
I Became Her

Normal life become not normal. And a love story of the forgotten past.

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25 Chs

I Became Her

"It is a trap! " one elite soldier shout, then an arrow from somewhere almost got him but he immediately avoided. Then the elite soldiers get ready for their formation with their armor and shields. They used some powder to make a big smoke that the enemy cannot see them properly. Arrows are going back to the rebels with confusion . From inside the houses, they go out to confront the elite soldiers face to face. Then a big numbers of elite soldiers start to appear everywhere, one by one surrounding the rebels and some elite soldiers in the middle with their shields on hands.

" You are right your highness , we saw some back up coming from the right side of the forest. It seems someone alerted whoever is behind the rebels. " The general inform the king. " We will be incharge of their back up. Blake, you can lead them in the village. They need someone to lift up their spirit. Hiyah! " and the king's horse excitedly run.

Blake obeyed king Sven and went to the inside the village where everyone is killing to survive. His blood became excited by the site of the blood , then his vissioned blurred and all darkness.

The devilish smile , the little fangs in the right side of his teeth and the eagle's eye on his right side face. He was swaying his sword meticulously aiming for his enemy in the dangerous spot directly to be killed in one blow. This is the what King Sven see when he came back to check Blake in the village. The rebels were killed in a bloody way and now it is aiming the elite soldiers who are surrounding him.

King Sven did not blink an eye when he came near Blake who is now a diffirent person. He manage to get his attention and now ready to attack him. " Don't even think to point your arrows at him. No one interferes!" King Sven ordered. " Blake get over it! " The king is trying to call for Blake who are in a deep sleep. The creature inside Blake's body is confused because King Sven seems to know what is happening. " Don't you remember me? " the king ask. The creature went back a little bit to stare at him. Then he remembered someone younger and stronger Sven . " It is you. You're old." Blake voice and the creature speaks together. Then the creature feels that Blake is waking up , he dissappeared somewhere. Blake appearance change to his normal face. " What happened? " he whispered and went unconscious. " No one should never utter any word regarding what happened here and if anyone cannot stand to keep his mouth shut, it is better to cut your own tounge and be a mute , Everbody clear?! " King Sven shouted. All elite soldiers bow down to keep their promise.

" They are coming ! " Flora inform Daniella. Daniella is worried to go out and watch them getting nearer. King Sven is carrying the body of Blake in his shoulders. He drop the body in front of the tent where Daniella is standing. " He makes this old man so worried. Scold him when he's up. " King Sven is refering to himself as the old man.

Blake is weak the moment he wakes up.He felt that he's hungry. He stand up without making a noise and he saw Layla in the table, sleeping. He pick the blanket to cover her and carry her in a bridal way going to the bed. At first she is confused " Hmmm...?" she makes a sound. But she close her eyes again ignoring Blake who is carrying her.

Blake go outside to get some food and see that everyone is asleep except those soldiers who are incharge at night. In the middle of the tents , there is a big firewood burning and beside it is King Sven watching . The surrounding is dark and only that big firewood is the source of light. Blake walk but his footsteps is heard by the king . " Hungry are we? " he ask. Blake smiled and nodded. " We have some wild boar cooked meat and bread here. Care to join me with cherry tea? " he offered, behind him is the big feast table that is man made created by the elite soldiers. Since there was an extra chair beside the king and Blake is hungry , he join the king.

Blake nearly choke as he put big pieces of the meat and bread in his mouth. " Now there, no one will take away the food from you. Here, drink a cherry tea. It's hot. " King Sven put a tea in an extra wooden cup. Blake is now finished and contented after eating. He don't know that eating after a battle has such an amazing feeling of contentment. Growing up inside the palace is sure diffirent. " We won , in case you forgot ." King Sven is joking. Then Blake remember the moment he blacked out. " I'm not really used in a real battle, I blacked out. " he explained, then he got confuse after remembering the blood in his hands the moment he woke up. " I have a dream that I have slain the enemy ..." Blake almost laugh as he stared at his clean hands. " Care to listen to my story? If of course you are interested." King Sven replied while staring the fire in front of him. Blake would would not dare to say no of course, knowing that he passed out in the middle of the battle he is embarassed. " I will take your silence as yes. Do you believe in gods and goddesses? " King Sven seriously ask.

There was a time when the gods and humans coexist in one world. Their is no heaven and hell , only gods and goddesses. It was peaceful indeed. The human worship the gods, because they have a special ability given by the' universe' ,the creator. If the woman wants to be beautiful , they will worship the god of beauty. If the people wants wisdom , they will worship god and goddess of wisdom. But there are gods who thought lowly of the humans. " All they do is to ask, ask,ask and ask. But what do they do in return?! Nothing! " god of greediness blurted out. " Because they are created to be weak thus we need to be more patient with them..." the tree fairy said. They are living in the same big tree where people worship the god of greediness. " You are only sad that they forget you the moment they get what they want and come back if they need you again. " other tree fairy said. The god of greediness roll his eyes because it is true but still he want to deny it. He sighed and put his palm under his chin as if he is lazy.

" I am the god of war ! and now I am declaring war against gods , those who wants to join me feel free to register !" the god of deception shouted. " Aren't you one of them? Why are you doing like this? " shouted of one audience in the crowd. " Do you think it is unfair? . The universe create gods with abilities, that humans bow to them and needs to low their head the moment they saw one of them?!" god of deception insisted. The crowd of people become silent thinking that he is right . After half an hour , the line is long to write their name in a piece of paper as a proof of alliance. " Can you see that , god of death? huh! Just relax , if this continues and my recruitment is finish, the war will happen eventually. Then the soul will be offered to the god of death , my god father. And he will be the king, greater than the universe! the creator!" the god of deception thought.

The people ask the gods for a long life , for eternal life thus they have forgotten about death. They do not pray to it because it means death, the end of life. And if one of their family member die, they do not thanks the god of death for ending their life but hating and cursing the god of death. Now, god of death is in a long deep sleep because of people's curse and should never be awaken.

" It seems that my dreams will come true. War is coming . " god of prediction says. " The peaceful days will come to an end. " the god of peace commented. " But to whom do we call in this kind of things? So we have a god who is gifted about war? " the god of justice is worried. " It is never written in the books these kind of things. This will be the first war to be ever recorded..." the god of wisdom answered. " The universe is not blind, let us trust our creator. " the god of peace calm them down with their worries.

The lightning strikes a big rock where the covenant between human and gods are written. The words are erased and the lightning leave two words, since the big rock is cut in half now ,the left side have the word " evil" and the right side have the word " good". Then when no one is around , the two magical words are swept away by the rain and meet down the rock . The liquid slowly form into a baby in a flesh. Looking like everybody else, it is male. He cried under the rain like a normal baby does. The god of prediction who is always visiting the area heard it and finds the baby under the rain.

After a long dark days of raining , the sun is shining bright in the morning. The god of prediction bring the baby in the meeting between the high gods. " I did not hear that you are married , god of prediction. " god of peace commented seriously. " Having a baby before marriage is a little bit..." the god of marriage replied in suspicion. " Stop with your nonsense, I am old enough to be his grandfather. I found this baby under the stone of covenant. " god of prediction said. " He is emmitting indeed a godly aura. " the god of justice said. " Have you remember when god of peace said that the universe is watching? " god of wisdom hinted. " You mean? ..." god of peace ask out of curiosity. " The answer to our worries about the war coming soon between gods and humans." the god of wisdom directly said. The other gods are staring each other , they don't know if they should believe the god of wisdom or not. " Come to think of it , if what you said is true he is indeed special because he is only the god who came to this world in human form. Maybe the universe, the creator is telling us that he is special. " the other god agreed. " So we all agreed to accept this god in human form. But wait who will raise this kid? " one of the god ask. All of them keep quiet , no one dare to create a noise and attract attention. " Since god of prediction found him, we should all agree that he will raise him. Together with god of justice , wisdom and peace since they are the reason why that baby is created as they said?" one god suggested with a mocking tone. " Yes! , Yes! " the other gods shouted refusing the responsibility. The god of peace make a deep sigh " It is better indeed..." .

" These lazy gods! " the god of prediction is kicking the the rock on the ground with his temperament. " Since we are the one taking care of this little creature, what should we name him? " the god of peace is playing with the baby's little fingers. " Since he appears this time that war is coming , we can call him the god of war. " the god of knowledge says while reading a book about on how to take care of a newborn baby.

"Have you heard about the god of time ? " the god of peace gossip while changing the nappies of baby god of war." He dissappeared again. " he continues. " It is not surprising isn't it. He is one of the mysterious gods that the universe created. He appears and dissappears most of the time.I remember no one wants to befriend him because he was always weird talking to himself. " the god of wisdom said. " Some says when he dissappeared he is going somewhere that only him can go . Some says he is traveling through time ,but most of the gods says that he is just crazy uttering crazy words." god of wisdom continues. " Well, he is one of the gods after all, we are created according to our purpose. " god of peace said. " Traveling through time? nonsense! Then he should call himself my nephew because I am the god of prediction." god of prediction said.

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