
I Became Konoha Jounin From the Start..

The story starts with a guy transmigrating into body a Konoha jounin Kitamura Aoki about a year before Naruto's graduation. Well he has a system which will give him amazing rewards and a Shop from which he can buy almost everything. So he is destined to become powerful. Let's see how his presence affects the storyline.

Gursimran_Singh_8817 · Komik
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34 Chs

Chapter 34

" So you really do not mind if I reject the old man's proposal ? "

Aoki was a little puzzled and very happy after listening to the simple reply of Anko. He had just finished telling her that he personally did not want to agree with all that Hokage candidate shit and to his surprise Anko just thought for a second and told him to do whatever he liked and she will just follow his decisions.

" Silly , of course I dont care about some boring title behind your name like Hokage. I just want to live a happy life together with you. I felt very happy that you discussed your issues with me though! " Anko said and gave a sweet peck on his lips.

Aoki smiled happily while thinking that he really did choose a nice girlfriend who just can be a little too sadistic from time to time. He kissed her back and decided to visit the Hokage office to tell Sandaime about his final decision.

Both of them were cuddling inside his futon in the morning and Aoki really did not want to leave such a pink atmosphere though. Alas Anko had her job at the intelligence and torture department so she left his apartment after few more passionate kisses.

Aoki shrugged and changed into black jump suit after taking a shower. Then he left for the Hokage office after wasting his jounin jacket.


As expected , it was no trouble to meet the old man at all despite him insisting that he was always busy with his jobs as the Hokage. Aoki himself had never seen the old man struggling for breaks between his work at all.

Sandaime was as usual rather casual while talking with Aoki. This time though Aoki was in no mood for a chat so he immediately got straight to the point.

" Old man, I thought a lot and as expected my decision about rejecting your proposal about Hokage candidate did not change. " Sandaime was visibly annoyed as though he had already expected such answer from Aoki considering the fact that with his experience in reading people, there was no way that he had noticed Aoki's personality which was not suited for political positions such as Hokage.

" Sigh.. Well I knew this will happen but tried anyways. "

" Wait I have not finished talking old man! I said that you can forget about me becoming Hokage but your proposal about joining anbu, I have decided to accept it. "

Sandaime was visibly surprised for a second as he did not understand the reason behind the sudden change. Aoki had been rejecting his anbu prospal for a while now so Sandaime had already given up on the option by now. So he never expected that Aoki will actually join anbu organization. Still Sandaime decided to not think much about it as he could care less about the reason as long as he can have such a powerful subordinate as Aoki in anbu which is the organization under his direct command.

Seeing the sudden smile on the old man's face , Aoki knew that he was happy but Aoki did not care much about the old man's reaction anyway. Aoki had his own reason why he accepted the proposal after all.

Aside from the cons , one more main reason was that he had accepted a quest from system which had popped out in the morning when he just thinking about reject placement in anbu for good.



On top of that Anko basically gave him the go sign too so Aoki had all the reason to join the anbu corps now.

Aoki was not particularly in the mood to chat with the old man so he left the office immediately once Sandaime told him that the procedures of his transfer will be completed by tomorrow and he will be needed to follow an anbu who will escort him to the base.


Now that his mind was freed from useless thoughts , Aoki felt refreshed and decided that it was time to focus on his training again.

Anko would arrive at his apartment late at night so he had much free time now anyway. It did not take long to arrive at the same old Training Ground 9.

The first thing Aoki did was to claim the reward " Rokushiki skills " which he did not have claimed yet.

Now Aoki could not be more familiar with the process so in seconds , Aoki navigated through the system and chose 4 Rokushiki skills of his own choice.

Soru was a no brainers as Aoki was amazed by the high speed movement art which did not require any chakra to perform like Body Flicker.

Next was Geppo as who did not want to walk in the sky?

As a swordsman , Aoki went with Rankyaku as the skill was compatible with his current techniques and would be easier to master. It will also provide him with more versatility in his fighting style.

For his last choice Aoki chose Tekkai. It was the most difficult one to train as inhumane body training was required to increase the proficiency. But the defense provided by the technique was very appealing to Aoki. Besides he could always raise the proficiency using skill points anyway.

As expected, as soon as he selected the skills, his mind was filled with the basics of the four superhuman techniques. Aoki could only chuckle nervously when he noticed that it will take a lot of time to completely master the four skills.

Fortunately Aoki was already used to advanced taijutsu movements so the experience of that will be great help in practicing his new skills and raising their proficiency to some extent in short amount of time.

Aoki did not immediately start practicing . Instead he remained in the meditative position and started thinking about his sword proficiency.

He had already stepped into the next realm and could use Flying slashes but Aoki knew that he could still improve his proficiency and power by a lot.

Now , only repetitive practice will help him because to improve the power of flying slash , he needed to become more and more familiar with using the technique until it became instinct. Only then he will be able to step into the next realm of the sword and imbue his slashes with his intent.

Fortunately the manual which he had bought from the system , mentioned a simple training method which took time but produced definite progress with the Flying slash technique.

The technique was basically cutting air and use the air pressure as projectiles. So Aoki just had to repetitively practice and become more and more adept at manipulating air pressure so that his flying slash can fly for longer distances while housing more power behind him. During the training, the precision of the attack will naturaly continue to increase too.

The best method was to combine multiple flying slashes into one. Aoki could now use only one slash with a single motion but was close to combining two into one during a single motion. If he succeeded, then he will be able to unleash a flying slash at least two times powerful , precise and long compared to the current one.

According to the manual, he needed to be able to combine at least fifteen slashes into one before he can step into next realm. Aoki could not even imagine right now about the time he needed to step into next realm of the sword.

Right now Aoki had barely become able to use a single slash in one motion and honestly had no idea how to successfully combine two of them into one. Still with his unparalleled talent , Aoki had no doubt that he will able to combine them soon if he had even a slight enlightenment. In fact , he even had the perfect tool to cause similar effect as the enlightenment which was to forcibly raise his skill proficiency by using some skill points.

Why wait when he can save time? So without hesitation Aoki mentally started allocating skill points to his new Advanced swordsmanship skill one by one. The skill evolved from intermediate swordsmanship when he became able to use flying slash technique..

The familiar trance came once again and Aoki experienced himself training his basic sword skills along with flying slash again and again.. This method of using skill points to upgrade the proficiency was as expected best one to save enormous amounts of training time..