
I Became the monster that I hunt.

A ruthless monster hunter died at the age of fifty. During his prime, Oliver exterminated all living beings as long as it is a monster. He is not one to show mercy, and this never changed until his death. Arising on a new planet, the merciless hunter soon noticed that he has a new body and mind. Nature played a joke on him by transferring him into a new but similar world, a world where monsters and humans battle each other. There is one problem... ...Oliver is now a monster, one of the most dangerous that every hunter seeks to destroy.

InTheDark · Fantasi
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26 Chs

I chose to be a hunter

Author's Note!

Due to missing a day, I will post two chapters tomorrow...

Look forward to it...


How did monsters come to be? Where do they come from?

Well, to accurately give a reasonable answer, let's travel back in time.

Revolving all around is what many might refer to as Spirit Energy or KI. This unique essence is a big contribution to our modern-day evolution.

Monsters were created, no thanks to Spirit Energy, and yes, human also received their fair share. A Human who can utilize the SP Energy all around him or her is known as the Awakened. These groups of people are no longer normal humans.

Not all received the same blessing, animal or intelligent beings alike. If you look around you, you can, without a doubt, locate several normal animals, creatures who aren't as troublesome as the Monsters. This is also true for humans. Many are just ordinary, they are unable to utilize KI energy.

All life is precious, all life is important. We all are special, but many don't see it that way.

The family of Gabel has given birth to a lot of Awakened. Almost every family member was born special. Now they are very few who were not as fortunate, a few who remained as a normal human.

From Oliver's quick analysis, it seems he and Carson his younger brother were unable to bend KI to their will, they were normal.

"Don't just keep quiet, Creed. Prove it," says Peni. She and Briggs were finding it hard to accept that Oliver is now an Awakened. How in the world did that happen?

"You can't prove it, can you?" says Briggs, "Yeah, that's what I thought,"

"I do not need to prove anything to you. You are not that important," said Oliver. He wasn't even paying attention to them.

In all honesty, Oliver isn't sure what being an awakened involved, how is he supposed to prove that he is one?

'It is probably best to keep to myself. I wouldn't want to turn into that thing, not in front of them,' he said inwardly.

At this point, Briggs' anger had elevated even further. Oliver has become too cocky, he'll need to put him back in his place.

'I'll make you eat your words,' Briggs thought to himself.

* * *

There's been a lot of bad news lately. Most monster attacks had ended in tragedy. It seems more of these abnormal creatures are showing up a bit too soon, giving the combatants no breathing space.

More than ever, the military needs more work, more soldiers to join their ranks. So far, there's been a few applications, not enough, but it's something at least.

Oliver had made up his mind, he will join the military, those centered on hunting monsters. First of all, he needs to know what he is capable of, what triggers him into turning into that thing, and most importantly, how to control it.

"Ok... here goes nothing," he mumbled, standing shirtless in front of a mirror.

He had a knife in his hand and was about to cut himself with it when a knock resounded on the door.


"We have a visitor,"

"How is that my problem?"

"Your presence is needed," said Carson.

"Ok... I'll be there," he said, and then went back to whatever he was doing.

* * *

"By the lords, it is you," Finley exclaimed the moment he set his eyes on Oliver.

"Look at you, so healthy and agile," he said with bright eyes.

Finley is a family friend, a very close one at that. The huge man gave Oliver a very warm hug. His brute strength would have been a problem if Oliver wasn't strong himself.

"I am happy you have returned. You have no idea what your absence had done to us. Karan and Gael miss you.

_"From what I've heard, Gael and Karan are both Finley's children and good friends of mine. We've supposedly known each other since we were kids... how touching.

I had other matters at hand, and couldn't care less. However, I should not be rude, not to this man,"_

"You and your brother should come visit me someday. I would love that," says Finley.

Together, all three of them strolled to another location in the building. This is a much bigger dining room, housing a lot more. They were several faces, most of which Oliver had never seen.

Many could not believe their eyes. This is indeed, Creed, the missing child who had miraculously returned.

Almost everyone was present, new faces mostly. All eyes were on him, but he acted like he didn't notice.

Situated at the master chair is Wain, Oliver's grandfather. He is the leader of the extended family. There is also Vahni, a mother to Briggs and Peni, Qeturah, Oliver's mother. Yes, even Eamon is present.

Olive sat down. Carson and Finley sat beside him. Nobody uttered a word, the silence was strange. Is this truly Oliver, the same Oliver that they know?

This individual right in front of them looks so robust, a young man with so much vigor. Two years away from home had turned him into what he is now.

Present in the massive dining room is many other young men and women the same age as Oliver. Most were older than he is. Many of them used to treat him like he is trash, a nobody, a weakling, one who is just a normal human. Yes, they still see him as such.

'Who the hell does he think he is? Arriving at whatever time he likes,' one said to himself.

"Where is Kaliq?" questioned Wain, "I am well aware that he should have been informed,"

"He couldn't make it," says Eamon.

"What could be more important than being here to welcome Creed, his brother back to the family?"

Upon hearing that, many scoffed, staring daggers at Oliver. Briggs, who hates him was no different.

"Who is Kaliq?" questioned Oliver with a low tone.

"Older step-brother..."

"It is good to have you with us once again. Forgive the absence of a few, they had other matters at hand," said Wain.

Oliver said nothing in reply, he doesn't want to be here in the first place;

"It's not a problem," he managed to say.

"...I have heard from your father that you are now an Awakened one... Is this true?"

"...I guess... so,"

"Very well... I do not know how you were able to achieve that, nor do I care. As you already know, all Awakened are obligated to join the army for at least two years to hone their skill.

Since you awakened your powers at a later age, you are probably the weakest in the family... most likely,"

Wain's words caused a few to chuckle in mockery. Being an Awakened doesn't make you invisible. Oliver must have noticed the ridicule shot at him from all angles, but he chose to not react.

"Eamon will introduce you to_

"I have other plans," Oliver interjected.

"And what might that be?"

"I will train in the army, but as a monster hunter," Oliver said.

No one saw that coming. Oliver got stronger by a bit and now he thinks he can do anything. Does he think that the job of a monster hunter is a joke, that anybody can do it?

"I do not approve," said Eamon.

"I wasn't asking for permission. This is my choice,"

"You do not have a say in this,"

"...Yes, I do,"

Eamon is annoyed. That is very much visible on his face. He gave Oliver a dead stare for talking back at him. None one has ever done that, none except Oliver. Such audacity.

"Being a hunter comes with putting your life on the line in many cases. You are not just a soldier,"

The appointed fighters against monsters come in two sections. The first is the military, a group of soldiers trained to battle against harmful creatures, whether actual monsters or fellow humans with the heart of a monster.

The other divisions truly deserve to be called monster hunters. They do not defend or are not focused on that, this group of combatants goes out of their way to hunt for them, a very dangerous job that many do not return in one piece or alive.

"You will die before you even get to kill one monster," said Briggs, a barely noticeable smirk appearing on his lip.

"Shut up, Briggs. You do not speak unless spoken to," said Wain; "is that understood?"

"... Y_ Yes... Yes... I understand,"

"Good," Wain turned his attention back to Oliver; "As much as I do not want to admit this, you will be toying with your life.

I have seen monsters whose presence made me shudder in great fear. Monsters who should have never existed,"

"Many times I almost died, many times I had to do cruel things just to stay alive. I am not proud of the person that I am, the person being a monster hunter had turned me into. Nevertheless, if this is what you still want to do, I will not stop you... I don't think I can,"