike with his dates so far, Harry had arranged for the two seats to be next to one another, as the alternative would likely end up with Gabby on his lap, considering how much physical contact she had initiated so far, today being no exception. He had again gotten Dobby to serve them, and the veela was immediately enamored with the excitable creature, causing Harry to tell the story about freeing him as they started dinner.

As it quickly turned out, Gabrielle absolutely loved it when he fed her, so in the end Harry ended up doing the work for both of them as she just cuddled into his side while he went back and forth between their plates to feed them both.

By the end of dinner, one of Gabrielle's arms had ended up around his back, and the other was rubbing over his leg, while every so often she'd kiss his shoulder, neck or cheek. Harry put his arm around her in return, allowing them to cuddle up.

"Are you even going to say anything?" he teased. She'd been silent for probably as many as ten minutes by now.

She looked up at him, opening eyes he hadn't consciously realized she had closed, her blue irises blazing bright. "Fuck me," she told him as a wave of allure washed over Harry, though it had no effects, just like the prior attempts.

Despite that, Harry was actually struck speechless for a few seconds, which Gabrielle used to climb on his lap, rubbing her crotch against him.

"No talking?" Harry asked.

She initiated a passionate kiss.

"We can talk while you're resting."

Well, that was a lot of confidence. Harry put his hands under her ass and raised them both up, then carried her to the bed that spawned at his convenience. He put her down on it and peeled off her dress to find she hadn't been wearing anything under it – how that had slipped his attention, he wasn't sure. The moment he was done, Gabrielle attacked his clothes in return, actually ripping his boxers as she lost patience, so Harry decided to give her what she desired without any extended foreplay.

Over the night, he learned that she had, in fact, not been exaggerating. While Harry had had a lot of practice recently, and had even been able to keep up with Pansy and Ginny combined, he wasn't able to match her enhanced veela stamina. But at least it meant they did get to talk.

Harry grabbed Lyra in an embrace the moment they were out of the courtroom, making gentle comforting sounds for her as she cried into his chest. He wasn't sure what she should hear, so he remained silent other than that. After a few minutes, she had calmed down enough to look up at him with red eyes.

He kissed her on the forehead.

"I'm sorry, Lyra."

"I don't blame you," she said with a hiccup. "I mean, I also testified against him. He – he brought it over himself."

"But he's still your father," Harry vocalized.

She nodded, burying her head in his chest again. "He's still my father, and now he's going to Azkaban for the rest of his life," she said in a muffled voice.

Harry rubbed her back. "What do you say we get back to Hogwarts and the privacy of the Room?"

"Yes, please."

Harry led her to the Ministry atrium, and they took the floo together straight to McGonagall's office. He put his arm comfortingly around the blonde – though she had by now recovered enough to walk without Harry guiding her – and they soon reached the Room of Requirement, where Lucius's intended victims had already arrived. The rest of the girls had not been invited to the trial, and had waited in the Room. Clearly, they had already heard the final verdict, as none were surprised to see Lyra in this state.

Harry led her to a free couch and sat down with her. Pansy joined them seconds after.

"How are you?" she asked, grabbing her friends hand.

"I don't know," Lyra replied. "I feel… strange. Empty. I don't know." Harry rubbed her back, but retreated slightly to allow Pansy to hug the girl.

"You did the right thing," she said. "Besides, I think even without your testimony he'd have been convicted." They held on to each other for a while longer, but eventually Pansy released her.

Lyra turned. "Harry?"


"Can I be with you tonight? I don't want to be alone…"

Harry embraced her and planted a kiss on her mouth. "Of course. I'll cuddle you the entire night if it's needed."

A slight blush appeared on Lyra's cheeks. "Thanks, Harry."

As Harry looked around, he wasn't sure how he hadn't realized before how few friends Lyra actually had. While she was friendly with all of his other girls, she didn't have a very close relationship with anyone but Harry and arguably Pansy – not in the way Pansy and Ginny did, or Hermione and Millicent. Or even Cho and Luna.

He pulled her onto his lap, allowing her to rest against his chest.

"I'm not sure if you need to hear this or already know it," Harry said, "but you're not your father."

"I… I know," she said. "But I looked up to him for so long…"

Harry kissed her cheek, debating whether or not to tell her the thought that had just come up in his mind. He repositioned her to meet her grey eyes more easily.

"There's something else I could tell you that I'm not sure whether it will make you feel better or worse. Do you want to try?"

After a moment, she nodded hesitantly.

"Your father is not an evil man through and through. The last time around, he started to doubt his choices throughout the war, and while he never worked directly against Voldemort like you and your mother did, he did stop helping him, and he knew of what you and your mother had done to help me and agreed with it.

"So while in this timeline, he committed a crime that saw him in Azkaban for life, there is enough goodness in his heart that, if the situation had been different, he might've found at least some redemption."

"I get what you mean," Lyra said. After a few seconds, she looked at him, her grey eyes gazing at him intensely. "I don't hold you responsible, Harry. You didn't know this would happen when you time traveled, and you saved many people with it. Including me."

"Thank you," Harry said, feeling genuinely relieved as he captured her mouth in another kiss