
I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)

This novel is also known as I Can Bring In-game Items Out I am an ordinary person, just a supernatural being who has awakened my personal space. When the second world of the overwhelming holographic game hits, in the game, the protagonist took out the mineral water in his personal space and took a sip before covering himself up. This, this seems to be in the game? Since then, items in the game can be brought out, and items outside can be brought in, and the life of the protagonist has undergone earth-shaking changes. Flying into the sky and fleeing the earth, what is it like to cast beans into soldiers, holding a Pangu ax and stepping on the Zhuxian sword is nothing but ordinary.

HyperDragonSlayer · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
100 Chs

I discovered a shocking big secret

Chapter 1 I discovered the shocking secret

You were born into a small tribe in the wilderness, the Blackbone Tribe.

You survived and grew up healthy, finally turning six years old this year.

According to the customs of the tribe, you, who are strong, were driven out of the cave.

Along with other strong peers, you have earned the right to practice martial arts, you have earned the right to live under a totem, and you have earned the right to feast on the meat of the tribe.

Novice task: Reach level five. (six days)

Failure: the weak become slaves.

Reward: The strong become the hunter.

Taishu Qiu opened his eyes, looking around excitedly, touching this and that.

It's so real, this game is so real, it's unbelievable, I thought I had traveled through it.

Unexpectedly, the publicity did not lie, and the current technology actually has such a 100% real game, which is absolutely perfect black technology.

Surrounded by strong and inhuman children, wearing animal skins, looking at the muscles, it is estimated that the grown-up self is no match.

Look at yourself again.

hey-hey! Now also a muscle monster.

Subconsciously put on a muscular pose, but unfortunately there is no camera.

After leaving the cave, I came under the standing totem pole with a dozen or so muscular kids.

Standing next to him was a tall and strong savage, who immediately caught Taishu Qiu's attention.

Damn, the problem is that you are wearing animal skins, carrying rough stone sticks, and having scars all over your body, but why do you have two heads, and the other head has fierce eyes, full of fangs, and the mouth is cracked to the base of the ears , still drooling, looking at the many children with green eyes, as if looking at delicious food.

This is a human being.

Take a closer look.

Rookie Instructor Big Stick: Challenge Rating: 12. life:? ? ?

Skill 1: Cannibal head, the parasitic second head is his strongest point, he likes to eat human heads.

Skill 2: ? ? ?

"Damn!" Grand Uncle Qiu muttered in his heart, and leaned back.

The instructor raised his stick and pointed at the cauldron not far away.

Uncle Qiu, who was completely attracted by the instructor team's appearance, subconsciously took a breath, it was so fragrant.

It was only at this time that he realized that a large piece of meat was cooking in the cauldron, and the aroma was overflowing.

Immediately, the muscular kids were already salivating, and they jumped up cheering.

There were a few people who were slow to react and looked around, Taishu Qiu saw at a glance that it should be the same player as himself.

Immediately, he also rushed forward, trying his best to imitate other npcs.

"It's delicious!"

"It's so delicious."

Uncle Qiu ate several times as much as his adult self in real life before he patted his swollen belly in satisfaction.

After eating, I feel the heat in my stomach is very comfortable, and I want to have a good sleep.

The other muscular children also lay comfortably on the ground, their bellies swollen high, humming contentedly.


The instructor hit the ground with a stick, like an earthquake, came over and kicked the nearest unlucky ghost and screamed.

Soon, Taishu Qiu and the others lifted the big rocks together and began painful primitive physical exercises.

"Too full to eat is not suitable for exercise." Looking at the ferocious instructor, Grand Uncle Qiu only dared to mutter in his heart.

"Damn, so what if it's 100% true. I'm not here to suffer. It's too painful. I won't play anymore." A child roared, threw down a big stone, lay down on the ground and gasped.

The instructor strode over and kicked him out.

"Crack!" The child screamed miserably, his legs and arms bent directly, and blood gushed out.

He folded his arms and howled with disbelief all over his face.

"Trash! You are only worthy of being a slave, but we will wait until you survive." The instructor grabbed the child by the back of the neck ferociously and threw it out.

The unlucky ghost fell heavily to the ground and remained motionless, not knowing whether he was unconscious or dead.

With this example, Grand Uncle Qiu immediately survived. After all, a hero does not suffer from immediate losses, and this game is 100% painful.

Di: Congratulations, after hard training, experience +1.

Di: Congratulations, strenuous exercise has digested the vitality of the world in the beast meat, experience +2.

After the end, Grand Uncle Qiu fell limply on the ground like mud, his whole body was sore and weak, and was drenched in sweat.

I have never suffered so much in my life.

"It's really his grandma, it's not something people can bear, if you persist until you quit, I won't play anymore."

Uncle Qiu stretched out his hand, and a bottle of ice-cold mineral water appeared in his hand, and he gulped it down, really comfortable.

Then he was dumbfounded.

mineral water?


This, this is a game, how is it possible.

With a hasty shake of his hand, the mineral water disappeared, and he carefully looked around, lying half-dead and panting, as if no one paid attention to him.

Grand Uncle Qiu's heart beat faster, he grabbed a handful of soil, and after a try, he actually put it into his personal space.

This made his heart beat even harder.

I, I seem to have discovered a great secret.

Uncle Qiu is not an ordinary person. He has awakened supernatural powers. It's not a powerful thing, just a one-cubic-meter personal space.

Just relying on this, it is still a good mix.

I came out of the nightclub yesterday and saw the overwhelming advertisements, 100% authentic, welcome to the second world, the holographic gaming helmet is on sale today.

100% true? Uncle Qiu didn't believe that the current technology could achieve it, but he still couldn't resist ordering one.

The price of this helmet is not nine hundred and ninety-nine, nor ninety-nine, but nine thousand and ninety-nine for you directly.

Now Xiaodao is very grateful for his choice.

At this time, he climbed up with difficulty and began to face the game seriously.

Check your properties first.

Taishu Qiu: Strong child of the Black Bone Tribe: Level 1. Experience: 3|10. Life: 99%

Skills: Strong: You are far stronger than ordinary people.

Status: Beast meat, containing the vitality of heaven and earth, restores 1% of life every hour.

"Looking at it this way, it takes three days to level up, and five days is not enough to reach level five."

"The novice tasks are all this difficult?"

The knife moved his nose, and the meat started to cook again in the cauldron.

I looked over and took a closer look.

Beast Meat (Raw): Contains weak vitality of heaven and earth, but because it is undercooked, there is a 1/5 chance that you will have diarrhea if you eat it.

Walking around, there are many simple farmlands around, some yellow and thin slaves are working hard, obviously the food here is not enough.

Drip: You are too far away from the totem pole, do you want to give up the novice task?

Trembling, Grand Uncle Qiu hurriedly backed away.

Back under the totem pole, other people were lying down and sitting lazily, some were sleeping soundly, and a few people were chasing and playing.

After all, it was a game, and I completely recovered from my fatigue.

Taishu Qiu walked over directly, picked up the stone and started exercising.

As long as I can't die, I will practice to death.

Hearing the ridicule and discussion, Grand Uncle Qiu didn't pay attention at all.

Drop: high-intensity training, experience +1, life -3%.

The rookie instructor who didn't know when he left appeared with a big stick. He waved the stick and pointed at the cauldron.

Uncle Qiu looked over and saw that the meat was already cooked.

My stomach also growled, and I was very hungry.

The other children didn't seem to be hungry, so they walked towards the tripod in twos and threes without haste.

And Grand Uncle Qiu rushed over frantically.

I'm starving.

Covered by his figure, he dug vigorously with a wooden bowl, and he collected pieces of stewed and rotting beast meat into his personal space.