
The Cuda's were destroyed?!

The man said, "Kuro, your job is to transfer to her school and secretly protect her...with your life if you have to."

He moved to leave and the two men went to follow but, Liara unconsciously grabbed the teenager's hand. The two men were shocked and moved to stop her but, the teen stopped them with a look. She was half asleep and muttered, "Mune?"

He moved back to her and said softly, "I'm here, I am always here for you. Me and the others will always be here for you." He looked at a calender that had her schedule on it and said, "You have school tomorrow and should go back to sleep." He gently smiled and put a hand on her cheek.

She closed her half opened eyes, "it feels so warm, good night Mune, I love you." The two men were shocked as anyone would claim that Mune was a cold and cunning snake. They never expected him to act like this. In fact, even Mune who had mastered the laws of shadow and death was afraid he would accidentally hurt her.

Mune thought, 'I'm warm?' He calmed his heart and moved to tuck her in, "I love you too." He saw a slight frown on her face and said, "I'll visit you again soon." He saw her face relax before he left with the two shocked men who followed.

Once they were out he went back to his normal attitude, "Cole, Kuro, keep her identity a secret and you will treat her as well or better than me and my siblings."

Kuro said, "Master Shadow, who is she? To make you act so..." He was trying to be eloquent as he could to state that he was acting soft to her and he wouldn't do that normally.

Mune said, "Let alone me, the other kings and Zodiac will treat her the same. Now, which gang did the driveby that caused her to get hurt?"

Cole said while, looking at his phone, "The Baracuda's sir, they ended up shooting at a rival gang member...a member of the bloods. She got caught in the periphery and a witness saw a woman keeping a boy alive that should've died until the EMTS got there...the woman disappeared."

Mune said, "I understand, we'll liquidate the Baracuda gang and warn the other gangs to not touch her. " His eyes flashed with killing intent and thought, 'No creature is allowed to harm Master, I won't let them. I best call Luna as well and have her check the kid her younger self saved...maybe, he'll be of use.'


Liara had just finished creating humans and two types of elves. She then moved to sit down feeling tired. The four moved to help her and Luna said, "Master, you should rest; the incident today and creating people...it will take a lot of your energy."

Masa stood behind Sophia to support her back and said, "Yes Master, Just rest...nothing will hurt you here." Sophia was about to disagree but, saw there gazes and nodded before closing her eyes to sleep.

Cao Ren said, "While, Master rests, we'll settle the people." The others nodded and Mune took the Dark Elves, Masa took the humans and Luna took the elves. While Cao Ren supervised and took care of Liara until she left.


Liara heard the Chocobo theme and picked up the phone with a groan, "Lucca, let me sleep...if this is you calling for me to do a movie or TV marathon or see some invention or conspiracy theory, I will hang up."

The voice said, "It's not that...well, partially that but, the Cuda's was destroyed last night. According to the Dark Web, the Cuda's pissed off the Shadow Monarch and he wiped them out."

Liara said as she suddenly sat up, "Lucca, isn't the so called four monarchs a myth? It could've been the Bloods or Crypts who did it. Those guys are usually killing each other."

At this time, the four monarchs sneezed at the same time. Masa said, "Who's talking bad about me? It must be that dishonorable bastard brother of mine." He then moved to the car to head to meet the others.