
I become Satoru Gojo but in Black Clover

I find myself walking while I'm thinking, but then I see an old man who seems familiar to me, offers me a new way of living my life, I accept it without giving importance, but I wake up and find myself in a world of magic where everything is new for me . . . . . . . . The characters, scenery and stories are not my property, all rights to their respective authors, this story is created as a hobby, also do not expect much of grammar or sense in the story, you may find several mistakes but I apologize.

Darknight558 · Komik
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33 Chs

Chapter 9-Fight against the demon 2(I need to correct)

Hi I'm the author :D, well for starters the characters and scenarios are not my property, the right to their respective authors, this story is a fanfic that I do it for hobby, don't expect to get chapters in a row or per week, it can take me days, weeks or months for a chapter, But if you want it to come out fast, then give power stones, please vote and give a good review.



Now this story is written in Spanish and translated to English, so don't expect everything to be correct, because my English is not perfect and I can be wrong, I hope you like the story>.






<Hello, I finished my exams and started again with the chapters, of course it will take me a while to upload them but there be so support story hehehehe :D>.


*Prevous chapter*

Thierry: "That human reminds me of the human from before, hehehe, this is going to be fun" he says with a lot of emotion and drools a little, then the demon gets ready to fly away but he hears a voice behind him.



???:"Sorry buddy, but you can't go with my family, they will be mad if they find out I didn't finish my job" when the demon heard the voice behind him, he turns around and sees a person standing there.



Thierry: "Whaaaatt¡¡¡¡¡, but how is that possible"?



????: "Well I'm not sure, but it was worth a try, so you're ready for round 2" he says it with a lot of emotion while he's throbbing his fingers.


*Back to the present*

Thierry: "How is this possible? I'm certain I killed you, impaled you with several ice spears," he says, somewhat surprised and frightened.

???: "True, but I always have a trick up my sleeve, although I wasn't sure it would work, but it seems it did," he says as he touches his head slightly and smiles at the demon.

Thierry: "Well, it doesn't matter; I just have to kill you again," he says with a wide smile on his face, but inside, he was trembling, quite nervous. He decides to attack right away, creating an ice spear to strike, but then he notices that Satoru isn't in front of him.

???: "You know, it's better to go somewhere else. I don't want my family to see me like this," he says as he puts his hand on the demon's shoulder. The demon didn't know when Satoru had appeared behind him; he tried to attack to push him away, but then he feels a tingling sensation throughout his body, and a second later, they appear on a hill quite far from Satoru's house.

Satoru: "This should be more than enough. You know, I wanted to return to the forest, but after our little fight, it's in ruins. I'll have to find another place to train," he says with a lot of regret for the forest while touching his head.

Thierry: "DAMN HUMAN, TELL ME HOW YOU'RE STILL ALIVE!" he shouts with considerable anger at seeing the human alive.

Satoru: "Ehh, and why should I tell you?" he says with annoyance and disdain. "But well, you're going to die, so I'll tell you, even though you won't understand a thing because you're foolish," he says in a mocking tone. When he said those words, the demon was trembling with anger at the insult but held back because he wanted to know how the human had survived.

Satoru: "Reverse rituals," he says while showing the wounds that were in his chest and stomach, which were now healed.

Thierry: "Reverse technique?" he asks, quite confused because he had never heard of it.

Satoru: "Hahaha, that's right. You see, when you left me there dying with ice spears and crystals in my body, I decided to bet everything on this technique. I spent years trying but couldn't achieve it. However, after our encounter, I realized how to use it, but I didn't know how to apply it. So, I focused my concentration on the reverse ritual. Cursed power is negative energy, and with that, I can strengthen my body for battle."

Satoru: "But positive energy can be created by multiplying two negative energies; that's the reverse ritual. But saying it is easy; I never succeeded until today," he says with great excitement as he raises his hands slightly and looks up at the sky.

Satoru: "Being on the brink of death is when one achieves their goals, and hahaha, thanks to you, demon, I achieved what I wanted most. The reason for your defeat was not having cut off my head."

Satoru: "I have no idea why it didn't work with mana; this world is so crazy. But I did it, I DID IT!" he says with excitement, shouting the last part as he looks up at the sky. The demon just stood there, watching all of this, quite confused and annoyed.

Thierry: "I don't care; you're just going to die again," he says as he generates ice claws and launches himself towards Satoru.

Satoru: "Oh, is that so? Maybe it's true, IT'S SO TRUE!" he says while extending his arms and shouting the last part. The demon just got angrier and launched himself, trying to strike Satoru with his right hand, but Satoru simply moves his body to the left, avoiding the attack.

When the demon's attack fails, he gets quite furious and starts pouring more mana into his ice claw, which begins to grow to the size of a sword. He then swings his arm to the right to cut Satoru, but when he does, he cuts nothing because there's nothing there. The demon is completely confused and doesn't know when Satoru disappeared. He turns around to check for any incoming attacks but sees nothing. However, behind him, Satoru is flying and delivers a kick to his left side of the face, sending him flying several meters before crashing down.

The demon gets up with a pain in his left-side face, thoroughly enraged. He looks up and sees Satoru flying, so he begins channeling mana to form several ice arrows and spears, launching them at incredible speed. They were about to hit Satoru when he simply looks up at the demon straight in the eyes. The demon feels a terrifying chill, and seconds later, all the ice arrows and spears stop just inches away from Satoru.

Satoru raises his hand and clenches his fist. As he does so, all the arrows and spears explode, leaving only a curtain of smoke. The demon is bewildered but remains on high alert for what might happen next. Then, he hears a voice behind him.

Satoru: "You failed. [Reverse Cursed Ritual: Red]" he says while pointing a finger at the demon. After saying those words, a small black sphere begins to form, then it turns a strong red color. The entire area starts to glow red, thanks to Satoru's spell. Slowly, that sphere becomes an intense red, then it turns white with red and illuminates the area even more, making it almost impossible to see anything. The demon stands still, not knowing what to do at that moment.

Seconds later, the red sphere explodes, and the demon receives the attack, sending him flying for several meters or kilometers. The attack is so powerful that it kicks up a lot of dust, and nothing can be seen. Moments later, from the dust cloud, a small black figure emerges and rolls for several meters before colliding with a rock.

This figure that was sent flying was the demon who had received the attack. He was quite injured, with visible blood flowing from several cuts on his body, in addition to various bruises that were noticeable. At a glance, you could tell that it must hurt quite a bit. The demon starts to get up with considerable difficulty, having received a powerful attack.

Thierry: "DAMNATION, WHO THE HELL IS THIS HUMAN AND THAT ATTACK? ALSO, HOW CAN HE BE SO STRONG WITHOUT HAVING A GRIMOIRE?" he cursed mentally. Satoru was floating in the air, his gaze fixed on the sky, and he began to have various thoughts.


*Satoru's Mind*

Satoru: (Ah, I didn't think I would be close to death to use the reverse technique. This world is confusing. And why are there two types of energy, mana, I know a bit about, but cursed energy, I barely saw it from the demon, but it's confusing.)

Satoru: (I thought this would be easier. I have the Infinite thanks to mana, I have a large amount of mana, and my expenditure is almost at 0%, but I still need to practice a bit more to make it 0%. I should have practiced Black Flash to make my strikes stronger, even though I enhance them with mana, I still need to do that.)

Satoru: (Now that I think about it, this world had changes, I believe the man told me, I don't remember, but he did make changes, so that explains why I couldn't perform the reverse technique or how it worked.)

Satoru: (I don't know if he made those modifications for my power or just for whim, but it's done, I have both mana and cursed energy. Although it feels strange to have two sources of power, I wish there were only one, either mana or cursed energy, I don't care which.)

Satoru: (Phew, I feel like I'm picking up something from Gojo, although I'm not him, some things are almost identical. Well, my attitude is still the same, but I don't know, I don't want to have the exact same personality, but oh well.)

Satoru: (This new life is strange, but it makes it special. I can't find logic in certain things, but whatever, as long as I'm strong, I don't care about anything. Well, my family does matter a lot to me.)


*Back in the fight*

While Satoru was floating in the air with an excited look towards the sky, a smile forming on his face, the demon was quite angry about how much damage Satoru had inflicted. So, he begins channeling his power. Although he's wounded, as he channels his power, Satoru snaps out of his thoughts and turns his head slightly to look at the demon. Upon seeing him, he realizes that he's gathering all his power, so he remains floating there, waiting for the attack.

Thierry:(Tch if only I had a grimoire I'm sure I'll kill him) says in his mind with anger and annoyance-"Damn human die at once" he says while throwing several ice arrows with several crystals, besides that the floor where he was begins to freeze and from there comes out several ice spikes, all these attacks were going towards Satoru, he was just floating and seeing the attacks he did nothing just stayed floating there.

Moment later all the attacks stopped, the arrows and crystals remained floating, the ice that came out of the floor simply shattered when it collided with Satoru's infinity, the whole attack of the demon failed, this provoked a great anger and desperation to see how Satoru stopped his attacks so he was blinded by anger and began to increase his mana too much, scaring all the animals that were near the area and you could see how the grass where the demon was began to freeze.

The demon channeled mana in his mouth and you could see a white sphere spinning, this sphere was the demon's mana that began to use, then the sphere grew a little to have the size of a soccer, after having that size shot out so fast that no one could see it with the naked eye, the demon thought that at least he could destroy the invisible barrier that Satoru had because it was a nuisance because he could not attack him.

The demon's attack reached Satoru and when it was going to impact against him it stopped in the air, but it caused an explosion of wind and sound, besides raising some earth and dust, the demon thought he could destroy the barrier, but then he saw that it was suspended in the air, the demon began to sweat, to tremble with fear of how a human was beating him, but not any human, a simple boy of 12 years old and who still does not have his grimoire.

The demon was already scared, so scared that he wanted to fly out of the place, but a feeling told him that if he stayed or if he left, in the end he would end up dying so he decided to use his last card, while Satoru turned to see the demon and see his attack then he settles and is standing floating in the air, he stays a moment watching the demon's spell and then throw it back to the demon.

The demon saw that and manages to barely dodge his attack, then turns and sees a mountain of ice that froze where he was, you could see stones, some trees completely frozen, then turns to see Satoru who was just floating in the sky with a serious face and boredom, the demon hesitated for a moment but decided to give all his power to kill the human, even if it cost him his life.

So the demon lifts his right arm and with his hand he stabs it in his left chest, this provoked a strong pain to the demon and then he pulled out his heart, when he did that purple and dark blood started to come out from his body, Satoru who was seeing that was confused, why to pull out his heart to die faster, Satoru was thinking what was the heart for but in that moment he sees that the demon starts to freeze his heart and to concentrate mana in the heart, after that he starts to eat his own heart.

When he finished eating his heart, the demon started to laugh and spit out blood, Satoru was confused but then he heard something from the demon that made him call his attention.

Thierry: "I recognize human you are strong, but not anymore hehehehe" he says while he starts to laugh creepily, then a great amount of mana starts to come out from the demon's body, it was a great amount of mana that surprised Satoru for that, the demon kept laughing and then said something.

Thierry: "This is a technique that all demons know, eat your own heart to have great power, a technique that can be used only once, because it consumes all your vitality and leaves you with minutes of life, but the power you get is exaggeratedly high and with this I will kill you hehehehehe" he says while blood comes out of his mouth, eyes and nose by the large amount of mana that is generating.

All that mana was so much that anyone who was near could faint or even die from the pressure, Satoru furrowed his eyebrows a little, it was not because he had problems, but now that he has enough mana he can cause many problems, while Satoru was thinking about how to finish this, in another part you can see how a person felt the change of mana.



In the magic kingdom*.

???:"Wizard King, please fill out these important records" he says as he hands some papers to the wizard king, who was at his desk writing something.

Wizard King: "Please Marx, I have enough work to do and if you let me go see some new magic" he says excitedly and with stars in his eyes for this last one.

Marx: "You can't, you are the Wizard King and you have to do your job so keep working".

Wizard King: "Please Marx, just for a while, besides I've already worked a lot and I want to rel-" he couldn't finish what he said because then he turns to the window of the room with a serious look on his face.

Marx: "Wizard King, something is wrong," he says a bit confused by the expression of the Wizard King.

Wizard King: "Something grew, quite strong, it has a lot of mana but that mana is something disgusting, I have to go and see what it is".

Marx: "Wait and if we better send some magic knights to investigate".

Wizard King: "Maybe but that mana is growing and it is quite dangerous, I'll be right back in the meantime take care of my work" he says and then disappears from the place and flies off towards the source of the mana.

Marx: "You just wanted to skip work" he says rather discouraged because the magician king escaped, so he left the room.


*In Satoru's fight against the demon*.

Satoru watched the demon as his mana was increasing drastically, he just stayed floating watching how his mana was increasing, while the demon felt how all his vitality was absorbed and was consumed to give him that increase of mana, after a few seconds the demon had so much mana that nobody could describe it, the demon smiled while watching Satoru with a serious face.

Then the demon began to release all his mana, he began to freeze everything around him for several kilometers, everything that touched the ice died instantly, also the temperature of the environment began to drop rapidly, to the point that when you exhale you could see the frozen air, you could also see snow cups that if you touched them would cause great damage.

Satoru watched this with curiosity, how to offer his life time to obtain an increase of strength, this reminded him of a manga or a novel that he read in his past life but he does not remember which one it was, even so he wanted to see what he was going to do, the demon began to manifest his magic in large quantities, you could see how from the ground came out several ice spikes, several arrows and ice crystals floating in the air, several spears, swords, spheres that spun strong mind, each of these attacks were powered by the demon's mana.

The demon smiled while he started to sweat because he felt that he was going to die at any moment, but it was not the sensation of dying for his technique but for something else, then he decides to attack again and throws all his spells towards Satoru.

Satoru:(He really never learns, he knows very well that nothing can touch me thanks to the infinite, but well, he is stubborn since birth) he says in his mind while he has a serious and bored face.

Satoru:(I think it's better to finish, because I doubt that they haven't noticed this increase of mana the magic knights, I have to thank you demon you helped me when I was in a bottleneck) says in his mind while giving a slight smile for the last thing, but when the demon saw that smile he felt a chill that he will never smell

Satoru: "You know demon it was fun this moment we had but I think it's better to finish" he says while raising his right arm and put it over his head, then he raises his left arm towards the direction of the demon and says-"In heaven and on earth I am the only one who deserves worship" he says it with a wide smile on his face, when the demon saw that he felt quite scared but there is no turning back and he sent all his power towards Satoru and shot towards him to cut him, Satoru only let out a small smile while he lowered his right arm and pointed towards him and his hand was in position to throw something.

Satoru: "What you are about to witness happens when the infinity of the normal and inverse rotation collide to push an imaginary mass [Cursed Ritual: Hollow Purple ]" he says to then shoot something that was in his hand, moment later from Satoru's fingers came out a small purple sphere and then this sphere began to illuminate the entire purple area.

There was a lot of dust, several small mountains of ice, some blocks of ice and ice spears destroyed on the floor, Satoru began to descend, and then looked up and saw the demon quite wounded, but in that begins to bleed his nose by the use of the technique of purple, so Satoru wipes his nose and sees that the demon does not have much of his body, head, chest, arm, part of the leg and foot of the left side of the demon were no longer, only his right side.

The demon was frozen, he didn't move, he knew that he had no more time and that soon he would die, so he raised his eyes and looked at Satoru who was watching him in silence, they were like that for a few seconds but then what was left of the demon's body began to crack and disintegrate.

Thierry: "Looks like you won this time human, ha, I had a lot of fun".

Satoru: "Same here, of course if you take away that you stuck some spears and arrows in my chest, but from there everything was fine" he says with a pitiful smile-"it was fun while it lasted, but good bye".

Thierry: "Hahaha, damn you human" he says with his last breath and then died and his body disintegrated into particles, Satoru looked at where the demon was and used the six eyes and confirmed that the demon was dead.

Satoru let out a sigh of relief, he managed to face a demon, without grimoire and with a body of a 12 year old boy, although he was quite strong, but that does not mean that a child faced a demon, that's not normal, but Satoru is not normal, He observed the area where he was and saw all the mess, so he decided to leave that area, but before he put his hand in his pants to take out his dark glasses, but he found nothing in his right pocket so he went to his left pocket and found nothing.

Satoru was surprised for not having his glasses in his pants, but then he remembers that when he was dodging the attacks and when he received one, at that moment he dropped the glasses he had kept and then they were shattered by an ice arrow.

Satoru: "Damn, I'll have to go back to the blacksmith to make me new ones, I'm going to ask him to put more mana to be stronger" he says with a sad tone because of his dark gashes-"Well I better go home, I'm tired after being close to death" he says and then disappears from the place.

Satoru went back home and changed his clothes, because his clothes were torn, besides having blood and if his family sees his clothes with blood, they will get scared and start to question Satoru for what happened, so he went to take a bath and hid the clothes with blood, because he was going to burn them later.

We returned to the mountains where Satoru's fight against the demon took place, the whole place was a disaster, destroyed parts, ice blocks, a big hole, all a destruction, but in that moment a person with blond hair arrives with a cloak, and with a tattoo on his forehead, this person was the Wizard King of the kingdom of the trebol.

Wizard King: "Mmmhh here there was an intense fight, there is also quite a concentration of mana, but there are two types of mana, one quite pure and one quite aqueous, I hope this is not a danger, I think I will send several knights to investigate more this place" he says as he looks around him


<Hello how are you, I'm back, I finally finished my exams, now if can continue with the story, but will be mourning for dear Gojo, he died courage and his sacrifice remembered, well then upload other chapters, so support story give me a good review please :D>