
I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)

This novel is also known as I Can Bring In-game Items Out I am an ordinary person, just a supernatural being who has awakened my personal space. When the second world of the overwhelming holographic game hits, in the game, the protagonist took out the mineral water in his personal space and took a sip before covering himself up. This, this seems to be in the game? Since then, items in the game can be brought out, and items outside can be brought in, and the life of the protagonist has undergone earth-shaking changes. Flying into the sky and fleeing the earth, what is it like to cast beans into soldiers, holding a Pangu ax and stepping on the Zhuxian sword is nothing but ordinary.

HyperDragonSlayer · perkotaan
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100 Chs

my witch house is a bit big

Chapter 77 My Witchhouse Is A Little Big

"Millions of real coins? It's no problem to get a wife. It's probably enough to build a house." Lenghuo's eyes immediately lit up, and he went online directly, and he couldn't stop it.

But he soon came back depressed, yelling that Master treated him badly.

Everyone thought that Danfang was out of the question, but when they asked, they found out that Lenghuo only got the task of rewarding Danfang, and did not directly give him Danfang.

This makes everyone roll their eyes directly, be content with you.

Then I asked about the mission, which was really troublesome. It turned out to be a series of missions, which required herbs, wild animal meat, and even beast meat.

But because of this, the overall difficulty is not high.

"Shancao, help Lenghuo to analyze the mission and contact other players. I will give you a million real coins. Be sure to complete the mission as soon as possible. If you don't have enough money, come to me again. After completion, I will reward you with one hundred thousand hard work fees." Xiao Daolue After thinking about it, I don't intend to waste my time on this task.

"Guaranteed to complete the task." Shancao's eyes lit up.

After Ergou left, everyone got the secret, and the passion for practicing martial arts naturally increased greatly.

"It seems that there are not many real coins." Xiaodao scratched his head, spending money by himself is really extravagant.

After that, Xiaodao also practiced hard in a down-to-earth manner, and entered the game at night.

Also practice hard in the game.

A completely real game, the experience of hard training in the game can be realized in reality, so Xiaodao never relaxes himself.

The five Zhan who came from Langyakou had once again accepted the task of Xiaodao, and returned to Langyakou to bring the prey there and bring news there.

For the sake of safety, the mission rewards were increased by 50%, so that there were a lot of npc battles to accept the mission, Xiaodao chose a higher level and more npc battles.

In addition to hard training, Xiaodao also often goes out to complete those combat tasks.

Naturally, they all choose to deliver bone knives, witchcraft, etc., which do not consume time, but are relatively disadvantageous tasks.

Because the knife is also a war, so even if there is no favorability, you can still accept the mission of war.

It's a pity that the title is useless in the tribe, and it is impossible to receive the quest of the witch.

Colleagues who completed the task, Xiao Dao stopped by the cave to purchase and stock up.

Soon, some precious witch medicines were directly cleared by the knife. There was no way, since he discovered that most witch medicines were limited in quantity, he planned to take the blame.

For this reason, the family's warehouse also relied on Xiu'er to expand several times.

In this way, a few days passed by.

The chicken coop expanded, and the knife brought in a batch of chickens from reality, and there were still half-sized chickens, but this time they were screened, and they were all hens.

Fruit trees have also been planted, several kinds.

Wu, the Black Soul Crow has finally completed the depiction of the witch pattern.

"Are you sure you want to include the courtyard wall?" Black Soul Crow asked again.

"That's right, it's safer this way." Xiaodao nodded.

"Since then, activating this witch house with a greatly expanded range will consume nearly ten times more blood energy, which is beyond the reach of ordinary witches. You have to think about it carefully?" Black Soul Crow asked again.

"No problem! I can hire a lot of Zhan to inject blood." Xiaodao said confidently.

This almost choked the Black Soul Crow.

Being rich can be so capricious.

Afterwards, Xiaodao released the task, and the reward was still increased by 50% according to the normal evaluation.

Still only npcs with favorability can borrow quests from players.

As a result, a steady stream of battles came, it seems that 50% more rewards are still very fragrant,

Immediately, they pressed their hands on the witch's house of the knife, injecting blood into it.

The rich and powerful knife casually took out iron sheets, iron wires and the like in reality, which was enough to easily pay the fee, richer and richer than those witches.

This filled Xiaodao Wuju's blood energy very quickly, and it was enough to use it several times under ten times the consumption.

Therefore, more than 30,000 bone coins were consumed, making the knife feel nothing.

Looking at his shaman's residence, Xiaodao was very satisfied.

Witch Residence: (blood energy 100%) Defense Rating: Level 80 Courtyard: A piece of (good land), Well, Level 50, Stone Wall: Level 50 (Owner recognized) Rating: Special witchcraft, low-grade.

Expansion level warehouse: level 50, expansion level chicken coop: level 50. Extended kennel: level 50.

Seal Statue: Level 80, Bloodthirsty Vine: Level 36.

Witch pattern 1: The size is as you wish.

Witch Rune 2: Defense Witch Rune: Strong.

Witch pattern 3: Attacking the witch pattern: Hook Soul Ming.

Upgrade: Identity requirement: witch.

Tip 1: Because your witch house covers too wide a range, and the size of the witch pattern is as large as you want, it consumes ten times the energy and blood.

Tip 2: Witch dwellings, considered by most witches to be flashy special witches, are only built by some special enthusiasts or witches with excellent financial resources.

"Everyone is ready!" Xiaodao walked out with a smile.

The courtyard door was closed.

He put his hand on the courtyard wall.

There was a faint **** light in the palm of the hand, and it sank into the courtyard wall, and immediately sensed the witch pattern on the wall of the stone house. After all, the blood energy at the core of the witch pattern was injected by himself, and he also used this to recognize the master.

With this feeling, the knife was mobilized immediately, and the blood at the core of the rune immediately activated the rune, which was as big or small as desired.

Ruyi, big and small, began to absorb blood energy. Of course, it was a lot of blood energy flooding around, and it was also injected by other battles The witch patterns of Ruyi big and small absorbed blood energy and spread rapidly, covering the stone house in progress. Let the knife feel in control.

This allowed him to rapidly increase his understanding of witch patterns.

Why does it feel like a circuit board? Blood gas is electric current?

If you understand.

But the knife didn't stop, and the power of the witch pattern continued to spread.

It seems that it has exceeded a certain limit, and the consumption has suddenly increased tenfold. After barely spreading the entire courtyard, including the wall, Xiaodao felt a certain limit again, and it would take a hundred times the consumption to spread again.

And my spirit seems to have reached its limit.

Immediately, he changed his mind and urged the size of the witch pattern to be as desired. ,

With the consumption of blood energy, the entire witch residence, including the surrounding walls, shrank rapidly.

When it fell into the hand of the knife, it was only the size of a palm, and it looked like a toy.

I could feel the nervousness of the slaves inside, and the chickens and dogs in the yard seemed to be a little commotion.

"Not bad." The knife was put in his arms.

"Oops! Forgot to release the Black King."

Forget it, the knife sprinkled the secret bone powder, and a strong bone horse appeared, leaped up, and went to the distance.

Soon left the tribe.

Occasionally, it will appear on the road, hanging from afar and staring at it.

After more than an hour, there were hundreds of tails, and there was even a 30th-level junior beast Wilderness Explosive Wolf.

At this time, the wolves were no longer wandering in the distance at all, and under the leadership of Wilderness Burst Wolf, they frantically rushed towards Xiaodao.

Relying on the bone horse, Xiaodao was not caught up.

"It's almost there." The knife stopped, and when he stretched out his hand, a small courtyard was pulled out.