"What ability?"
Seeing Orochimaru suddenly summon a snake to block her fist, Big Mom's frustration grew.
"You don't need to worry about any ability, but you certainly surprised me! Hahaha, it seems my Konoha Collapse Operation can proceed ahead of schedule!"
Sensing Big Mom's immense strength, Orochimaru couldn't hide his excitement.
"What collapse? What operation? I don't care about any of that, you should die for me!"
With that, Big Mom raised her fist again, preparing to strike Orochimaru.
However, this time, Orochimaru didn't panic.
He simply gave a mental command.
In an instant, Big Mom's body froze in mid-air.
"What's going on? Why can't I move?" Big Mom exclaimed, shock flashing across her face.
Orochimaru laughed. "Hahaha, I gave you this body. You are just a resurrected corpse. I was careless earlier, almost dying from your punch. But now, you won't have that chance again."
He sounded pleased with the results.
He was satisfied with Big Mom's strength. After all, this was just a random arm taken from the many corpses he had used for the Impure World Reincarnation technique.
"If I collect more limbs and use this technique repeatedly, I could create an army of powerful fighters," he mused. "This could really speed up my Konoha Collapse operation."
Big Mom's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean 'corpse'?"
"Can't you see it?" Orochimaru said with a smug smile. "Look at your own body, and you'll understand."
Big Mom, still suspended in the air, glanced down at herself.
Her eyes widened as she realized that while her body looked the same as it had before, it now seemed like a repaired clay figurine, cracked and brittle.
"What is this?" she growled. "My body... it's like... clay?"
Orochimaru smirked. "This is my ninjutsu, Impure World Reincarnation. It summons the souls of the dead back from the world of bliss to the living world, and your body... it's made of clay now."
He paused. For a strong person like Charlotte Linlin, Orochimaru didn't want to erase her consciousness just yet. If she cooperated, he could let her keep her awareness—using her as a powerful ally. But if her consciousness were wiped out, she would be reduced to a mere obedient fighting machine, significantly weaker than her full potential.
"So... I'm really dead?" Big Mom said, processing this.
She paused, thinking. "I remember Finn killing me... but if I'm truly dead, why does my body feel so weak now? This clay body is nothing compared to my original form."
Orochimaru chuckled. "Don't underestimate this body. It's made of 'filthy dirt,' but you won't be killed anymore. Your strength remains formidable, and with this body, you're nearly invincible."
Big Mom's eyes glinted with a dangerous spark. "Invincible, you say?"
She thought of Finn—the one who had killed her. Even in her original body, she had struggled to take him down. But now, with this "invincible" body, she had a chance for vengeance.
"You're telling me," she continued, narrowing her gaze at Orochimaru, "that the only one who can control me is you?"
Orochimaru laughed lightly. "Hahaha, I don't like forcing others into submission. Why don't we make a deal instead?"
Big Mom's cold gaze didn't waver. "A deal?"
"Exactly. I'll help you get your revenge on Finn, and in return, you'll assist me in destroying a village," Orochimaru proposed with a smile.
Big Mom raised an eyebrow. "A village massacre, huh? Sounds fun. But you need to promise me something. After we kill them all, you let me go, and I'll find a way to get my vengeance on that Finn."
"Deal!" Orochimaru agreed enthusiastically.
Big Mom nodded, satisfied with the terms.
"By the way," Orochimaru asked, pointing toward the corpses and limbs scattered nearby, "do you know any of these people?"
Big Mom shrugged. "I know all the strong ones. The rest are just garbage."
Orochimaru's eyes lit up with excitement. "Perfect! You've pointed me toward some powerful corpses."
Big Mom looked curious. "Can you resurrect them?"
Orochimaru nodded. "Yes, if they're as strong as you, I'll be unstoppable."
Big Mom's eyes glimmered with interest. "This is truly intriguing. If you could resurrect all of us and bring us before that person, I wonder what their reaction would be."
"That person?" Orochimaru asked, intrigued.
Big Mom's smile turned cold. "The person who killed us all. If you can resurrect us all with this invincible body, we'll return and take our revenge on him."
Orochimaru's heart skipped a beat.
"Wait... all of you were killed by the same person?" he asked, shocked.
Big Mom nodded. "Yes, including me. If you can truly bring us all back, that person won't know what hit them."
Orochimaru was stunned. A single person had defeated all of these powerful figures? Just how terrifying was this individual?
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