
I befriended an arrogant rich guy.

The story revolves around a high school girl who befriends an arrogant guy in her school. Read to find out what challenges she had to encounter after meeting him.

Phina_7777 · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

5.True colors.

The next day.

I genuinely thanked them for letting me stay there for the night after the breakfast was done. Her mom said that they were always ready to help me anytime,even her mom is so sweet like Sana. Her chauffeur dropped me till my place, and she left for the class. I told her that I would be skipping classes since I had to clean and arranged my room and it took me atleast two hours to clean the whole place.

Since I didn't had time to prepare for lunch, i went to the nearest supermarket which is like a ten minutes walk and bought two instant noodles and a juice. I eat less so yes, that was enough for me. For some reason, i had that same strange feeling like last time, like someone was following me again. I looked back and it seems there was a guy behind me, walking the same route as me, maybe he was also heading my way. I guess i was just imagining things,after what had happened last night and yes i was right. I started pacing faster and he did the same.

HE WAS FOLLOWING ME FOR REAL! WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING TO MY LIFE!. Just when i thought everything was going smoothly, strange things keeps happening to me. I tried to walk faster and I looked back, he was gone. I thought a lot about who would do this to me. I mean i have no enemies, i have never hurt or harmed anyone so who the hell was playing this childish game with me. I was really worried about myself and i found myself regretting for not informing the police about what had happened last night.

The next day, i reached school a bit early than usual. I thought I would be the only one in the class but there was another student, Kim Min young was also there. Only both of us were reached to school early. I seated on my desk, opened a book and started reading it. As I was reading, i felt a stare,what a weirdo, he kept staring at me. This was my first conversation with him.

I may be an introvert person but i also have my own limit,and i don't like attention so, i asked him on his face with one raised eyebrow "What are you looking at?"

After a five second pause, he said with a deep sigh "Are you seriously going act like you don't know me". "What are you talking about, i have never seen you, i mean you feel familiar but i am sure about that". Gosh, this was my longest talk.

"Really Kang Maria, you don't remember me at all"

"I don't" I seriously haven't met any arrogant guy like him and i told him honestly.

"Then, do you remember last month, near the park, you almost fall and i caught you" he rolled his eyes.

"Wait a minute, that was you?" i was surprised, no wonder he looked so familiar, thanks to my short memory. I may be brainy but i lack good memory.

"Yes, you finally remember. I was waiting for you to remember, and that's why i keep eyeing you when I see you, but you didn't seem to be interested except for last time where you also kept staring at me".

"You could have just approached me, and let me cleared the doubts" i frowned.

"Haha, i wanted to see how much longer it would take for you to remember but it almost took like one month so i got the opportunity to tell you today" he scoffed and smiled.

Wow, and i thought he would be this arrogant guy who only liked messing around, but he was just the opposite. He seemed friendly and funny too. I could have just approached him too.

"By the way, don't trust people too much though, not even your close friends" he said hesitantly.

"Sure, i will keep in mind, thanks" i lied. I mean i don't trust anyone except my friend Sana. We were having a friendly conversation, and our classmates slowly started filling the classroom. It was just ten minutes left before the first period started.Sana finally came.

"Wow, you guys are already talking?!" she was surprised to see us having conversations. His arrogant expression came back to his face again and he went to his desk. Sana eyed me with "What's his problem?" and i just shrugged. Guess it's his nature to be cold and arrogant with people whom he doesn't know yet or not interested. I am not saying he is interested in me, but we already met before he came to school so yeah,maybe he doesn't show that arrogant face to me. Remembering about that last time when we first met at the park, made me think again of how he knew my name. I was so curious about that and I decided to ask him after the class, because the bell already rang. Class started and went well. Lunch break came and this time Sana was eating with me,while her friends were seated in other table. I asked her if it was okay for her to eat with me and she just scoffed like she was saying she doesn't care. Anyways, we talked as we ate,and minutes later, nature called so I really wanted to use the washroom. I asked her if she wanted to go with me but she refused saying,she would wait for me instead. I entered inside,did my business but when I tried to open the door,it seemed somebody has locked the door intentionally.

"Hello,anyone please open this door,someone is still her" I shouted and tried to shake the door knob. I heard a giggle and the next minute,I felt a cold water poured mixed with ice cubes,eggs,fish,cabbage and what not on me from the above of the bathroom i was locked in since it had no roof or cover. "What the hell are you doing?" I shouted.

"You are just a poor girl trying to be on a good side with Sana,did you think we were okay with it?" Those were the doings of Sana's friends who were unhappy when I joined their clique last time.

"Oh come on,you could have just come to me and told me on my face instead of doing this childish play,look I don't have time to mess around,so if you open the door right now,i'll forget that this had happened okay cool?" I tried to negotiate,I really hated wasting time. I may be nice but I have my limits too. "Hahahah,are you kidding me?nobody will even know since there are no cctvs" they raised their smartness. "Okay since you won't agree to me so I guess I have to do my way,shall I send this voice recording to Sana and others so that they can see your true colors?" I started recording from my phone right after they poured that thing on me.

They were quiet for a minute, and I heard a familiar voice.

"I already know,because I planned all these,hahahaha" the voice laughed.