
I created Magic!

All things are born from the void and all things shall return to the void. Elias, a large and beautiful world consisting of millions of planes and millions of different races. And such a wonderful world is run by powerful beings called Gods! Born from the dawn of time their divine might shines on all beings. Over time It is said that the Gods created everything. But is that really true? If so, who created the Gods? Accidentally reincarnated in this strange world due to an unforeseen accident. With a thirst for knowledge and a hunger for power, Elric with the help of his A.I chip seeks a way out for himself whilst under the oppression of the Gods. Soon under Elric's relentless desire for knowledge, the first group of humans with powers comparable to Gods were born, Wizards! He dissected a flame slime and learnt to control flames. He studied a dragon and created dragon-slaying magic. He tasted a Phoenix and cracked the secret to immortality. Unexpectedly before he knew it most of the races in Elias had been studied and dissected by him already. One day when he was bored and there was nothing to do, Elric suddenly turned to the sky with a sly smile on his face. "I know! Why don't I study the Gods!" That day the whole Elias shook. with a crazy smile on his face Elric led an army of wizards and stormed the God realm! ------------------------------------------------ discord server: https://discord.gg/Up35G9Hzzk

Ghost_Worker · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
252 Chs

We're wizards!

With the Alteration of the sun and moon, a new day began. at this time in front of Elric's library, a familiar scene could be seen taking place 


Standing in front of the Mansion Library holding a  tray of food was Davis,

"Young master your food is ready"

Unfortunately, like last time, there was no reply. twitching the corner of his lips, he once again saw Elric buried under a pile of books.

*Ahem!* without wasting too much time, Davis gave a light cough waking him up.

"What!" Shouted Elric 

Seeing his cough had the intended effect, ignoring Elric's angry face, Davis dropped the tray of food in front of Elric and left the room.

Watching him leave Elric gave a slight yawn and looked at the food in front of him. As he started eating, he began to think of the gains and losses from yesterday.

"Firstly, my greatest gain from yesterday should be this!" waving his arm a small fireball appeared, after a few seconds it turned into a bitch black gas which covered his body, and an array of tattoos appeared all over him. Feeling the changes in his body, a smile appeared on his face.

"Thankfully after several hours of practice yesterday night, I'm finally able to use the inscriptions without the A.I. chips assistance." Said Elric as he thought of last night's sessions of trials and errors without sleep, calming down the lines on his body gradually faded returning his body to normal.

"Sigh... unfortunately it's still not enough"

"Three inscriptions is the current limit, and yet it feels like I'm carrying a mountain on my shoulders"

thinking of the heavy feeling in his soul a wry smile couldn't help but appear on his face.

"And there's also the fact that apart from the first strengthening after absorbing the mana core back in the cave, these last two 

inscriptions didn't increase my strength stats one bit only my mental strength has somewhat increased"

"According to the blasphemers' diary, a holy order human is capable of living thousands of years, moving mountains and reclaiming the season with just their brute strength alone, heck there was even one record of a certain saint who got angry and stomped on the ground causing an earthquake"

"Unfortunately these saints who could be referred to as Gods back on the blue star, are still ants before the Gods of Elias" 

As he thought of this, he couldn't help but compare these almighty saints to his 'two-minute man'  with this in mind, his earlier joy had completely dissipated.

"However, it's not like there's no alternative" Think of the notes earlier a look of unwillingness showed on his face

" If I follow those notes, that would be equivalent to cutting off my future path, and there's no guarantee that using this method would not adversely affect the meditation and soul inscription method" . In fact, there was another reason why he didn't want to use the method written down in the notes.

it was since whenever he thought of using it, he would feel an inexplicable tingling sensation at the back of his head as if warning him not to, if not for the fact that he had already asked the A.I chip to run a diagnostic on him, he would have thought there was a problem with his body.

That and the feeling of being manipulated made him unconsciously stay away from the methods in the notes, but rather use its essence to serve as a foundation for his method.

*However now's not the time to think of a solution, it's time for the next step of my experiment* Thought Elric

"Davis, go call four other people and come with them!" with a look towards the Library door Elric shouted 

Soon after about a few seconds, an equally loud shout came from behind the door.

"Yes young master!"  hearing Davis' voice, Elric had a slight smile. Due to the inscription, his mental power had somewhat increased, so he could vaguely sense someone outside the door, and without thinking too much, he could already predict it was Davis waiting to collect his food tray.

Soon Five people Sood in the library, three of whom he was already familiar with, it was Davis, George,  Alvin, and two other men with whom he'd forgotten their names.

"The five of you come here," said Elric as he motioned for them to gather in the open space before his desk

"What I'm about to tell you should stay between the six of us" with a serious face he looked at the people in front of him.

"Sit down" motioning for them to sit in a lotus position, Elric began to tell them about the meditation and told each of them to try it 

Soon with Elric's guidance, the five of them went into a deep state of meditation.

"If this is successful, it means I've finally embarked on my road to the peak!  ``With a light whisper, Elric clenched his fists and continued to observe them.

After about 30 minutes, Davis was the first to open his eyes, then George, then Alvin, and finally the last two.

Judging from the reactions of each of them as they opened their eyes, Elric knew that his experiment had been successful.

At the moment of opening their eyes, Davis, George, and Alvin had a look of surprise while the other two had a look of doubt from their different expressions alone Elric knew who had succeeded.

"Alright the two of you may leave" not giving the two who had confused faces a chance to react, he promptly evicted them. 

And the two of them, Although confused, considering it was their young master's order, left the room without asking too many questions.

"Ask if you have any questions" 

watching two of them exit, Elric then turned to face the remaining three people in the room. 

Fortunately, it seemed that they had many questions on their mind because as soon as Elric finished speaking, Alvin had already asked a question.

"What exactly are the things we just saw, I mean those light spots"

listening to the question Alvin asked, both George and Davis nodded in agreement, apparently they had seen it too.

hearing the question asked, Elric had a look of satisfaction.

"Although I am not sure what is called, I've already given it a name"

"Mana particles!"

Elric began to explain the process from meditation to the use of their mental power to arrange the light spots in different shapes to achieve different effects, as for the soul inscription he didn't say anything about it just yet, as they don't have an A.I. chip to help them accurately do it as any small mistakes on the soul could have catastrophic effects.

*or maybe when my mental power is stronger, I'll be able to help them do it myself, or they could increase their mental power themselves thus increasing their probability of success* Just as he was about to continue thinking about a solution, a sudden sound broke his train of thoughts.

"By the way young master, since we create flames out of Air, are we Gods?" Asked Davis with a look of excitement. Thinking that he had become a god, he couldn't wait to go back and destroy the river God that destroyed their village. Unfortunately, Elric's next words poured cold water on him.

"No we're not Gods" hearing Elric say this, Not only Davis but even George, and Alvin had a look of confusion because according to their cognition only Gods, those blessed by Gods and magic beasts are capable of doing such, 

and they were sure they weren't blessed by any God otherwise their hometown wouldn't have been destroyed and they sure as hell weren't magic beasts, so they had to be Gods

As if seeing their confusion with a look of confidence, Elric said something that left them further confused

"We aren't Gods, We're wizards!"