
156: Cunning Plan

Everybody in the ballroom went into an uproar when Arthur opened the price for the Golden Pills that were provided by his two Queens.

Each of them did their bidding outrageously.

From thousands of gold coins per pill up to hundreds of thousands gold coins. The biddings were fierce, neither of them wanted to lose to each other.

Fei Yue massaged her temple. Although her face looks flawless, she couldn't hide her fatigued expression on her face.

If it wasn't for Arya who helped us prepare these pills, Arthur would have lost his face tonight."

She did her best to not disturb the auction process, straightening her back to maintain her elegance.

As the bidding price spiked high and almost reached a million gold coins, the front door was suddenly opened by two Imperial Knights, each wearing a full-body golden armor.

Everybody in the room went silent upon seeing the Emperor of the Bezant Empire strode his way with such regality.