
I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)

This novel is also known as I Can Bring In-game Items Out I am an ordinary person, just a supernatural being who has awakened my personal space. When the second world of the overwhelming holographic game hits, in the game, the protagonist took out the mineral water in his personal space and took a sip before covering himself up. This, this seems to be in the game? Since then, items in the game can be brought out, and items outside can be brought in, and the life of the protagonist has undergone earth-shaking changes. Flying into the sky and fleeing the earth, what is it like to cast beans into soldiers, holding a Pangu ax and stepping on the Zhuxian sword is nothing but ordinary.

HyperDragonSlayer · perkotaan
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100 Chs

people play games or games play people

Chapter 2 People play games or games play people


After eating, heat flowed from the body, warm and comfortable, and I wanted to sleep well.

However, the rookie instructor came over with a big stick, and immediately picked up the stones one by one honestly and started to practice.

The body itself did not recover from fatigue. This time it was extremely difficult to persevere. There was a feeling of regret and collapse, and my eyes were a little blurred. Finally, I persisted to the end. As soon as I relaxed, Taishu Qiu immediately lay on the ground and couldn't get up.

Soon, Grand Uncle Qiu fell asleep.

The rookie instructor glanced at him with a big stick, and a ferocious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Drop: Newcomer instructor's favorability +1.

Opening his eyes suddenly, Grand Uncle Qiu jumped up from the bed.


The helmet is still on.

Take it down.

It can't be a dream.

One induction.

In addition to his regular items, there are several large pieces of rotting animal meat floating in his personal space.

Suddenly, crazy laughter came from the house.

"Snake spirit disease, don't let people sleep early in the morning?"


Uncle Qiu took out a bowl and took out a piece of meat, which was still hot.

Time stops in your own personal space.

The fragrance came out, and I couldn't help but tasted it, it tasted so good.

After taking a bite, a hot current gushed out from the stomach, and the whole body couldn't help shivering, it was really comfortable.

It seems that it is much more responsive than in the game.

Look at yourself again, you have small arms and legs, and you don't have two taels of muscle. It is estimated that even a six-year-old muscular child in the game can't beat it.

It was so delicious, I took another two mouthfuls comfortably, and my body felt like it was on fire.

Oops, it's not overdone, is it?

Soon there is a feeling of drowsiness.

Looking at himself, his skin was a little red, as if he was taking a sauna.

Uncle Qiu bit his tongue, felt the pain, held back, and rushed out.

The speed of the 100-meter sprint started running.

Hoo hoo!

Hoo hoo!

Running desperately, he was as tired as a dead dog.

I came back covered in sweat. Although I was tired, my whole body felt very comfortable.

Sweat is a bit smelly and removes impurities, we know this.

Take a shower and feel restored.

Even fatigue is swept away, this beast meat definitely has the effect of recovering from fatigue.

So Taishu Qiu took out the beast meat again.

make persistent efforts.

In the evening, I took the time to put on the game helmet.

When he opened his eyes, he was already under the totem pole, and the strong hunger came over him, and he saw that other people were getting up quickly.

Turning his head, he saw that the instructor had come.

Grand Uncle Qiu also quickly got up, moved his nose, and rushed towards the cauldron without thinking.

I'm starving.

It's another feast of eating and drinking, and the most important thing is to secretly fill some meat in his personal space.

After eating, I found that two people were still lying there motionless, but the coach ignored them.

Uncle Qiu Ruo realized something.

Start physical training.

After the training, everyone lay down in a mess.

Di: Congratulations, after hard training, experience +1.

Di: Congratulations, strenuous exercise has digested the vitality of the world in the beast meat, experience +2.

The experience is already nine o'clock.

After the training, the instructor left directly.

Uncle Qiu lay down for a while, regained some strength, and went to find a place where no one was around and started stealing food.

Obviously, two meals and two exercises yesterday would normally give you six points of experience. I practiced one more time yesterday, but I only gained a little more experience because I didn't eat well.

Tai Shuqiu, who was full and full, started exercising alone.

Di: Congratulations, after hard training, experience +1.

Di: Congratulations, strenuous exercise has digested the vitality of the world in the beast meat, experience +2.

Di: Congratulations, you can upgrade.

Lying on the ground, after a glance, the coach is walking towards this side with a big stick.


Suddenly, a force gushed out of his body and rushed to his whole body.

Good guy, he has grown a bit, and his fatigue has been swept away.

"Huh?" A child not far away looked over in shock.

Taishu Qiu, who had regained his energy, was even more hungry. Following the instructor's waving of the big stick, he rushed towards the cauldron where the meat was cooked.

Even eat and take.

Well, they are all from their own tribe, of course they are taken, and stealing characters are not allowed.

After eating, I started the primitive physical training, which is to exercise with stones on my shoulders.

It ended smoothly, without the feeling of almost dying last night.

That's the beauty of upgrading.

Taishu Qiu: Strong child of the Black Bone Tribe: Level 2. Experience: 16|20. Life: 97%

Skills: Strength: You are far stronger than the average peer.

Status: Beast meat, restore 1% of life per hour.

That's right, I got a full nine points of experience today, and more importantly, if I can still upgrade to ten points in the future, if I can continue, I will be able to complete the novice task.

However, normal later upgrades require more experience.

Upgrade to improve strength and get good things, but it can bring back reality.

So Taishu Qiu took a rest, then lowered his head again, a small piece of meat came out of his mouth, and he secretly ate it.

Start practicing after eating.

A pair of eyes looked over from afar.

Drop: Newcomer instructor's favorability +1.

All of a sudden, everything stopped, and the eyes went black.

When it turned on again, he was already lying on the bed, wearing a game helmet.

It's already morning.

He jumped up as if he had been injected with chicken blood, and after washing, he ate meat and exercised.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Grand Uncle Qiu felt that he was much stronger.

I took the time to check the Internet, and there was a lot of scolding. They all scolded the second world for being too perverted, and strongly demanded to modify it. Then it was playing a game. The yelling and cursing completely covered everything up.

Opening his eyes again, he appeared in the Blackbone Tribe again.

It's the third day.

Quickly check.

Drip: No experience gained since you terminated the workout.

Before he could feel lost, he found another piece of information.

Drip: You took a nap, regained your energy, digested the vitality of the world contained in the beast meat, experience +2.

Yes, yesterday was equivalent to gaining eleven points of experience.

This seems to be his limit.

Eat meat and hide meat for exercise.

With the gain of three experience points, it is once again possible to level up.


As he reached the third level, his exhaustion disappeared, he immediately turned his head, and opened his mouth to eat meat without others noticing.

Yesterday in reality, the meat has been divided into small pieces that just need to appear in the mouth.

This third day successfully gained experience: 11 o'clock. level three.

On the fourth day, experience: 11 points, plus the previous accumulated experience, finally reached level five.

Taishu Qiu: Strong child of the Black Bone Tribe: Level 5. Experience: 40|40. Life: 98%

Skills: Strength: You are far stronger than the average peer.

Status: Beast meat, restore 1% of life per hour.

Seeing that the task was completed, Grand Uncle Qiu heaved a sigh of relief, but he didn't submit it. Instead, he planned to hang out for another two days and get more wild animal meat.

In a blink of an eye, the sixth day is over.

I thought I could reach level seven, but it turned out to be level five, but I had nineteen experience points left.

Early morning on the seventh day.

When he opened his eyes, he saw the instructor. He didn't hold the big stick, and he didn't have the meaty smell of the cauldron. Instead, there were some rough stone sticks, big and small, long and short, and the instructor looked at them carefully. with everyone.

"Boys, today is a test day. Only the strong are qualified to be hunters, and the weak can only be slaves, humble slaves."

The rookie instructor touched the animal skin with his big stick, and when he came out, he grabbed some off-white powder and sprinkled it on the ground.

Under everyone's shocked eyes, the powder turned into bones, and these bones were beating like life, forming skeletons one by one.