
I Can't Stop Loving You

"Be my wife. For six months and after divorce you will get 10 billion " he said while handing her the contract. ........ " I need a divorce!" " There's no that word ' divorce ' in my dictionary, wifey"

Kim_Aromy · perkotaan
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5 Chs

I won't marry him

It was a winter day in the golden city. Lani, a beautiful girl wearing a big coat and a scarf held an envelope in her hand. She looked very happy. "William must be happy after seeing that I got my doctor's certificate," Lani said to herself as she entered her boyfriend's apartment. They had not seen each other for a while due to Lani being busy with her exams. That day, Lani decided to surprise her boyfriend.

After entering the house, she was shocked to hear moans and grunts coming from William's room. "What is this? Ahh I shouldn't overthinking maybe he's watching something on television," said Lani as she slowly moved and opened the door of the room.

The envelope she was carrying fell from her hand after witnessing what happened in William's room. She couldn't believe her eyes after witnessing the man she loved for more than four years making love with another woman. She felt like her world turned black and didn't know what to do at that time.

William got out of bed very quickly and wrapped a sheet around his waist. Then he started to approach Lani, who stood frozen at the door. "Lani, it's not as you think, I was drunk, please" said William, trying to explain.

Lani looked at the man who betrayed her and then at the woman lying in bed. "This woman... It's not the first time I've seen her. Didn't you say she's your cousin?" said Lani as she slowly shook her head. She didn't know what to do at that time, if she should laugh for being stupid all those days or cry for having hope for a man who doesn't worth. Lani bent down picked up her envelope, and left the room.

"Lani, please listen to me, forgive me, I know I'm wrong," William tried to stop Arya, but it was not possible because Lani continued to walk without turning back as tears flowed from her eyes, William couldn't bring himself chase after her because he didn't wear clothes so he just stood there and sight in disappointment

After leaving the building, she called a taxi and headed home.

At Mr Michael's house, there was a guests. William's parents visited Mr Michael's house to discuss about the marriage between their children

"Mr Michael, it's been a long time since the children engaged, and I heard Lani has finished her exams so i think it's the right time for them to get married" said Mr Francis while his wife Stella nodded with to support what her husband says.

"It's true, Elder Francis, it's the right time for them to get married. I'm not against that idea at all," said Mr Michael very happily. His wife, Juliet, did not contribute much to the topic because for her, her daughter's happiness is her priority.

While they were planning the wedding day, Lani came in and greeted them. Then she stood in front of them. "Mother, father, uncle, aunt, I'm sorry for what I'm going to say, but this marriage will not happen!" said Lani while bowing her head then she went to her room.

Mr Francis and his wife face darken in disappointment, seeing that Mr Michael tried to easy atmosphere

"I'm sorry, Mr Francis, I think something is wrong. Let's talk to our daughter and find out why she is like this. You know these young people are very easy to have a fight with when they are in a relationship," Said Elder Michael in an attempt to calm Elder Francis and his wife.

"Bring that foolish daughter of yours here. How can she do something stupid like this!" shouted Mr Michael and Juliet begged him to control his anger and then headed to her daughter's room.

"Lani my daughter, open the door and let's talk," Said Juliet in a very caring voice. Lani opened the door and hugged her mother tight while crying.

"What happened my daughter? Don't cry; tell your mother what's bothering you," Said Juliet while comforting Lani by patting her back, then she closed the door and sat on the bed while comforting her daughter who lay on her lap

After crying for a long time, Lani told her mother everything about William.

" How dare he! Don't worrimy daughter your mother is with you," Said Juliet. She left the room with her daughter and went to the bedroom where she left her husband, who was full of anger.

"You stupid What have you done!? Do you know how much you've disappointed William's parents?" He said angrily, pointing at Lani, who was hide behind her mother.

"My husband, listen. Do you know how much William has hurt our daughter? How dare he go out with other women when he is already dating Lani?" Juliet tried to defend her daughter, but it didn't help, because in Mr Michael eyes, money and fame is everything.

"So what if he betrayed her? Doesn't she know that William's family is very powerful and could help us grow our company? No matter what happened, she must get married!" Said mr Michael in rage and making Lani feel very bad, she couldn't tolerate her father anymore

"That's enough father, For you money is more important than anything else, isn't it?" Asked Lani, showing that she was no longer afraid.

"How dare you raise your voice at me!" he said, raising his hand and hitting Lani.


"Lani " Juliet called worriedly, looking at her daughter whose cheek had turned red and swollen due to the slap she received from her father.

"Michael, what are you doing? Why are you hitting a child?" Juliet questioned.

"I am the head of this family and my decision is final. Tomorrow, she will go and apologize to William's family" Elder Michael declared before going to his room.

' This marriage will not happen. I will not accept being used as a tool to gain money ' Lani thought as she went back to her room and start to pack her clothes. In mid night she takes her belongings and escaped.

She had savings from her college days. That night, she went to a hotel, next to the hotel there was a beautiful beach Unable to sleep, she decided to go outside and feel the breeze. It was quiet on the beach, but that didn't stop Lani from walking and observing the natural beauty. As she walked, she suddenly saw was caught by a man from behind

"AHHHHH!" she screaming but that person closed her mouth by his hand then whispering in her ear

" Shhh, am not a bad person so don't scream"


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