
I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)

This novel is also known as I Can Bring In-game Items Out I am an ordinary person, just a supernatural being who has awakened my personal space. When the second world of the overwhelming holographic game hits, in the game, the protagonist took out the mineral water in his personal space and took a sip before covering himself up. This, this seems to be in the game? Since then, items in the game can be brought out, and items outside can be brought in, and the life of the protagonist has undergone earth-shaking changes. Flying into the sky and fleeing the earth, what is it like to cast beans into soldiers, holding a Pangu ax and stepping on the Zhuxian sword is nothing but ordinary.

HyperDragonSlayer · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
100 Chs

The number one reward in Novice Village

Chapter 96: The Number One Reward in Novice Village

He looked carefully and found that the stone wall on the surface was slightly different from the stone wall below, as if there were some faint translucent lines.

I just noticed that Xiaodao felt a little dizzy.

Di: After careful observation, you discovered a mysterious existence.

Tip: This may be a method of practitioners, and in your current state, you cannot comprehend the slightest bit.

Mysterious Formation: ???

Tip: Very dangerous, very dangerous, spike is inevitable, don't get close, don't get close.

"Damn it, sure enough! It's really high-end." But it seems impossible to let Xiaodao give up.

It's a big deal to die once.

No, even if you die ten or eight times, you will not give up.

Soon, Xiao Dao got his attention.

I took out a new suction cup from my personal space and stuck it to the stone wall, so it was firm enough.

Then he took out the rope and tied himself to the four suction cups on the top of the cliff.

After finally confirming that it is firm, go offline directly.

Drip: Warning, warning, when you go offline at this time, there is no safety guarantee for your body, please consider carefully.

Xiao Dao, who ignored it, closed his eyes as if he had died.

In reality, he opened his eyes.

There was a **** smell, and there were wolf corpses next to it, but it was midnight and no one noticed.

He waved to the guarding soldier next to him, "Thanks for your hard work."

Then Xiaodao walked quickly, and quickly pulled out the personal flying machine.

This thing? No matter how you look at it, it's not reliable.

The problem is that I am too busy to practice and use it.

I happened to see a few unmanned aerial vehicles next to them, they were the size of toys, but the ones sent by Gouzi were all modified products with different functions.

When I put it away, I fiddled with it a few times.

It's very interesting, but I didn't have the heart to play this at the time.

But I have an impression in my heart, it seems that I can try it.

Yes, this is it.

I flipped through the knives and finally chose one of them. The front can hold things. I wonder if it is used to hold a mobile phone camera or something? Can be controlled remotely.

Immediately replaced the battery and tried it, the front can be clamped, and the force is not small.

The small fruit tree that came to mind, the only size of mature fruit, it is no problem to clamp, and the round shape will not hurt the fruit.

Then immediately control the flying around.

Fool-like operation, no difficulty.

After getting used to it for a while, I feel that the control is not a problem.

Don't waste any more time now, go back to the house and enter the game.

when you open your eyes.

Still hanging on the edge of the cliff! There were wolves howling below.

"Howl, you have the ability to fly up." Looking at the densely packed figures below, Xiaodao raised his middle finger, feeling the urge to throw two thunder melons down.

Damn, are you still in the mood to think about this at this time?

Shaking his head, he took out the remote control plane.

Under control, the drone, which was bigger than a palm, flew from the side of the knife, about one meter above the ground, and slowly flew towards the small tree.

The only mature one is the largest and brightest, more transparent than the others, and it is also at the top of the small tree.

The drone approached slowly, the front end hit it, and with a light clamp, it was easy to get.

Unbelievably smooth.

Breathing subconsciously quickened a bit.

calm down.

How do you feel the ground shaking? Must be an illusion.

What he couldn't see was that the moment this spiritual fruit was picked off, complex lines that were invisible to ordinary people's naked eyes appeared on the mature spiritual fruit.

Not only this one, but the other spiritual fruits on the entire small tree also showed lines that were invisible to the naked eye, but the appearance of other spiritual fruits was not so complicated.

What's even more exaggerated is that after the lines of those immature fruits emerged, they writhed like living things, and they actually broke away from the spiritual fruit directly and flew into the ripe fruit that was picked, making the lines of this fruit even more complicated.

This is the end?

No, far from it.

In this land, besides the Blackbone Tribe, there are many other tribes.

Thirty-six tribes formed a huge pattern.

Every tribe has a hidden reward point, or grass, or small trees, or vines, all of which are precious spiritual objects, waiting for the luck of the lucky ones.

All these special places trembled slightly, like an earthquake.

At this time, complex lines appeared on all these spiritual objects, and the lines disappeared. They still looked as if they were precious spiritual objects, but they had lost the most precious part.

And the fruit picked here has a lot of lines floating out of thin air, submerged in the fruit, exuding a mysterious charm, as if it has reached a kind of perfection.

It's a pity that the only bystander, a mortal like Xiaodao, didn't notice anything at all, and even turned a blind eye.

On the contrary, the pack of wolves below panicked, as if sensing something, they ran away.

The drone flew back.


? ? Spirit fruit: The only one in Wudi, attribute (slightly) countdown: 54 seconds.

Reminder: The spiritual root is a gift from heaven and earth, shaping the spiritual root is an act against the heavens, the countdown ends, the aura dissipates and returns to the heaven and the earth, the spiritual root cannot be shaped, and other effects remain unchanged.

Immediately without hesitation, Xiao Dao directly put the drone and the spirit fruit into his personal space, and then went offline directly.

In reality, I opened my eyes, took off the helmet, and a drone appeared in my hand I picked up the fruit without looking at it, because it was useless to look at it, and stuffed it directly into my mouth.

Possessing spiritual roots and becoming an immortal cultivator is so tempting, who can resist?

It melted in the mouth and slid into the throat automatically, all gone?

No skin, no core, as if it was an illusion just now.

The body also does not have any special feeling?

I finally understand what Zhu Bajie feels like eating ginseng fruit.

Anyway, the taste is gone without taste.

I stood up and walked back and forth for more than ten minutes, but still didn't feel anything.

Forget it, no more wasting time, Knife enters the game immediately.

Depend on!

Entering the game, there is no prompt to obtain the spirit root? Is it useless in reality?

I muttered in my heart, but the knife changed slightly.

He actually saw something looming on the ground around the small tree on the top of the cliff.

Drop: You have discovered the dangerous and terrifying formation more clearly.

Tip: Very dangerous, very dangerous, spike is inevitable, don't get close, don't get close.

This formation enveloped the entire top of the cliff, and there was no place to stay. Fortunately, he was hanging on the edge of the cliff and did not climb up.

Immortal cultivators can fly, so it's not dangerous if they don't land? Can it be easily extracted? Thinking of this, Xiao Dao raised his head subconsciously.

More than two meters high in the air, layers of optical networks flashed away, like an illusion.

Drip: You've spotted a danger lurking in the sky.

Tip: Very dangerous, very dangerous, spike is inevitable, don't get close, don't get close.

"Damn it!" Xiao Dao trembled, and turned his head to look.

Hey, why did the wolves leave, and none of them stayed?

Could it be that the idea of ​​throwing sweet potatoes was received by them.