
I Became the monster that I hunt.

A ruthless monster hunter died at the age of fifty. During his prime, Oliver exterminated all living beings as long as it is a monster. He is not one to show mercy, and this never changed until his death. Arising on a new planet, the merciless hunter soon noticed that he has a new body and mind. Nature played a joke on him by transferring him into a new but similar world, a world where monsters and humans battle each other. There is one problem... ...Oliver is now a monster, one of the most dangerous that every hunter seeks to destroy.

InTheDark · Fantasi
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26 Chs

A Plot Hole

<"There will be no rest for you, dear Oliver...

...Wake up... open your eyes, Monster Hunter,">

'Darkness', that was all he could see.

'Where is this? The afterlife?' he thought.

Without a warning, flashes of dreadful memories revealed themselves. Oliver had been blinded by an enemy. A fellow human who had proven to possess great power attacked his sight. He also felt some discomfort in his ears due to violent sounds rushing in.

Oliver could not understand why he is hearing all of this, his ears seemed to be grasping all kinds of noises, such as vehicles, waves, wind, insects, human speech, birds chirping, screams, echoes, and others he failed to discern. Moving his body proved to be impossible, he can not feel anything, his hands or legs.

'I see... this must be hell,'

Soon, he lost track of time. What time is it? How long has he been in darkness? Minutes, hours?

Nevertheless, by some miracle, half of his vision returned to him. He could see at long last, alas with one eye.

Bird chirping could be heard all around, it seems these flying creatures always gather here when it is night. Apart from his sense of sight and hearing, Oliver is still helpless, immobile, and unable to defend himself if anyone or anything wants to harm him.

The sun came up, and then down, and up again. Morning and night, Oliver lay down, helpless as usual. He could feel his body after so many days, weeks to be more precise, but is still unable to move. After two more weeks, Oliver's other sight was restored, by this time, he could already move both of his arms with a bit of difficulty. The blinding light of the blue sky is a discomfort he will have to endure.

'What?' Oliver exclaimed inwardly.

He had raised his arm into his line of view to get a better glimpse of himself. What he saw came as a surprise. He is finding it hard to believe this.

'This cannot be happening, no, not to me. I am a human,'

Oliver's hands look nothing like that of a human. His hands were blackish or brownish-green with claws that look like they can tear through anything. Oliver did his best, he repeatedly tried to remind himself that he is a human. Whatever he is seeing right now cannot be real, but deep inside, a side of him is saying otherwise.

If this world is slightly even similar to his, then there is a high possibility that Oliver might get killed before he fully recovers. His weakened state is an opening, a chance that no hunter would waste.

It's been three months. Oliver's body continued to heal itself. Soon, he understood why he remained weak for so long. His body is lacking a core.

A monster cannot survive without a core, no living being can stay alive while that organ is missing. Yet, how in the world is Oliver still breathing? Not even he can say why.

Oliver doesn't have legs, two of them were taken out by an enemy right after destroying his sight.

"I'll be here for a while," he mumbled and then closed his eyes to take a nap.

Months went by in a flash, but his core still needed more time to return to its peak. 13 months ago, Oliver was highly incapacitated, which is not the case now. All of his organs had returned to him. His core still hasn't recovered, and without it, Oliver will be more of a walking dead.

This delicate organ is the most important part of the body, and might take months just to regenerate. As impatient as he might be, the monster hunter could do nothing about it. Once again, he closed his eyes, returning to his vegetative state.

* * *

"The patient is awake,"

"Oh good. Take me to him,"

After he regained consciousness, Oliver found himself in a very familiar surroundings. No doubt, he is in a hospital and had probably spent at least, three days here.

The first he noticed in himself is that he no longer looks like a monster, this is a human skin. Oliver stared at his hand, shocked by the new look. Could it be that he was a human all along? Why then did he look different the last time he checked?

Dressed as a patient, Oliver strolled towards a glass. He wants to see himself in full, what he looks like just in case. His reflection that was staring back at him is a very young man that should be far younger than 30 years of age.

Last time he checked, Oliver was 52 years old. In this new world, he is starting afresh as a young man.

All of a sudden, his claws started growing out of one hand. His skin color is also changing. From his reflection, he could see that half of his face is transforming into that of a monster while the other half remained the same. His hopes died that very moment. Oliver was never a human, not in this world.

"How is this happening?" he said. His transformation is slowly affecting the other half of his body. One of his eyes glowed in bright yellowish-green with visible fangs that can rip anything apart.


He cursed under his breath when he noticed someone walking toward his hospital room. A man putting on suit was being led by a female nurse towards the door.

"Hello there," he said right after he stepped inside, but quickly noticed something.

"Are you alright?" he said.

"I am fine," replied Oliver who at the moment is facing a wall.

"You sure about that?" the man questioned. There seem to be something wrong.

"Speak to me," he walked toward Oliver, grabbed him by the shoulder, and turned him around.

"As I said, I am fine," says Oliver.

His face had returned to looking like a human. Only a small part of his body is yet to do the same. He hid his hands in his pocket seconds before the man could notice any changes.

"I can see that... sorry," says the man. "My name is Maximus, many call me Max, or Maxi, whichever one works for you."

"Max," Oliver nodded.

"So... what are you called?"


"I mean your name... You do have a name, right?"

"I am Oliver,"

"Oliver," Max mumbled, absorbing that in.

"You were found lying unconscious in the woods. For a second, we thought you will die since your heart was beating a bit too slow,"

"I see..." says Oliver, he now understands how he got here.

"If you don't mind me asking, What happened to you?" questioned Max.

Oliver wasn't sure of what to say. He is certainly not going to speak the truth. No one would believe that, and he'll just get killed.

"I'll tell you what," said Max who had noticed Oliver's hesitation, "We can talk later. You make sure to recover,"

Maximus stood up and straightened his suit. With a smile on his face, he exited the room, walking away like the gentleman that he is.

"You should rest. You need it," says the nurse who then followed Mr. Max.

Unintentionally, Oliver's ears began to capture sounds from distances away. He heard a familiar voice that he recognized. This is Maximus speaking to someone from his phone.

{"What did you find?"}

"Nothing yet... He needs some space. I'll come back to get answers,"

{"Since when do you care about that?"}

"I wouldn't want to resurface any bad memories. That would make getting what we need a bit of a drag,"


Hazel, who is on the other line seemed a bit restless;

{"Ok... I trust your judgment. Do what you have to do. We need answers or all our efforts would have been for nothing,"}

"I know that,"

The phone call ended. Maximus lit a cigarette as he stepped out of the hospital building onto his car, leaving the area seconds later.

Unbeknownst the Oliver, there was a surveillance camera in the room. Hazel replayed a clip that had been recorded minutes before Maximus came in. She did not understand Oliver's strange behavior.

"What are you up to?"

* * *

In his car, still on the main road, another call came in. This time, it is from a different person. Maximus picked up almost immediately...

"Hazel must have briefed you,"

{"Indeed, she has,"}

"I'm hoping she also told you the reason why I left with no answers,"

{"That's not why I called,"}

"Ok... I'm all ears," says Maximus.

{"Can you come see me?"}

"When? Now?"

{"Yes, now"}

"Yeah... about that. I've got something I need to do,"

{"This is important,"}

"Mine is just as important..." Maximus felt that he should add more context;

"...Oliver's appearance seems a bit strange. There is a plot hole that I need to figure out," says Maximus.

{"Who is Oliver?"}

"The patient,"

{"I was going to speak with you about that.

...I'll send the footage given to me by Hazel. Inspect it and tell me what you think."}


The vehicle sped up, covering many grounds in seconds...