
I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)

This novel is also known as I Can Bring In-game Items Out I am an ordinary person, just a supernatural being who has awakened my personal space. When the second world of the overwhelming holographic game hits, in the game, the protagonist took out the mineral water in his personal space and took a sip before covering himself up. This, this seems to be in the game? Since then, items in the game can be brought out, and items outside can be brought in, and the life of the protagonist has undergone earth-shaking changes. Flying into the sky and fleeing the earth, what is it like to cast beans into soldiers, holding a Pangu ax and stepping on the Zhuxian sword is nothing but ordinary.

HyperDragonSlayer · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
100 Chs

I'm really stupid

Chapter 3 I'm Really Stupid

"If you kill a skeleton, you will be qualified as a hunter, otherwise you will be a slave." The rookie instructor shouted loudly with a big stick.

While the other children were startled, Grand Uncle Qiu was full of excitement, can this powder summon skeletons? I bring the powder back to reality, can I use it like this?

Excited just thinking about it.

Uncle Qiu took a look.

Skeleton and Skeleton: Level 5.

Tip: The unique skill of the Blackbone Tribe, the skeleton revived by Dry Bones Revival.

Can you beat me at the same level as myself? I have no confidence at all.

No, didn't I complete the task? Why more tests?

Quickly check the tasks.

Novice task: Reach level five. (six days) (completed and ready for submission)

Failure: the weak become slaves.

Reward: The strong become the hunter.

"Submit!" Grand Uncle Qiu immediately made a choice.

Di: Congratulations, you have completed the task and become a hunter, and you will get the reward: skill column one.

Seeming to have discovered something, the rookie instructor turned his head with a big stick, looked at Taishu Qiu and said: "You are very good, you have the qualifications to become a hunter, and you don't need this test anymore."

"Damn, it can't be, there are still benefits to practicing stupidly on weekdays?" someone shouted, obviously a player.

"It's not fair!" Someone whispered again, with deep displeasure.

"Of course, you can also choose to challenge the skeletons to prove your strength." The rookie instructor said again.

This made the player amused, thinking that his muttering had worked, and gave Grand Uncle Qiu a smug look.

"I will choose to challenge if I'm stupid." Grand Uncle Qiu rolled his eyes.

Di: Your favorability is up to the standard, and the balance of experience is up to the standard. At this time, the task performance is the first, and the hidden conditions are met. The newcomer instructor Big Stick releases the task: "Graduation exam, challenge the fifth-level skeleton."

Task: Graduation exam, challenge the skeleton, and ask to kill a resuscitated skeleton.

If it fails, the favorability of the rookie instructor's big stick will be cleared.

Success: Obtain the skill reward of the rookie instructor's big stick.

This made Taishu Qiu's eyes light up, and he stared at the instructor.

Rookie Instructor Big Stick: Challenge Rating: 12. Life: 92%

Skill 1: Cannibal head, the parasitic second head is his strongest point.

Skill 2: Bone Resuscitation.

"I'm really stupid." Grand Uncle Qiu said loudly, "I choose to challenge."

There was a sneer and a contemptuous idiot.

Then Grand Uncle Qiu immediately chose to accept.

At the same time, he flew up, picked up the most ferocious and sturdy stone stick, and rushed towards the skeleton.

"Damn, coach, it hasn't started yet, this kid is cheating." Someone said angrily.

It's not just because the stone stick chosen by Tai Shu Qiu is the most complete, looks the strongest, and has no cracks.

Also because Taishu Qiu chose to stand up at the end, it seems that there are not enough bones, a skeleton with one arm missing, only level four.

The stone stick slammed down with all its strength, but was blocked by an arm of Skull Island, and its body swayed.

So strong.

Uncle Qiu didn't stop at all, he smashed desperately, smashed desperately, and used all his strength.

The smashed skeleton had no chance to fight back, barely resisted, and retreated from the shaking. Afterwards, cracks appeared on the bones of the arm, and finally shattered.

Losing both arms, the fourth-level skeleton has completely become a target.

"Hoo hoo!" Seeing the broken bones on the ground disappear into nothingness, Grand Uncle Qiu excitedly waved the stone stick and shouted.

At this time, the others had already fought one-on-one with the resuscitated skeleton.

It is really pitiful that the stone stick of the unlucky ghost has broken.

"Not bad, not bad! Congratulations on becoming a hunter. As the most outstanding performer, I will pass on the power you and I have mastered." The rookie instructor came over with a big stick, patted Taishu Qiu on the shoulder and laughed.

I don't care about the sore shoulder that was patted.

Taishu Qiu appeared in front of his eyes.

Drip: You can choose to learn skills, have a vacant skill column, and meet the learning conditions.

Skill 1: Cannibal head.

Requirement 1: A cannibal head grown from a willow tree with a human head. (not satisfied)

Requires 2: Level 10. (not satisfied)

Requires 3: Balance Experience: 100. (not satisfied)

Skill 2: Dry Bones Revival.

Requires 1: Balance Experience: 10. (Satisfy)

Is there a choice?

Uncle Qiu immediately chose the dry bone resuscitation technique.

"Bone resuscitation is very suitable for a young hunter like you, and you need to go to the bone sacrifice to exchange for bone meal." The rookie instructor took out a blackened bone from his arms and handed it to Grand Uncle Qiu.

There are strange lines on this bone, like a twisted skull.

Bone Resuscitation: Crush can be learned.

This made Grand Uncle Qiu kuaixi, not to teach it directly, but a skill book, um, skill bone, great, bring it to reality to see if it can be used.

Suppressing the ecstasy in his heart, Grand Uncle Qiu took it.

Stuffed into his arms, he naturally put it into his personal space, which is the safest.

"Oops! A few cubs died."

At this time, the rookie instructor Dabang noticed that some people were killed by the skeleton, and others were being hunted down by the skeleton.

But with his attention, those skeletons who were in absolute advantage stopped.

"Boys, you will be slaves from now on."

A disheveled, malnourished and disheveled slave came over to pick them up.

In the end, except Taishu Qiu, only five people successfully passed the test and became hunters, and two of them were seriously injured.

"Damn it, the slave can only be promoted to the fifth level at most, what a joke." Someone over there said angrily, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is clearly the player.

Grand Uncle Qiu quickly checked, and finally he could upgrade.

Taishu Qiu: Blackbone Tribe Novice Hunter: Level 5. Experience: 12|20. Health: 97%, Level Cap: 10.

Skills: Blank.

Drop: Get a new quest, Hunter's Way.

Mission: The Hunter's Way.

1: Reach level ten. (undone)

2: Own your own weapons. (undone)

3: Combat skills, introduction to basic skills (not yet completed)

"You are very good. Let me make friends. My name is Junba." One of the other five successful people came over.

"Army Assassin, are you a veteran? My name is, um, just call me Xiaodao." Grand Uncle Qiu paused, smiled immediately, and checked the other party's attributes.

The name cannot be seen, but!

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be only level 4, and also has basic fighting skills? Where did this come from?

There was a vicious look behind him, Xiaodao looked up.

The boy who was injured the most is just a **** who likes to make sarcastic remarks!

"Oh, the injury is serious, why are you so careless." Xiaodao turned around, blocking the view of others while raising his middle finger.

"You!" The cheap mouth spat out a mouthful of blood, and was speechless for a long time.

"Oh, don't hang up, you finally became a hunter." Xiaodao immediately stepped forward to pat his head and back with concern.


Drip: Members of the same tribe are seriously injured. Your behavior has caused the target's injury to worsen. If it continues, it will be regarded as an attack.

"It's not too heavy, and I'm caring about my companions, it's so unreasonable." Xiaodao muttered unhappily, and had to stop.