
I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)

This novel is also known as I Can Bring In-game Items Out I am an ordinary person, just a supernatural being who has awakened my personal space. When the second world of the overwhelming holographic game hits, in the game, the protagonist took out the mineral water in his personal space and took a sip before covering himself up. This, this seems to be in the game? Since then, items in the game can be brought out, and items outside can be brought in, and the life of the protagonist has undergone earth-shaking changes. Flying into the sky and fleeing the earth, what is it like to cast beans into soldiers, holding a Pangu ax and stepping on the Zhuxian sword is nothing but ordinary.

HyperDragonSlayer · perkotaan
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100 Chs

New favorite blood vine

Chapter 62: The New Favorite Blood Vine

A blood-colored sprout broke through the ground at a speed visible to the naked eye, it was very tender, Xiaodao felt a certain longing.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Xiaodao didn't intend to pay attention.

"Master, it's a military assassin." The soldier was used to this job, when there was a knock on the door, he immediately went over to see who it was.

"Military stabbing? Could there be news about monsters?" Xiaodao's eyes lit up, and he went to open the door.

"I take the liberty to disturb you." Jun Ba smiled, a little uncomfortable.

"You're welcome, just tell me what you have to say." Xiaodao said.

"Brother Dao once promised me to buy a king dog pet at a low price of one million yuan, but it still counts?" Jun Shi was a little embarrassed.

"You can use it yourself, but you can't resell it."

"Thank you, Brother Dao." Jun Assassin Yixi said hastily.

Drop: The player in front of you transfers the real currency to you: 1,000,000.

"Come here at this time tomorrow." Xiaodao dismissed the army assassin and couldn't wait to close the door.

Drop: Knife transfers money to you: 1,000,000.

Ergou who suddenly heard the prompt sounded a meal.

what happened? Suddenly making money? Surprised at first glance, this money making is too easy, can't it be done in one go?

Is it still earned first?

As soon as Er Gouzi thought of this, he smiled, it was impossible.

Immediately, he began to think again, and had a good talk with Xiaodao tomorrow, how much did he plan to invest? Give an accurate number at a time, don't bother people like this.

Xiaodao makes money easily, since he is his brother anyway, the more he transfers, the safer he should be. According to his method, eight or nine million is not too much.

Let's make a budget of 10 million yuan, which is still quite a bit short.

Then the knife looked at the blood-colored seedling.

Bloodvine (seed): Challenge Level: Zero. Life: 100%. Experience: 0|20, level cap: 80.

Supernatural powers: absorb, can evolve: need 200 experience.

Status: Loyal, a pet that is completely loyal to its owner and will never betray. It can consume pet experience for the owner, and can also consume owner experience for pets.

Tip 1: It feels thirsty, but watering doesn't relieve that feeling.

Tip 2: The pet will occupy one skill bar, 100% loyalty, and the occupied skill bar will be halved.

Tip 3: Its weakness lies in the root system.

Tip 4: The standard seeds processed by special methods have exhausted their potential, and conventional methods cannot break through the bottleneck of level 80.

Generally, newborns are level 1, and this is the first time I have seen level 0. In addition, the experience of leveling up is twice as much as that of players and other pets.

But seeing a supernatural power, this is a pleasant surprise, and the corner of Xiaodao's mouth cracked into a smile.

It's worth it.

Came to the warehouse.

I took out the beast blood, which was quite a lot.

Ordinary animal meat is a regular item for sale. It does not need to be of high quality. It is suitable for ordinary players to buy. Therefore, there are a lot of blood, bones, skin, etc., and some small tasks can also be used.

At this time, the knife poured blood directly on the seedlings.

Sure enough, the blood-colored seedling twisted like a living thing, and there was a hazy instinctive joy.

After absorbing the supernatural power, there is an extra progress, and the speed of the progress is very fast, reaching 100% soon.

Drop: Your pet, blood vine absorbs animal blood, experience +1.

Xiaodao looked at it cheerfully for a while, then poured out the beast blood after absorbing it, and soon gained twenty experience points.

Knife immediately chooses to upgrade.

The seedling grew up at a speed visible to the naked eye, reaching the first level.

Subsequently, the task of pouring blood was handed over to Da Bing.

Xiaodao went out, of course riding his own mount, he still has tasks to complete.

It was cool to ride the mount, and soon according to the task prompt, I came to the upper hillside and came to the home of the Zhan.

It's really poor, and they still live in thatched huts without even a fence.

Xiaodao despised it for a moment before knocking on the door.

Quest: Battle's second bone weapon.

Requirements: Bone Long Knife, Quality: Normal.

Reward: Zhan's favorability +10, choose one of the skills you have mastered.

And the bone knife brought by the pocket knife.

Long Bone Knife: Increase the consumption of energy and blood injection by 10%. Rating: normal

Tip 1: This is a miniature bone knife that contains a small amount of secret bone powder, which leads to a slightly poorer blood energy conduction effect.

Tip 2: Due to the solid materials and more consumables than the ordinary bone knives of the tribe, the evaluation is upgraded to ordinary.

Tip 3: Only by mastering the power of qi and blood can you use bone tools, but you cannot use them.

Xiaodao didn't talk nonsense, he directly took the knife forward and said, "I found the weapon you need."

The war overjoyed to take over.

Di: Congratulations, you have completed the task and gained +10 favorability. Please choose a skill reward.

"Basic blood energy mastering." Xiaodao did not hesitate to choose one of the basic skills instead of those powerful combat skills.

Then Xiaodao was a little dumbfounded.

There are no skill bones and no empowerment-like methods.

It turned out to be this Zhan who told Xiaodao in detail how to stimulate the power in the blood, and then stimulate the blood and so on.

As for how much he can comprehend, whether he can master the basic blood energy, it depends on Xiaodao himself.

Although it was unexpected, Xiaodao still listened seriously.

This is also good, if you really master it, can also be used in reality.

In addition, he has experienced the blood energy that can be emitted when eating the meat of beasts many times, which made him deeply empathize with it, and many things suddenly became clear when he heard it.

Di: Congratulations, blood comprehension +1.

Director Zhan spoke very seriously, and even inspired his blood to demonstrate, and the time passed before he knew it.

When he stopped, Xiaodao found that it was getting dark.

At a glance, the comprehension of my own blood has exceeded 50%, close to 60%.

At this level, plus your own preparation, you can take a risk.

But I still ask this npc to talk about it.

With a little favorability point deducted, Zhan directly stated that if he used the precious blood qi boiling witch medicine, it would be basically no problem to comprehend more than 70% of blood qi, and if he comprehended 50% of blood qi, there would be a two-thirds chance success.

But if it is paired with the blood spirit potion, the comprehension of more than 50% is basically not a big problem.

Saying goodbye to the battle, Xiao Dao rode back on the Black King.

He decided to make a breakthrough, coupled with Dacheng's Thirteen Taibao horizontal training, he is very confident of success.

But the knife is still off the assembly line first.

Early in the morning, the boys outside were making a lot of noise somewhere, obviously wanting to come in again, but Ah Shan blocked it.

Then Xiaodao came out to eat and drink with everyone, and reported the latest progress.

Then, they started practicing kung fu, but Xiao Dao didn't come together, but went into the house and went online.

The sky in the game was pitch black and extremely quiet, and the knife took out all the things it had prepared.

Boiling blood medicine: 1, blood spirit medicine: 9, and beast meat.

He sat in front of the bed, if it wasn't for what Ergou said in reality, he wouldn't be so eager to break through.