

In the battle of races, everyone has put their lives together, and the soldiers on both sides rushed forward regardless of their body.

Two torrents of steel are intertwined, and in an instant it becomes a meat-fighting battle.

The blood splashed like goose feathers, and the cruelty of the war was most vividly manifested at this time.

No one spoke in the broadcast room, everyone held their breath and watched nervously in this epic battle that determined the fate of the two communities.

But in a flash of kung fu, the flesh and blood flew across the battlefield, and the corpses flew across the field.

The picture is too real, no matter whether it is the screams of the mortal or the orc, the painful expression on his face does not look like a game picture at all, it is just like the real one.

Watching humans and orcs fall one after another, the blood quickly stained the whole earth, and even the weapons floated in the blood, everyone was shocked and speechless.

The most striking thing on the battlefield is of course Han Fei, the king of his body, shrouded in white aura, bowing left and right in the enemy formation, rushing to and fro, unstoppable.

The soldiers of the human race met, and their courage doubled, coupled with the encouragement of the title of Han Fei's first ancestor, they even broke out the fighting power that is usually twice as strong.

They followed Han Fei from left to right on the battlefield and became a sharp knife, straight into the battle of the orcish army.

This war, from the morning to the dusk, the dead bodies were covered with wilderness.

However, human beings lag far behind the orcs in terms of strength and weapons, and the combat ability of individual soldiers cannot compete with the orcs.

At this time, there were only less than 10,000 remaining in the 100,000 human race, and the orcs paid a heavy price, and less than 30,000 were left for the 200,000 elite soldiers.

Seeing the defeat of the army, Han Fei led one of the most elite human wolf cavalry at the critical moment, raided the orc king's account, and killed the tenth generation beast king-the wolf king Nirula!

With the death of the wolf king, the orc army is in a state of chaos, and after receiving the news, the warriors of the human race, like the blood of chickens, exploded into a more powerful fighting force.

What is even more exaggerated is that even many human races activated the bloodline ability at this time, awakening the extraordinary combat ability like Han Fei.

The orcs were in a bad situation. Under the command of several players with the title of ancestors, they quickly evacuated with the remaining orc soldiers, ending the epic battle.

Seeing the human race win, the audience watching the live broadcast immediately burst into cheers, and they were excited one by one as if they had won the battle.

After all, they are watching the rise of the human race step by step, and the human king Han Fei is also one of their players. They naturally cannot hope the orc race to win.

At this moment, the screen on the barrage of the live broadcast room was swept together, "Human king is amazing, every generation!"

Everyone in the live broadcast room seemed crazy.

It didn't take long for a piece of news to quickly hit the hot search.

"Epic battle, the human race wins!"

Many people are baffled by it, I don't know how there is such a hot search.

After watching it in, they found out that it was a game called Second Life.

When they saw the various battlefield fighting pictures sent by players and audiences, those who did not understand this game were immediately stunned.

The picture is like a Hollywood blockbuster, how could it be just a game?

So more people were attracted to this game, making the name of "Second Life" quickly known to the world.

At this time, Han Fei in the Western Fantasy World was bathed in blood, and there was almost no complete body, all of which were large and small wounds.

Han Fei laughed and watched the orc leave, and then fell down from the wolf.

Countless human soldiers immediately rushed over and rescued Han Fei, who was seriously injured.

The history of the Daxia dynasty contains: [Han Fei, the founding monarch of the Daxia Dynasty, the creator gave the sword "ruling" to wake up the blood of the soldiers and build the capital of the country under the emperor. In the 21st year of the Great Xia Calendar, the great Xia King Han Fei took up the elite division of the human race and the orc against the Leica Plain, and cut the tenth generation of the beast king Nirula, and the human race returned home. ]

At the same time, due to the death of the wolf king Nirula, the orc clan broke out more chaos among the various clan.

Most of the more than 20 orc players with the title of ancestor died on the battlefield, and the five people who survived began to compete for the position of the beast king, and a fierce internal battle broke out.

The human race also began to curl up in the south, recuperating.

At this time, Han Fei has entered the game for nearly ten hours, which is 40 years in the Western Fantasy World.

The audience has not diminished, but it has skyrocketed, reaching a horrible five million.

And at this time, Han Fei has been broadcasting for ten hours. This number has been rising again without any downward trend.

Many people missed the epic battle and felt sorry. They all crouched in Han Fei's live broadcast room and did not want to miss the next picture.

But the following development has surprised everyone.

During that war, Han Fei left a serious injury, and without the courage to fight hard, he began to build a palace and wandered in the gentle township!

At this time, it was already 45 years of the Daxia Dynasty, and Han Fei had become an old man in his 60s.

Han Fei, who has awakened his extraordinary abilities, has a much longer lifespan than ordinary people. Even in his 60s, he still looks only in his early 40s.

But Han Fei also lost his ambition at that time, especially after the end of the epic war, he has been worshipped by the human race as a god, and he gradually developed the feeling that he is really a **** and can do whatever he wants.

But with the passage of time, Han Fei really felt his life came to an end.

He began to fear death, he was afraid of the feeling that his body was weakening a little bit.

The constant approaching of death made Han Fei more and more frightened. He recalled his glorious life and was unwilling to end it.

So the audience saw that Han Fei sent people to search for the elixir that could prolong life, and released a trail of a generous reward for the creator.

"I finally know why Qin Shihuang was looking for elixir."

"Absolute power brings absolute corruption. Han Dao now has endless authority. Of course, he wants to get longer, so that this satisfaction will continue."

"I'll do it if I change it....After all, the life of the 72 concubines in the three houses and six courtyards, who doesn't want to have it all their lives."

"Unlike Qin Shihuang, our man, His Majesty Han Fei, has seen the God of Creation, and knows that the Western Fantasy World is indeed God, since God can certainly extend life."

"This game is terrible, no wonder it's called "Second Life", Han Fei has obviously been caught in the game, and it is estimated that he has forgotten that he is a modern man."