
I Control Anti

> This book is part of the multi-book universe known as ‘The ARCADE’. Avnior, with no other hopes in life, turns to the recent technological advancement known as ‘The ARCADE’, which holds endless possibilities for all who choose to leave the current world behind and explore a new one. Starting out with no experience or friends, Avnior unlocks the power hidden within himself as he inconspicuously helps those with nowhere else to turn. Be sure to read the prologue to learn about The ARCADE, how it came to be, and some lore behind the universe. > New chapters every Monday > Discord: To Come > Website: To Come

TheOtherGuy · Seni bela diri
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Chapter 1 > The Opening

"Hello young fellow!" The old man shouted as I neared the pond.

There was a small maintenance shed off to the right of the pond surrounded by a few trees. There were a few other trees scattered around the pond and a small dock over on the other side from where the old man was sitting. There were a few fishes that occasionally jumped out of the water as they tried to eat some of the small glowing floaties that slowly glided around in the air.

As I neared the park bench, he turned around and greeted me.

"It's been a while since I've had any visitors around here. Come, sit for a moment. I have something I need to tell you."

I walked over and sat down next to him.

"Now, what's your name, young gentleman?"

"I'm Avnior." (A/N: Pronounced 'Av-knee-or')

"Well my young friend. Let me tell you a quick story."

"You see, back in my day, we didn't have things this nice. Technology really has come a long way since I was a young 'un like you.

"I don't think there's a ton of things to tell you about technology since you already know where technology is. But one thing to know, people who choose to pursue the technology path tend to

"Even since then, people 've learned about magic and how to morph it into the way we use it every day now."

He pointed his hand at the pond and the water rippled a little bit. Suddenly a large ball of water rose up out of the pond. It slowly spun until it rose about 15 meters in the air. It continued to spin faster and faster.


All of the sudden lightning came out of the sky and struck the water ball. Water exploded everywhere drenching everything.

Suddenly, a chill ran down my back. The pond then iced over causing one of the fish that was jumping out to get stuck on top of the ice.

Ice spikes burst out of the frozen pond as one of the trees burst into flames.

Clouds formed over the pond and started to rain lightning onto the ice spikes.

The entire area was in complete chaos. Trees were exploding. Lightning was raining down. Wind rushed all around us. Everything grew darker as all the light seemed to be drawn towards the spot where the lightning was hitting the largest ice spike.

The spike grew brighter and brighter until I couldn't bear to look at it any more. I squinted my eyes, trying to take in everything that was happening around me.

"What's going on!?" I yelled at the old man who just laughed maniacally.

"This is power!"

Everything continued to be absorbed towards the center of the pond. I continued to grit my teeth, putting all my strength to not be sucked in myself.


Suddenly, everything flashed and I felt nothing.

When I opened my eyes again, everything was how it was when I first got there. Just a normal pond with a few trees around it and a maintenance shed of to the side. An old man sitting next to me on the park bench calmly gazing around the view.

"As you can see, there is a lot of potential to be had here." The old man glanced at the shed.

"Now, if you would like, I can let you try a few things here so you can figure out which path you want to focus on. But, I sense something much greater than any of this in you."

"And what would that be?" I was excited, but starting to get anxious from everything the old man was saying.

"There is a force that is as problematic as it is mysterious." The old man rapidly grew serious.

"So little is known about it, yet it reigns supreme in the universe. Only a select few can wield it. But those that can, always stand among the strongest."

"I can not show you nor teach you anything about this force. Since I can't wield it myself, it would be foolish for me to even try."

"What is it?" I couldn't hold back my questions any longer. I needed answers. What was this power hidden inside of me? What could it do? Why was it so powerful?

"It is called…

The Anti."