

GoodnessChigozirim · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

The beginning.

"Well you don't have to be mean about it, you're the one who offered me a job anyways and now you welcome me with cold shoulders, definitely doesn't speak well for you as a gentleman you claim to be" Aria scoffed rolling her eyes at him.

"I heard that!" Aiden replied turning around to face her.

"Exactly as I intended Mr Aiden" Aira retorted.

Aiden only flashed her a half smile and walked towards her side of the door, "I'm only a gentleman to ladies who behave as they should and not werekayotes" He told her watching anger cloud her eyes. Chuckling he left her there and walked into his house.

Mark who has been watching them sighed and walked over to Aria, he opened the door and held it open for her, "Forgive my friend's lack of manners, he will warm up to you with time", Mark apologized to her with a smile.

"It's okay, thank you", Aria replied him too with a smile. "Now here is a gentleman man who deserves my attention!" Aria shouted to noone in particular and rolled her eyes.

"That's because he is the first man in your life to give you attention! So stop trying to rile me up because it's not working! I for one knows Mark better than you and he is anything but a gentleman!" Aiden screamed from the house.

Aira only smiled widely to herself, "I don't remember talking to you though but since you answered you should know that I don't judge people based on what other people say about them. Mark here seems like a gentleman to me so am sticking to that, as a matter of fact any other man asides you and Javier should be a gentleman" Aira retorted not raising her voice as high as he raised his because she was sure he heard her no matter what and she knew keeping her cool would vex him because he isn't successfully pissing her off as he wants to.

"Believe what you want but guess who would be sleeping outside tonight if she doesn't stop being a pain in the ass and get the hell in?!" Aiden retorted sounding like he has had enough.

"Exactly what I was saying" Aira said looking at Mark trying to prove her point. "Let's get moving before he actually carries out his threat because I know he will" she continued referring to Mark who smiled.

"Lead the way" He told her gesturing towards the house with his hands. "Thank you gentleman" Aira replied laying emphasis on her last word.

They heard a scoff from inside and they didn't need to be told who it was from. Aira just chuckled, "I had you just where I wanted you" she told herself inwardly broadening her smile.

Aira was wowed when she stepped into the house, she knew it would be beautiful but she wasn't prepared for the beauty she saw. The rich brat actually outdid himself, she thought. 

"I know you drooled when you saw my face this morning but don't drool over my floors they're expensive!" Aiden whispered into her Aira bringing her back to reality.

Ofcourse it had to be him, who else will spoil moments like this for her? Aira asked herself wincing from the shock of his voice near her ear. "First off, I didn't drool when I saw you and secondly since we got off a wrong start I didn't get to introduce myself properly. Am Aria Johnson, an interior decorator and fashion model, I was just taking in the view of your home and I must say it's really nice though..." Aira paused looking around like she was grading the sitting room, "It really needs a lady's touch" she completed staring back at him. She could see the surprise boldly written on both their faces and it made her smile widely.

"You're all these things but you want to work as a housekeeper?" Aiden asked. 

 "Technically, I wasn't willing to work for you but I had no choice, as people say, life happens, so life happened to me and I chose to be a stripper to survive when I had run out of choices and you happen to be my first customer who offered me a job so I had no choice" Aira explained. She cringed, "Stripping definitely isn't my thing,. I don't know what I was thinking but am guessing that's what happens when you're desperate and out of choices" she explained further.

"Hmm, I could have sworn you weren't educated few hours ago but it doesn't matter anyways, you're my housekeeper now and I will believe you when you apply your ladies touch as you called it to my sitting room, presently you should be interested in knowing your bedroom and not giving us the details of your life", Aiden replied nonchalantly and walked past her.

"You know am not the reason you're frustrated so don't take out your anger on me besides you aren't the only one in the room so what made you so sure that I was referring to you?", Aria retorted sharply.

"You know it's funny of you to say that when you smacked me twice today, ruined my funtime at the bar, got me into saving you and incurred a bill for breaking windows at the bar, a bill that am fucking gonna pay for! And then you stand there to tell me that you are not the root of my frustration. You're funny Fiesty, really funny!" Aiden screamed nearly pulling his hair out.

Aria was about to reply clearly unmoved by his tantrum but Mark interrupted,"I think we've all had a stressful day and it will do us some good if we can get some rest and have this conversation tomorrow with clearer minds...", he paused, looking up at Aiden, "Tommorow when we aren't filled with anger and bloodlust", he added.

The room was filled with a minute silence before Aiden decided to break the silence, "Let me show you to your room", he said not bothering to look at Aria and walked up the stairs, Aira and Mark followed him like humble disciples.

They got to the first floor and approached the last room at the end of the hall. "This is where you would be staying since I can't let you sleep at the servant quarters because you're the only female worker we have" Aiden explained opening the door. "It's quite dusty since it hasn't been used for a while, all the clothes you need to put on while you work are in the closet" he said opening the closet and Aira shrieked.

"What the hell are those!" She asked visibly terrified.

"Working clothes", Aiden replied unmoved.

"But these are twice my size Aiden!" She shouted.

"The last housekeeper we had was a pretty large woman so how is that my fault? Besides you're a fashion whatever so you should do whatever you want with them if these doesn't suit you!" Aiden shouted back.

"So you really don't have these in another size or you just want to torture me?" Aria asked suspiciously.

"I haven't started my game with you yet so don't falsely accuse me" Aiden told her with a serious face.

She took one long look at his face decided to let the matter slide. "Okay" she replied.

"Good, my room is the room in the middle of this floor and I kept you here on purpose to keep an eye on you so be careful because I will be watching",. Aiden warned but Aira rolled her eyes. 

"That will be all for tonight" Aiden said turning to leave the room. "Goodnight", Mark whispered to her, "Goodnight handsome", Aira said smiling and this time around Aiden rolled his eyes and dragged Mark out of the room slamming the door behind them.

"Things are about to get interesting in this house", Mark chuckled looking at Aiden who only growled and walked to his room slamming it shut.

"Finally,this day will soon be over and I couldn't be happier", Aria whispered to herself. She dusted the bed and fell on it as soon as she was done. She closed her eyes and hummed herself to sleep with a clear mind and a heart full of Hope for a better future no matter the circumstances life was gonna throw her way.

Hello 🥰🥰

Don't forget to send me your thoughts 

IG handle: goodyic2022


Happy reading 🥰❤️

One love ❤️