
I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)

This novel is also known as I Can Bring In-game Items Out I am an ordinary person, just a supernatural being who has awakened my personal space. When the second world of the overwhelming holographic game hits, in the game, the protagonist took out the mineral water in his personal space and took a sip before covering himself up. This, this seems to be in the game? Since then, items in the game can be brought out, and items outside can be brought in, and the life of the protagonist has undergone earth-shaking changes. Flying into the sky and fleeing the earth, what is it like to cast beans into soldiers, holding a Pangu ax and stepping on the Zhuxian sword is nothing but ordinary.

HyperDragonSlayer · perkotaan
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100 Chs

Secret exposed

Chapter 76 Secret Exposure

Such a real game Second World, even the companies under the consortium did not hide it from employees like Ergou, and even found out the secret easily.

It can be seen that the degree of secrecy is not high. It is estimated that everyone with a little status knows it, but a **** like myself doesn't know it.

Therefore, if Xiaodao plans to establish his own company, even if it is a studio, he naturally needs to prepare in advance.

There is no shortage of money, there is no shortage of meat such as vitality pills, and there is a place like Taishuhao, which is better than fighting alone.

Xiaodao has self-knowledge. Although he knows that he is not good at managing people and does not have that kind of leadership, he has various advantages. It should not be a problem to establish his own studio, or even a company, or consortium.

Knife doesn't intend to get too involved.

Even so, it is necessary to earn more cash for investment.

Then the knife entered the game and immediately took out the two puppies.

Handed it over to Xiu'er, in a short period of time, she was tamed by relying on animal taming skills, but the loyalty was horrible, in single digits.

Looking at the two little ones, Young Master Dai and Brother Low-key were very excited, and quickly transferred them.

As a result, loyalty dropped to zero.

The little milk dog struggled and wanted to escape, but it became more and more lively and cute.

"It's a little late, this egg and the fifth-level limit-breaking witch medicine (level 5) should be your compensation." Xiaodao thought for a while, and took it out generously.

"The king dog also has a level bottleneck?" There is a gift, but before they are happy, the faces of the two second generations immediately changed. They are stuck at level 15 and want to die. Killing a wolf outside can complete the breakthrough task, but They had seen the terror and cunning of the Steppenwolf.

When there are too many players, they will wander far away and not approach, and will only attack when there are too many wolves gathered. This makes the players miserable and dare not stay away from the tribe.

After paying a lot of price and trying to set a trap, he managed to kill one of them, but it was taken over by Wang Ma next door.


"Limit-breaking witchcraft, level 5, level 10, and level 15 are all sold here, and there is also the corpse of the wild wolf, which can complete the bottleneck task of level 15." Xiaodao plans to officially make money.

Level 15 witch-breaking potion: 300,000, level 10: 100,000, level 5: 20,000, Wild Wolf corpse: 200,000.

The two second generations were overjoyed, and hurriedly bought the tenth-level witch-breaking potion, as well as the corpse of the wild wolf.

Afterwards, he fed the egg to the dog king, gained ten favorability points, and raised it by one level before resisting the corpse and leaving.

Of course, I am very interested in the effect of eggs, Xiaodao also said that eggs will be sold in a few days.

Both of them are level 15, they can break through the bottleneck, they only need to go to the warehouse to hand in the task.

Seeing the cheap mouth is almost drooling, there is no way, he can't afford a king dog.

"It's also fate for us, you get 20% off when you pick up the goods." Xiaodao recalled the old days. Although this **** hates him, he helped him earn the first few profits.

Of course, with this kid, who is well-informed, some trivial things are not worth wasting time on.

This made the cheap mouth very grateful, and promised again and again, and bought some more goods.

However, Xiaodao really didn't believe this guarantee, but he didn't care.

But he still fulfilled his promise and gave away a wild wolf corpse for free, which can be regarded as fulfilling his promise to help break through the bottleneck of level 15.

This kid is not yet level 15.

The knife is back.

A lot of time was wasted in the past two days, and the progress of the daily penance was affected.

The three had a delicious meal of beast meat.

Then he began to practice the iron cloth shirt, and the soldier picked up the wooden stick and beat it on the body of the knife.

Hard work is relatively simple and rude.

Drop: Iron cloth shirt proficiency +1.

After a few strokes, the knife felt wrong.

Proficiency increases a bit fast.

I realized it carefully.

Soon, Xiao Dao cast an incredulous gaze.

Now, he has realized the battle of blood energy, and blood energy is the essence of blood.

After mastering this ability, it is like instinct, and it can even be done in reality.

Nature can also control blood gas.

Now that he is practicing Iron Cloth, he instinctively absorbs the weak blood energy in the meat of the beast, which is nearly ten times better than before he did not master the power of blood energy, and he can gain more experience. As long as the beast meat is enough, it is not a problem to increase more than 100 experience a day ,.

In the past, it was mainly because I didn't understand the blood energy, and the weak blood energy that I used to consume the beast meat was mostly dissipated and wasted.

This didn't surprise him. What surprised Xiaodao was that as he practiced the iron shirt, he subconsciously infiltrated the blood into the surface of the skin and absorbed it during the blow, which greatly enhanced the effect of practicing the iron shirt.

Calculated now, this made Iron Shirt's proficiency increase almost ten times faster.

What a surprise, blood energy can actually assist in the cultivation of iron cloth shirt, although it consumes a bit more blood energy.

But this is the problem! It's just one or two hundred less food experience gained every day.

This made Xiaodao more motivated to cultivate the iron shirt, and actively extracted blood energy.

After working **** the iron cloth shirt, Xiaodao's appetite increased again.

The day ended quickly, and the entry was smooth, much faster than expected, and went offline afterwards.

Have a hearty breakfast with the boys, practice martial arts together, and then summarize the gains in the game.

Up to now, Xiaodao no longer hides it, and has exposed the secret of the vitality contained in these meats. As long as there is vitality, the martial arts learned in the game can be practiced in reality.

Er Gouzi hasn't left yet, seeing Xiaodao talking, he also explained to everyone the vitality pill, the game's mental stimulation, and a slight chance to comprehend the secret of supernatural powers.

There are also outside companies.

And tell everyone directly that these meats contain vitality pills, which were brought from the game, relying on supernatural powers. Although everyone had guessed it a long time ago, they were still shocked.

It was incredible after all.

Xiaodao smiled, no or no approval.

Well, this is not considered cheating, since I don't have a vitality pill.

This makes everyone practice harder.

Seeing that everyone is passionate, Xiaodao also gave out 100,000 real coins to buy bone coins for cultivation.

This time, no one will be corrupted.

I am particularly concerned about Lenghuo, this kid is the simplest, and he has practiced hard in the game.

At this time, his iron cloth shirt is only one line away from the entry, not weaker than the small knife.

He has already taken all 3 of the rewarded Bodybuilding Pills, but it is a pity that he is only a little short of breaking through.

Lenghuo guarantees a breakthrough within ten days.

Xiaodao thought about it, and asked if he took the elixir again?

"A Body Forging Pill is enough to break through, but that thing is too expensive, it's not worth it if you need one hundred bone coins." Lenghuo said without hesitation.

This made Knife roll his eyes.

Immediately approve its purchase, it must be purchased, and inquire about other medicines, and by the way, there are medicines. If you can get it, you will be rewarded with millions of real coins.