

GoodnessChigozirim · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Surprise Surprise!

"Go get him girl" Aria said to herself looking at herself in the mirror. If there is one thing she could never get wrong it was how to dress. If she was given an opportunity with clothes Aira would definitely dress to kill with her curves and she knew this. She has decided to use this to her advantage tonight and drive this Mr Aiden to madness just by looking at her then whatever she did next will be a piece of cake.

Whoever supplied dresses and lingeries to these girls here really meant business. Aria wore the red lingerie she had picked . It was mostly ropes and net but Mr Aiden wouldn't know that yet , not until she strips the beautiful fur cut off her body and give him the view he could only see in his fantasies,  Aria thought to herself with disgust. Men are moved by what they see and Mr Aiden will fall so hard if he is moved by what he sees tonight. He wouldn't know what hit him. Though what Abi was about to do disgusted her but she smiled when she thought about the control she could wield over men with her body. They should thank their lucky stars she isn't that way and the only reason this night was an exception was because she had no choice. If what Brenda said was true then she will only have to be here for a night so she won't dare mess this up because just the thought of coming back here again was enough for her to die from cringing.

If she is paid well tonight she will be able to use the money and sustain herself till she gets a job and this time no matter what it takes she will get that damn job because not even in her nightmares will she try this again!

Abi took one long look at herself in the mirror and to add a finishing touch she wore a mask  matching her fur coat despite Brenda's advice. Well advice be damned, she will take it off with the coat as well but she looked so good with the mask that she wouldn't think of not wearing it.

She took one last look at herself in the mirror again. "Perfect" she said to herself."you will make one hell of a model if you were given the opportunity" Aria said still praising herself. "Aiden will never know what hit him" with that thought Aria left to go blow his mind.

Abira approached the room she was told Mr Aiden stayed in.No matter how she dressed she couldn't get rid  of the nervousness she was feeling. She almost puked at he thought of what she was about to do. She knew she was having a panic attack band she needed to calm herself down as soon as possible. If she backed out now she will have to beg to have breakfast tomorrow so there was really no other choice. "Keep your mind on your goals","it's just a means to an end Aura" "you can do this" Aira repeatedly told herself . With a deep breath Aira cleared her thoughts "The earlier we get this started, the earlier it ends" she thought inwardly. So with a new surge of confidence she walked into the dimly lit room with red bulbs.

"Finally you came. I was beginning to think Javier was kidding about the new girl he got me, he actually said a lot about you and I do hope you will exceed my expectations, so get the show started"

Aria didn't know why but the voice sounded very familiar .She racked her brain to remember it but the events of the night seem to have taken over her memories. 

"Are you wasting my time on purpose because I must say I'm really liking t" "the other girls just get down to business and I was becoming bored, Javier was right about you" The man said bring Aria back from her train of thoughts. She looked at him in disgust that was purely hidden behind the mask . If wishes were horses she would have gagged Javier and him up and starve them for days but she could only wish so Aria pushed her thoughts back and started to remove her fur coat ready to strip and dance her heart out so she could get the money she wanted and this night can pass by.

Just as she was about to remove her coat she caught a glimpse of the guy's eyes . She knew those eyes! It was that damned rich idiot.!

"You!" Aria shouted.

"Yes me?" The guy asked looking confused.

"You damned idiot. So you're Aiden. I would have guessed as much judging from the description I got. Only men like you will find these sort of things pleasurable" Aira screamed

"Excuse me! Who the hell are you to talk to me that way you bitch?!" The guy asked Aira screaming back.

"Who am I?!  Oh pardon me I forgot the disguise!" Abi removed her mask and she could her the man gasp , "You!" He said, his voice almost a whisper.

"Yes me!" Aira replied with spite. "What kind of a fate is this? To think that I prayed earnestly never to meet you again!" Aria scoffed.

"You slapped me and thought you won't see me again? You're funny if I must admit. I haven't even looked for you but here you are in a platter of gold. Now what should I do with you?" Aiden asked smirking and looking at her seductively. "You're one fiesty little thing but I must admit you can really make a man spin with those curves" Aiden added.

Aira gasped, she has totally forgotten she was half naked in the presence of the man she loathed the most in the world right now. "Shameless Rich brat" she hissed.

He just chuckled to her surprise "You're really funny. You're calling me shameless yet you're the one about to strip for money. You should have told me you wanted money earlier today rather than act like a saint when you're a slut. You even had the guts to slap me! You're really sham..."

Aria smacked him again . She has heard enough. Yes she was about to strip for money but he didn't have the right to insult her the way he did. Her feelings were hurt. She thought that she didn't care what people said about her but this bastard proved her wrong today. She was hurt and she needed to leave this place, she could starve for all she cared but this man won't see her halfnaked and definitely won't see her tears which were on the verge of breaking her self control and stream freely down her face.

She glanced at him again with eyes filled with hatred, eyes him and turned towards the door but she felt those familiar hands again holding her back.

"Just where the hell do you think you're going without rendering the services I paid for" she heard him whisper into her ear.

Slowly she turned and met his face just an inch from hers. He was smirking as usual but this time around the evil behind his smile was so evident.

"Let me go" Aira said quietly but sternly.

"No" came the reply. "Well not until you strip!" he added after a thought smirking widely.

Hello readers.

What do you think will happen.

Will Aria succumb? 

Let me know your thoughts if you want to know 

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Tiktok handle:goodyic.

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One love ❤️