
headaches are annoying

I slowly drifted opened my eyes feeling a massive headache forming in the back of my head.

"...hmm" I fumble at my bedside table, trying to figure out where my phone is when a shining light awoke the thumping headache that was resonating in the back of my head.

I glance at the time '3:23 AM'

"ughhhhh, seriously?! Screw this I'm going back to bed" I shut my eyes waiting for the sleepiness to take me back to dream land but all I could feel was the pounding headache that I wish would just dissapear already.

"Ok I'll go and get some medicine but then its staight back to bed alright?!" I stand up questioning my sanity as I stumble to the bedroom door, stretching my arms out like a zombie making sure not to bump into anything.

I somehow make it to the bathroom where I fumble for the light switch, I exclaim a sigh of relief as the light illuminates the bathroom and the shadowy hallyway.

Turning around I open the cabinate door and down a pill. While doing this I suddenly notice my reflection in the small round mirror ontop of the sink. And also the fact that my arms are way more muscly now...

"Wait what?.....Who??....WHEN??? HOW?" I stumble backwards the figure in the mirror following my every move.

"Who is that? Is that me? when did I become a boy? Wait was I always a boy? Is this all a dream? maybe I'm dead... yeah no I'm obviously dead ..hahaha..." ha

I remind myself to breath steadily before I have a panic attack. While creating a breathing patten I stare at the strangers face in front of me. Poking their cheeks I realise that their skin is suprisingly soft.

I stretch their mouth and make a wierd shape as I examine the rest of their fetures.

They seem to have bright green eyes, blond, princey looking hair and a very... strong.. body..

I blush thinking that its probably wrong to be checking a random dudes body without his permission but then I reavaluate the situation and decided this is probably a special circumstice