
I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)

This novel is also known as I Can Bring In-game Items Out I am an ordinary person, just a supernatural being who has awakened my personal space. When the second world of the overwhelming holographic game hits, in the game, the protagonist took out the mineral water in his personal space and took a sip before covering himself up. This, this seems to be in the game? Since then, items in the game can be brought out, and items outside can be brought in, and the life of the protagonist has undergone earth-shaking changes. Flying into the sky and fleeing the earth, what is it like to cast beans into soldiers, holding a Pangu ax and stepping on the Zhuxian sword is nothing but ordinary.

HyperDragonSlayer · perkotaan
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100 Chs

Hey, helpless slap in the face

Chapter 61 Hey, helpless slap in the face

"Let, let it go to you, I just don't believe it, you can buy it all, don't collect the money and don't get it back, I'll see how you settle the bill, everyone will watch together, this is the legendary fairy, ha ha!" The king next door Mom was so angry that she laughed back, and yelled at her in disregard of her image.

He heard the system prompt and chose to confirm the transfer.

"Wang Ma next door got into a fight with me?"

"It's necessary! I really want to buy something."

Xiao Dao shook his head slightly, he didn't want to confront someone with a lot of money, but he bumped into him.

So he said to the sunny youth, "Can I buy it?"

"Yes! He gave you the opportunity, a total of 150 iron coins, which is 1.5 million bone coins." The sunny youth smiled and looked at the knife and waited for the check.

Thinking about the small knives, the bone knives are at least 10,000 yuan, and one hundred and fifty can be assembled within a few days.

but! Now I'm being forced to.

As he thought about it, there was a mocking laugh from Wang Ma next door.

"Look at how much this can cost." The man held his breath, and the knife became cruel, and directly took out a piece of debris.

It is precisely here that the value of this thing is determined.

"Let me see!" Sunshine Youth's eyes lit up, and he took it.

These are metal fragments. The knife was prepared a long time ago, but it is only a metal weapon used by witches, so it has not been taken out, and I am not sure if there is a difference between metal in reality and in the game?

After all, the metals in this world are extracted from the bones of beasts and beasts, which are different from the real sources.

Black light emanated from the hand of the sunny youth, spreading on the iron sheet, as if it had penetrated into it.

"The conductivity of the metal is very good. I sensed it. It should be worth eighteen iron coins. Do you have any objections?" The sunshine boy smiled even brighter.

"Yes!" Xiaodao breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it can be used, he remained unmoved on the surface, and took out a few more metal fragments of different shapes from his pocket.

And the piece that was taken out first, worth eighteen iron coins, was the smallest and lightest.

"Forty-two iron coins."

"Thirty-nine iron coins."

"This is enough, one hundred and twelve iron coins."

"That's enough. Others can be exchanged for iron coins for you. Basically, I only earn a small amount. Do you still need it?" the young man asked expectantly.

"Okay, it's easy to use iron coins."

"Okay!" The sunshine youth's smile stopped instead.

Drip: You have obtained Yindu Merchant, Absolutely Light Favorability: 1.

Xiaodao was overjoyed, and checked to see if there was any task.

Drip: Your strength is too weak to accept the current mission.

Damn, I'm drunk.

"It's worth two hundred and seventy-six iron coins in total, and I'm looking for you for one hundred and twenty-six iron coins." The Yindu merchant, Jue Wuguang, handed over the items and the remaining iron coins to Xiao Dao.

Compared to the extremely thin bone coin with almost no weight, the iron coin is much thicker, and there are lines on it, but it is much simpler than the witch pattern that Xiaodao has seen.

"Depend on!"

"this is okay too?"

"What treasures are those fragments? They are so valuable."

"Didn't you see that it's metal, a proper fragment of a witchcraft."

"Brother Immortal, no wonder it is the legendary Brother Immortal, I am convinced."

"Please take my knees."


"Are there any other trading items?" Xiaodao asked quickly.

Things like iron, I can't have more.

But the Yindu merchant, Jue Wuguang just nodded at the knife and sighed: "You are too weak! Those that you can't use, for the honor of the merchant, I can't sell them to you."

After that, he jumped up, turned into black light, and submerged into the vortex, which shrank rapidly and disappeared directly.


Carrying the statue on his shoulders, Xiaodao put away the other prey, and straightened his body, landing on the back of the Black King.

The Black King leapt forward, jumped high, and fell into the distance amidst exclamations, and disappeared from everyone's sight in a short time, leaving only exclamations.

And the messy Wang Ma next door in the wind.

"How could there be such a big gap." Even though he had stepped down from the army and had a firm will, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Although it's only a billion points away.

The knife returned to the courtyard.

He let out a sigh of relief and had to admit that although he didn't deliberately pretend to be aggressive, it felt really cool.

Only then did I look at the Yindu merchants, the products that are absolutely dull.

Not three, but four.

There was an extra small sign, it was very thin, and it was pasted together with the life-protecting soul card, but I didn't find it.

It's also black, and the weird lines on it form a black swirl.

Yindu businessman, a friendship without light.

Function: Summon Yindu Merchant, no light to trade.

The minimum requirement for Yindu Merchant trading: level 80, and break through the mortal level.

This made Xiaodao overjoyed, but he couldn't help sighing when he saw the requirement of level 80.

It's early, put it away first.

Immediately, he cheerfully placed the statue beside the door, and took out the other two.


"Master brother!"

"Give this the first drop of blood." Xiaodao smiled and took out the sign Oh! "Xiu'er came over foolishly, dripping blood without hesitation.

The last one is the **** seed.

Then without hesitation, he pricked his finger, and a drop of blood dripped onto it.

Immediately, patterns similar to witch patterns appeared on the seeds, which gave Xiaodao He Qi a faint connection, a bit like a pet.

Di: Congratulations, you have obtained a special pet, which has been specially brewed by the Yindu people, and the loyalty is constant at 100.

Xiaodao couldn't help being overjoyed.

"Big soldier, come here!" Xiaodao waved his hand, this kid has planting skills, let him plant it.

The soldier ran over foolishly, and planted the seeds in the middle of the field in front of the main entrance according to Xiaodao's instructions.

At this time, the field was lush and lush, with many native crops planted, and a knife brought from reality. Basically, these became the feed of the three chickens.

Xiu'er also added broth and other porridge to them.

Of course, it is also occasionally used as a swap for everyone's meat.

Di: Congratulations, your slave soldier has planted a special plant, his proficiency has greatly increased, the planting technique has been upgraded to a great success, and he has mastered the spawning technique.

"Not bad, not bad, surprise!" Xiaodao couldn't help but laugh.

Drop: Your slave soldier, favorability +5, currently: 95.

That's right, since it reached ninety points, it hasn't increased any more, and now it's directly increased by five points.

Xiaodao was happy, and rewarded him with the normal quality of the limit-breaking witch medicine (level 15) that he had exchanged for reputation.

Successfully broke through the level 15 bottleneck.

Drop: Your slave soldier, favorability +1, currently: 96.

It only increased a little, slightly dissatisfied.

Afterwards, the soldier immediately watered the blood vine, planted it, he was familiar with it.