
I Became the monster that I hunt.

A ruthless monster hunter died at the age of fifty. During his prime, Oliver exterminated all living beings as long as it is a monster. He is not one to show mercy, and this never changed until his death. Arising on a new planet, the merciless hunter soon noticed that he has a new body and mind. Nature played a joke on him by transferring him into a new but similar world, a world where monsters and humans battle each other. There is one problem... ...Oliver is now a monster, one of the most dangerous that every hunter seeks to destroy.

InTheDark · Fantasi
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26 Chs

Parasite (pt 3)

A delivery man in a small bike arrived at the supposed destination. Not sure where to find the client, he dialed the number that was given to him.

A deep voice answered the call from the other line.

{"Yes, who are you,"} questioned the deep voice.

The delivery man was taken aback by how scary this stranger's voice sounded.

"I was sent to deliver something to you," said the delivery guy.

{"Oh it's you... Come upstairs, the third floor,"}

"Which of the building?"

{"The one by your right, room 17"}

The delivery guy did as was instructed. Not long after, he found the room door. He tried to knock on the door but discovered that his hand was shaking.

"Am I scared?" He mumbled.

It is unclear why he's suddenly having this feeling. He might be new in this job but never before has this ever happened.

*knock! knock!!*

"Leave it outside and leave," says the deep voice.

A great shiver ran down the spine of the delivery guy. He dropped the goods and left the premises in a swift.

A monster hand picked a small object from his house. Opening the door a bit, he threw that small object with precision, destroying one surveillance camera. Now that there is no nearby camera, the monster's hand pulled the goods and went inside.

This is Oliver who at this time looked more hideous than before. He has grown bigger on every part of his body. Some of his clothes cannot size him. There is no way he can go out looking like this. That explains why he had been indoors for three days now, not even a foot outside his house is advisable.

Ever since the day he erased the parasitic monster, his transformation sped up. He can sense small changes every day, claws, muscles, fangs and many others were growing. At this rate, he'll bring death his way, monster are not welcomed in this world.

_" I was pathetic. I, the renounced monster hunter am now the hunted. I am now in their shoes, I can understand how the monsters in my world felt, that fear they had to live with for the rest of their lives knowing that some hunter will find and kill them,"_

_"I drew joy from slaying them, deceiving myself into thinking that I was doing the right thing. What a heartless devil that I am."_

Khalim had dialed Oliver number, but he ignored. Sometimes, he'll put his phone on airplane_mode just so there won't be any calls coming in.

News about the parasitic monster that Oliver had killed also came to his ears. It was all over the media. A few had linked that incident to him.

The Nameless Hunter doesn't want to deal with the repercussions that may come due to his power display. He might be suspected of being a monster, one that can act and looks like a human.

Carson, his supposed younger brother has also been phoning him, sending text messages, trying to speak with him. Oliver, of course, did not respond, he couldn't.

Oliver ate his lunch, found a corner in his room, and sat cross-legged. Whatever he is doing right now is something he has never done before. The goal is to acquire the ability to shift from monster to human. If at all this is possible, then he must grab hold of that experience. It means his life.

Not long after he had shut himself out of the physical world, his ears kicked in without his permission. Unpleasant noises of all kinds rushed into his ears, knocking him back to the real world.

"Christ!" Oliver exclaimed. He did not see that coming.

"This is not the time, " he said and then closed his eyes, shutting him out of the physical world for a second time.

Yet again, the same thing happened. Loud echoes from distances away throbbed in his ear. He had to give up, give himself some break before repeating the same action for a third time.

Over and over again, he tried but the result was the same, with no progress whatsoever.

For the next minutes, his action remained the same, none that had any success. Whenever his body detected that it had no other means of discerning its surroundings, the ear's functionality maximizes to help cover up for the other unavailable senses. This is an act the body had developed just to protect itself from whatever dangers might be lurking.

"Sigh... One more time,"

* * *

Angus found a shredded body with some of its body part placed separately from each other.

"Tell me something I don't know," he said, speaking to a forensics.

"Is this the first victim?"

"No... Well, yes," said Olivia.

Angus had a frown on his face. He is yet to understand her.

"I need more context,"

"Ok..." Olivia took a deep breath. What she is about to say is going to sound crazy.

"That thing must have forced itself out the human. This gruesome scene is the result of that,"

"Forced itself out? How did it enter the human?" questioned Angus.

".... I... Um... I have a theory,"


"You must have heard of what is popularly known as Mutation_Parasite?"

Olivia realized how stupid her question sounded and was quick to correct her words;

"...sorry, that's a stupid question. I'm sure you know what I am talking about,"

Angus needs no further analysis from her. He very well knows what those things are.

As was said, Mutation Parasite after becoming an adult inside the body its host will begin feeding on it. They will not stop until they've taken enough of what they need, after which they'll come out. Sometimes these creatures emerge as tiny but dangerous beings, while a few will enlarge, forcing themselves out of their host. A process that will most certainly kill the host.

"No doubt, that is exactly what had happened to this body."

Olivia nodded in affirmation "Yes,"

"With that being said, do you, perhaps, have a theory concerning this?" said Angus, referring to the giant mess done by the nameless hunter.