
Night Before War II (R-18)

 Alros watched as a figure appear from the mist. As the purple mist cleared out, Alros had to admit that the being that just come out is one of the most beautiful, if not the most beautiful woman he ever lay his eyes on.

 Her hair is beautiful dark purple, one so long it reach her butt. Her eyes were the color of the night, dark and will pull you into its embrace, whether you want it or not. And then, her body.

 She wore black colored underwear, one that emphasize her perfect body. From her firm, large bust, to her perky ass, to her perfect body types, one that have curves in all the right place. If she ever descended to the world, no doubt countries will wage wars with one another to claim her.

 Still, he knew who the woman is as his lineage seem to roar inside of him. He kneeled, bowing towards the Demon God of Lust.