

The four moved to kneel to her and was about to ask for punishment before the door opened. They moved to see who it was and it was Masa's father in this life. He saw this and moved to take hold of his ear, "I thought, I told you to never kneel to anyone but, the patriarch of our family...and now you are kneeling to an untouchable. The exiled heir and trash of the Amagi clan no less. When we get home..."

The atmosphere got more and more stagnant as if, ancient beasts were waking up. She frowned and got up from her chair as the four watched her movements and was ready to defend her at a moments notice.

She moved and grabbed Masa's father's wrist using some pressure above his wrist to make him let go. She then moved to check on Masa, "Are you ok, Masa?"

He slightly smiled, "I've been hurt worse when sparring with that dishonorable brother of mine, Mother God."

She gave a small flick to his forehead, "You know, I don't think of you guys like that."

His father moved to attack her and said, "When are you going to get rid of this fantasy, You aren't one of the five gods and they have all fallen."

Masa grabbed his father's wrist and firmly gripped it to keep it from hitting her, "This no fantasy old man, we are their reincarnation and the four of us never called ourselves gods. We only serve the creator." He glanced at Liara with love in his eyes before glaring at him.

Liara looked at his father and saw something weird and asked, "Can you bind him? Somethings...weird."

The men moved quickly at her order and Cao Ren used a binding spell and asked, "Master, may we ask what is weird about him?"

Liara said, "I don't know how to put it, it's like...there's something fuzzy in his chest." She moved and put a hand on Masa's father's chest and used abit of the energy she regained into him. The man yowled in pain before the energy began to erode the weird energy and started to heal him.

After awhile, Liara grew weak as Masa's father started to change after she healed him. Masa grabbed her as she started to fall. He said, "Master..." He moved her to a couch as Luna checked on her.

Masa's father opened his eyes and the binds broke from the energy. The others moved to protect her before He moved forward and then knelt to her, "Please punish me for being disrespectful to my master."

The four looked confused and Liara felt a warm energy flowing to her. She looked over at him and said, "I don't blame you, you were just thinking of protecting your families honor." She felt a bit better and knew about the rules of the aristocrats.

Luna said, "Master, please rest, we'll be here when you wake up." She was worried about her since, she wasn't as powerful like when they were born.

Liara smiled, "I'll be fine,"

Cao Ren interrupted her, "Master, you should listen to Luna and rest. We know you have questions and we will answer them but, you also need to rest and get your strength back."

Liara chuckled, "Just let me do one thing and I'll rest." She looked at Masa's father as if she wanted his answer.

He said, "I wish to serve the mother god in this life to make up for my disrespectful behavior."

Liara motioned for him to come over and her first two fingers on his forehead and after making sure he was sure she closed her eyes and his body began to strengthen, his eyes became sharper and he became more agile.

When she stopped she ended up slumping on the couch practically half asleep. Masa's father then opened his eyes, "I thank Mother God for giving me new life." He looked at Masa and said, "I apologize for my treatment of you Lord Carl."

Masa said, "Don't call me Lord, it feels weird coming from you." He glanced at Liara and muttered, "Now I why mom doesn't like us calling her Mother God."

Mune chuckled, "You just figured that out Carl? Mom sees us four as her children and even said that she wanted us happy."

Masa said, "Shut it Vincent,

Cao Ren said, "Before you go on a tirade, I have sent my men to moms apartment and I would rather have her stay with one of us." He glared at the two before thinking, 'I hope mom becomes strong again and be able to lead us against what's to come. Maybe...be able to fulfill my request.'

Mune said, "I have control over this bodies family and I can transfer to her school."

Luna said, "I have a hospital to run so, she can bunk in my apartment but, I don't stay their much. I miss it back then, we just had to keep mom company...us watching Masa and Mune spar, me healing Masa; and playing with Duttur or Okami. Speaking of, we should tell them; Aries always followed mom around like a puppy back then."

Cao Ren looked at Masa's father and said, "When we go back, you'll help Masa control the family and convert them into servants of our mother. We should also do the same, our faith will make Master stronger."