
I Can't Stay Away

Scarlet and her friends springbreak vacation takes a menacing turn when they are kidnapped. It later leads to mysterious, rough and unforgettable romantic journey between her and the captor when they are reunited.

Kimberly_Rambaran · Masa Muda
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11 Chs

Chapter 6- List of activities

The old metal door pushes open and a man comes into view. We all remain silent and look up. We all stare at him who I'm guessing is our captor. He's tall, really tall, he's almost the same height as the tall metal door he came through, his arms are muscular and look like they're made of iron, they're arms of iron that would just one hit you could either black out or be dead. He's dressed in the same thing Cole said he was, tight white tank top that shows through his muscles and make his body look huge, black jeans and black boots. The same black boots I saw when I was under the table, it was him , he was the one that took me. His face is shielded by a brown mask, the mask looks like it's made of dried animal skin or something like that.

This man looks more horrifying than I thought he would've, just looking at him makes me want to quiver and surrender. He's looks so evil and I just know we're really in for it.

He looks terrifying exactly like he just came out of a horror movie, he looks so horrifying that it feels unreal that we're his captives.

He has a paper in one of his hands with a nail and I watch as he walks into the room without looking at any one of us and puts the paper on the wall and uses a nail to keep it in place. As he turns around to head back out I notice he has an axe behind him by his belt buckle. He walks back out the door and slams it shut causing me to jump in fear then I hear the latch from the outside lock.

We all remain silent for a while to make sure he's gone then we all look around at each other with great perplexity.

''Are the ready to see?'' the man who has been here before us asks.

''See what?'' Joven asks the same thing I was wondering.

''That's your list of activities'' the man points with his head to where the captor put it on the wall.

The woman is the closest to it so he reaches for it and pulls it down from the wall then slides it to us. Nathan has it and we watch as he reads it silently to himself then gulps as he finishes. He looks at us then brings his eyes to me and stares at me worriedly. I wonder what's on that list. Just as I think Nathan is gonna read what's on the list he doesn't, he just passes the paper back to the woman.

''What's on the list?'' I ask.

''Don't worry about it. It'll just freak you out'' Nathan say and he gets me mad.

''Give me the list'' I demand from the woman and she passes it to me.

I hold the paper in my hand and it's not the feel of regular paper, it's like old paper they used to use long time ago, I think they called it parchment paper.

''What does it say?'' Gia asks and I start to read what's on the paper both to myself for the first time and to everyone else.

''Day 1- Blood bath

Day 2- Insect Infestation

Day 3- Organ removal

Day 4- Head in the bucket

Day 5-kill

Day 6- Ear infection

Day 7-Eat alive and leave'' I read and after I'm done I throw the paper on the other side of the room and as I look around we all share the same horrified expression.

We all don't say anything to each other as we try to take it all in first. I can't go through this, I won't make it I know I won't. I'll die on day 2 or something. I bring my knees to my chest and bury my face in them. I can't think about any of this, I just can't.

''So after we complete these activities we get to leave?'' Cole asks the man and the woman.

''Yeah, go away on the last day means you get to leave just complete them and don't make him mad''

''What do you mean?'' I ask.

''Just don't try to resist, he hates that if you do that he will force you to do it and it will be much worse so just do it when he instructs you to'' the woman says.

''And just to let you know he doesn't speak at all he just points at you and when he does that it means it's your turn and show him that you're doing it willingly'' she explains.

How the hell can I show him I'm doing it willingly? obviously I'll be scared and not wanna do it.

''Wait so when you guys get out of here isn't he afraid that you'll go straight to the police and get him arrested?'' I ask them.

''Yeah that's the same thing I was wondering'' Nathan says.

''I guess not'' the man replies.

''But after here we are going straight to the police'' the woman says.

''Wait but what about food and stuff? I mean we're gonna be here for a week so obviously we need food and water'' Nathan says.

''You get a bucket of water every 2 days and he brings food like meat and stuff''

''A bucket of water for each of us?'' Joven asks.

''A bucket of water for all of you'' the man replies.

''And he just gives us meat to eat like raw?'' I ask.

''No he brings it cooked'' the woman says.

''Oh I'm Diana by the way and that's Steven'' the woman introduces herself and her husband.

We all do the same and Nathan starts off then we all introduce ourselves to them.

''So does it start today?'' Cole asks.

''No tomorrow, he starts it the day after he brings you here'' Steven says.

''So how do we get out of here?'' Joven asks.

''After you complete the activities'' Steven says.

''No I mean before so we don't have to do those disgusting activities'' Joven says.

''You can't, the only way out is through that door and it's locked and you have to get past him which is definitely impossible'' Diana says and makes all hope of escaping turn to dust.

''But there must be someway'' I say.

''Look we can waste time and energy talking about the impossible or we can save it for tomorrow when the real action begins'' she says and we all remain quiet.

It's true, we can't escape we just have to wait until seven days then he'll let us go but I won't survive those seven days. We don't stand a chance against him.

I begin to feel a little hungry but not so much, I know I'm gonna be hungry for a long time but I'll just have to starve because like they said we only get food like once a day or so and water every two days. I don't know how I'll make it through. I remember my mom's cooking from yesterday, it tasted really good and just then I think about my parents.

My parents, they call me every morning to make sure I'm okay and everything and I told them I would call them every evening here so that they don't get worried. They will obviously know something's going on if they don't hear from me. I hope they do suspect something and come to look for me. My dad's a cop for our town so I know he will suspect something and come looking for me at least but then again how can they find me? I barely told them any information about this place I barely knew anything myself and look at where the hell I am!

I know from the start something was off about this place and I felt it too, I felt that I shouldn't have come and to be honest when we first got here I felt like we weren't alone for some reason but I just kept it to myself since no one might've believed me especially Nathan he would've just said it was my paranoia since a lot of time I see and hear things that aren't there. My eyes feel a bit heavy and I can't think about this anymore, it will drive me crazy.

I lean against the hard wall with my back against it and spread my legs out on the ground. I look down and I realize I'm not wearing shoes and I forgot I'm in the dress I put on a few hours ago, I shouldn't have worn such a short dress but then again I didn't know I was going to get kidnapped. There is also some dirt on my legs and my arms and I feel some on my face as well. I look around and no one is talking to each other either, they are all silent with their head against the wall as well but they are all wearing long pants and t-shirts including Gia since she changed before she came out with me in the living room to wait for Nathan and Cole, it's only me that's dressed like this I'm chained in the corner so I lay my head against the wall and close my eyes and before I know it sleep gets the best of me.