
I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)

This novel is also known as I Can Bring In-game Items Out I am an ordinary person, just a supernatural being who has awakened my personal space. When the second world of the overwhelming holographic game hits, in the game, the protagonist took out the mineral water in his personal space and took a sip before covering himself up. This, this seems to be in the game? Since then, items in the game can be brought out, and items outside can be brought in, and the life of the protagonist has undergone earth-shaking changes. Flying into the sky and fleeing the earth, what is it like to cast beans into soldiers, holding a Pangu ax and stepping on the Zhuxian sword is nothing but ordinary.

HyperDragonSlayer · perkotaan
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100 Chs

Almost invincible by 1 point

Chapter 81 Almost Invincible

"Woohoo!" Ah Shan stared at the hounds here, especially the biggest black king, and let out a warning sound, blocking Xiaodao.

Its whole body's hair stood up, and it was obviously terrified.

Even so, it never retreats.

This is the mountain dog.

"Ha! My own person, no, my own dog." Xiaodao stroked Ah Shan's hair, comforting him to relax.

Then I looked around and checked one by one. They were all real people, definitely not virtual.

If it is really brought out, then this game must be the real world. "

The second world, what a big deal.

No wonder, this game world is so real, no flaws can be found.

As the first virtual reality game, it is not just as simple as black technology.

There is definitely a big conspiracy.

Whether it's aliens or others, Xiaodao can't worry about it now, the key is to improve his strength.

That is an extraordinary world, a treasure that does not open doors to oneself, no matter what the reason is, one must seize it.

Of course, in reality, we must also have our own power, after all, this is a legal society with technological power.

Trying to calm myself down, the sky has already begun to brighten.

Hastily took out the clothes from the personal space, and let Xiu'er go back to the room to change.

Xiaodao closed his eyes slightly, concentrated and sensed.

An experiment was about to be carried out. This was the idea that came to him when he saw the witch put down the witch house and walked out of the battle.

If it can be realized, I am afraid that I will be invincible, and the speed of improving my strength will be greatly accelerated in reality, haha!

With the same 100% loyalty, the sensory connection between the soldiers and the bloodthirsty vines is much weaker than in the game. Xiu'er is slightly stronger, but it is also limited, almost twice as weak as in the game.

Contact is still there!

Then try to let them transfer the experience to themselves, the real self in reality.

After working hard for a while, Xiaodao could only sigh.

No, otherwise, in reality, my body can quickly become stronger, and this is my purpose.

Afterwards, the soldiers guarded the yard, and Xiaodao came out with Xiu'er.

"My God, why is there an extra courtyard here? Is it the style of the tribe in the game?" An incredible cry sounded from a distance.

Obviously it's morning, and the Faxiao guys are here.

Seeing this, Xiaodao went up to meet him.

"Wow!" Seeing a timid little beauty behind Xiaodao, he immediately let out a more surprised cry.

"My God, Brother Dao is amazing."

"What a cute and pure little sister!"

"It's over, it's over, Brother Dao has fallen, and you look at the beauty still wearing Brother Dao's clothes."

One by one let out a malicious laugh.

Where did you get this little girl?

Brother Dao, I can't see that you still have this skill.


Everyone fussed and booed, they didn't even bother to find the stone courtyard.

Of course, shrewd guys like Shancao took care of it, but they wouldn't ask.

"Okay, okay, let's eat."

Xiu'er was nervous, but was soon attracted by the delicious food.

It is also animal meat, but there are so many ways to do it?

With those magical seasonings, the taste has changed a lot.

"Okay, what a heroic girl, I really can't see it, she is worthy of being Brother Dao's woman." Everyone was immediately shocked by Xiu'er's appetite.

I really can't tell that such a pure and petite girl has a bigger appetite than them? It tastes so unpretentious?

Xiaodao didn't bother to explain, otherwise these guys would definitely keep talking more and more.

Xiu'er has already been instructed on everything that needs to be told. Her task is to guard the knife when it enters the game, and to learn cooking skills from her aunt.

They all came from Taishuhao, and the aunt's craftsmanship is not kept secret. Of course, the main reason is that the money given by Xiaodao is high enough.

So Auntie promises to teach with heart, but whether girls are willing to learn now is the question.

Holding a knife, Xiu'er easily sliced ​​and sliced ​​the animal meat, and her movements were smooth and smooth, just like art.

All of a sudden, the aunt opened her mouth, she was dumbfounded, she couldn't do this.

Naturally, Auntie asked many questions, but at most Xiu'er just smiled shyly and didn't answer.

Of course, this is also Xiaodao's advice.

After eating and drinking enough, it is still hard to practice thirteen Taibao horizontal exercises.

The day passed by in a hurry, and everyone was naturally curious about the stone courtyard that popped up suddenly, but Xiaodao didn't answer, which made everyone feel embarrassed to keep asking.

With the support of real funds and the martial arts you carry, the low-level bottleneck in the game does not exist. Everyone has steadily improved in the game and has easily emerged, surpassing other players who are stuck in the level bottleneck and want to die They are gone.

With the command and help of Shancao and other think tanks, and of course the means of spending money, Lenghuo's chain mission has been half completed, and it is estimated that it will be completed in two days.

At this time, a hall was reserved in the luxurious hotel, and a large number of players gathered here. Many of them had only seen this level of high-end consumption on TV, which was naturally eye-opening.

High-end dishes, delicacies, foreign wines, and red wines are still enjoyed by everyone In reality, Wang Shao, the next-door Wang Ma, speaks freely and chats happily.

Young Master Dai, the low-key brother who is at the side to set off and cooperate, is completely willing to play a supporting role, and many players have seen this.

This is completely different from being in the game.

But this is not a game, and many players are still quite cautious, without all the strange states in the game.

Including the wind blowing **** cool who thinks he is the number one licking dog.

He seemed very shy and didn't talk much.

Dai Shao stood up and said loudly: "I declare that from today onwards, the Taishang League will be merged into the Yuanmeng League."

"The Tongtian League has been merged into the Primordial League!" The low-key brother also announced.

The players below were honest, basically not surprised, and completely different from the game.

At this time, Wang Shao also stood up and said loudly: "I announce that from today onwards, there will be gatherings every year, at least twice, just like this time, all expenses for carriage and horses, and entertainment expenses will be reimbursed."

Suddenly there was an uproar below, and the players became excited.

"I announce that the basic salary of all players in the original league will be doubled in the future."

"Long live!" Finally, some players couldn't help shouting, and they immediately applauded.

"In addition, the Primordial League has begun to expand. As long as a player can be recruited to sign a contract, the reward will be 1,000. Veteran players above level 10 will be rewarded with 2,000." Wang Shao shouted loudly.

"Long live Long live Long live!"

Many players have their minds tricked, new players are easy to fool, not to mention that the basic salary of 2,000 is not a lie, this is super attractive.

Some veteran players have considered joining, but did not join for various reasons. Many of them are friends of the same period. Now that they have a base salary of 2,000 bonus, it seems that they can try to win them over.