
I Can See The Devil

"Real Story From Author" "H" (Ejh) is a normal child in general, but an event that he doesn't want to happen to his life. After he found out that he was descended from INDIGO, The Sixth Sense ability, he became restless and couldn't accept it, various ways he did so that he could become normal again. And seeing those who are invisible has become daily food for him. He has encountered various kinds of obstacles, ranging from disturbances from invisible creatures to NDE he has experienced. There is only one key, being grateful and accepting a gift that he has received is the key to controlling everything. --------------------------------- In this story, everything that happens is real (Depending on the reader's belief, believe it or not, that's the reader's Choices) and there are indeed some events that are minimized because the events are too unreasonable. All characters and names are original, except for some names which have been disguised due to requests from their side. And the names of the places that are there are original except for a few places that can't be named. All Events are based on the Author's Experience. The story starts from middle school until now. --------------------------------- join My Discord Channel - Neptune World https://discord.gg/HDDkJ3Atyr --------------------- Artwork By : Neptunus_96 Copyright : Neptunus_96 - 2022

Neptunus_96 · Seram
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245 Chs

Her Names is Asih

Life is Just Devotion


But now things are different, I'm on the bike and there's no way I'm asking to stop or I'm jumping too. No.

So I do this while I'm riding a motorbike.

I closed my eyes, and stretched my arms to the right and left. Hopefully, the streets are quiet, if it's busy, it's a different story.

I focused on the raindrops that wet my hands.

And in my heart, I ask

"Udan Mandekko!"

(Rain Stop!)

I say it in Javanese.

And I repeat seventeen times.

With an emphasis on every word.

Soon after only three minutes of free time, the rain stopped falling. And what was once very cloudy weather, suddenly the sun appeared.

I swear I don't know how to explain it.

Until now I also don't know if it's because of me or it's just a coincidence. I didn't know that...

But believe it or not, I believe in what I do. The point is it's impossible but from myself, I believe it.

I thank God, that yes at least I have what not many people have and believe.

"Wow, So Cool, how come haha!"

"Haha, Just drive!"

During the journey that we pass must be wet. Because it just rained.

The journey that I took and Zahid was quite long, almost an hour. But not even an hour.

Maybe forty-five minutes.

Finally, Zahid and I arrived at the place.

"Wow, Crazy I swear!!!"

I walked towards the end of the hill to see the view of the beach from the top of the hill or the mountain I don't know. This is very, very beautiful. Extraordinary.

Indeed, we are not directly on the beach, Zahid earlier offered that before going to the beach we will see from above.

I swear it's cool not to lie.

And the coolest thing. I saw a high gate that soared into the golden sky in the middle of the beach.

Is it a palace? Or the kingdom of the South coast?

Or is it something else?

I don't know for sure, because it's visible from afar. The gate was very high and like a palace above the clouds. Because it rises above the clouds.

I took a selfie, wishing that the gate was visible. But it's not possible. Because only certain people can see it. How strange I am.

This alone is beautiful from afar. What if I get closer to the beach.

Because I've always wanted to go to the beach where people say that we can't wear green clothes. Because later it can be carried away by the Queen of the South Coast. I don't know if it's true or just a story.

But I believe in it because now I see for myself this very grand and extraordinary place. Can it be visited?

I thought too much about it.

But it's okay, it's called refreshing.

"Brother Ejh, why are you smiling to yourself!?"

"It's okay Zahid, just having fun"

By the way, the ticket is only three thousand rupiahs.

Since this has not yet been fully implemented, there are still many places that are still under construction projects.

Zahid and I sat in a hut on the edge of a cliff. But it's safe.

Indeed, in front, besides this area is a ravine. Here there are no other tourist attractions or places that can be visited. Because here is a special place for if you want to see a very super duper good view.

And in this hut, Zahid and I are not alone. Because there are also here from 'Them' who are now sitting side by side next to Zahid.

"Zahid, next to you is a girl!"

"Huh? What's her name?"


I'm used to talking to Zahid about 'Them' because Zahid also knows that I can see the invisible.

So one of the people I like to talk to is about my strengths, one of them is Zahid.

Because the first person was him.


Who until now do not know where to go...

"Zahid, she likes you!"

"Ahh, what the heck! Her name is scary, Asih is like in a horror movie!?"

"Hahaha, she's good why don't you bother!"

"Yes, but it's not the same, it's scary!"

I just laughed when Zahid said that. But Asih indeed likes Zahid.

"May I know what did you die from?"

I ventured to ask Asih.

She was just silent, she was beautiful, still easy and if I saw her true form I might be scared too because almost all of her body was destroyed. Her head was crushed too.

That's why I only saw her as a human.

"I jump out of here!"

While pointing at the ravine under this hut.

"Hmmm why?"

"Because I was forced to have sex with my boyfriend!"

"Hmmm has your body been found?"

"No one has found my body!"

She lowered his head and looked down.

"After my body was destroyed, my body was eaten by the wild animals there!"

she stood up and froze looking at the abyss, where she decided to end her life.

Oh, that's so scary. It's fallen apart, eaten uh...

I just kept quiet, because I understood what it was like to be her. What I'm thinking is what about her family? Aren't they're looking for it?

That is for sure.

Indeed, if you dig, there are many more stories about 'them' that many people don't know about.

I got up and asked Zahid to go...

"Zahid let's go down, to that beach!"

While I pointed towards the beach seen from up here.


"DO NOT GO!!!"

I immediately looked back when Asih loudly shouted.

"What Happen Brother Ejh?"

"You go first, I have some business"

Zahid immediately went to the motorbike parking lot.

"What is it?"


While pointing at Zahid.

"I can't Asih, we have to go home!"


Oh, I thought it wouldn't be too complicated, but it's getting noisy like this.

I tried to calm myself down because if I panicked, it would be noisy. I tried to subtly persuade her not to do anything weird. But from Asih itself it is also difficult to communicate and compromise. I glanced at Zahid he was ready on the motorbike. Hmmm after this I will just head to Zahid and leave Asih here.

At the same time, I turned back to Asih.


she disappeared...

Where is she going,??

I quickly turned around to look at Zahid.

And Asih was already beside him.

I ran with all my might...

Don't let him enter Zahid's body...



I have to be faster, before she fills the body, and replaces him.