
I Come From The Water

Mor is a mermaid, but not those lovey dovey kind that you hear about all over the place. No she is a real Mermaid. One that kills and eats people, lures humans to their death, and laughs while watching. A terror to the Human Race. So who the hell thought it was a good idea to throw here into the middle of a forest!?

Localleaderkaz · LGBT+
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21 Chs

Mor Murchú (Lave)

Species: Mermaid

Gender: Female

Title: The Hunting Dog of Scáthach Cove

Occupation: Mercenary

Weapon: 7 daggers of varying colors [ hidden randomly on her ]

Appearance: (Mermaid) Blood red scales, hair, eyes, and light red tattoo. (Human) White hair with red highlights, the pink eyes of an albino, light red tattoo that runs from the neck to lower back, and a light dust of blood red scales over the skin.


Mor is a Mermaid that has grown up in the modern era. She unlike her brethren follows the Mermaid traditions despite the times. As the last Mermaid that has the 'Life Tattoo' she lives her life as a mercenary (killer for hire). As lost her mom at a rather young age (for a mermaid) and she spent her younger days living for revenge against the people that killed her.

Her fighting style is also rather traditional in that she uses a knife when the rest of the world uses projectile weapons. However she prefers the knife because she likes to know she has ended the life. Satisfies the Mermaid instinct for death.

While gathering items on her rare day off an unusual event happened causing her to transfer to another world. She traveled for a day and a half (to her great displeasure) through the forest until she hit a town.