
I Became an SSS-Ranked Chef in a VR Game

Truck-kun had a grudge against Liu Lixin. So much so that it even teamed up with a bus to kill him. Making his death like his life: horrible, painful, and quite brutal. Unfortunately, this wasn't like the anime he watched. Instead of being sent to another world, he was thrown back in time. Welp. Beggars can't be choosers. At least he was given a second chance. Given how fortunate he was to receive one, he must have been a Koi in his previous life. Lixin laughed at the thought. With what he had been through there was no way that could be true. However, once he started playing Watashinojinsei-dan Online he began to second-guess himself. Because his in-game Persona was exactly that. A Koi. Now that he was bursting with luck he would make a name for himself as the greatest chef in the game. While he is at it he might as well get revenge on the people who ruined his first life.

Momocatt · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
91 Chs

Stage 38: Inky Blackness

Lixin was surprised to see how much stronger he was after leveling up. Although it was to be expected, seeing is believing.

Previously when he fought the Meinless it took at least two attacks using his Rósastóll skill before the monster died. But as he glanced at the monster's health bar that was steadily dropping above its head it looked like it would only take one.

It seemed he spoke too soon because, after ten seconds, the vine containing the Bleeding Heart Flowers began to dissipate. Which sucked because the monster only had ten percent health left. It would be great if the skill lasted longer than ten seconds.

'It probably will when I level up the skill,' Lixin thought as he contemplated if he should serve the monster another cup of tea.

Deciding that it would be wasteful to use another Rósastóll tea bag he thought it would be an excellent opportunity to see what his pummel skill could do.

As he rushed toward the snail creature, he shouted Pummel! Suddenly he felt like a professional boxer. His movements became lighter and even his stance changed. Faster than his eyes could catch his fists flew toward the creature and with three loud and heavy blows, it was dead.

Although he was impressed with the ability, as he looked at his slime-covered fists he once again reaffirmed that close combat wasn't for him.

[Cora:] [You gained 20 Exp!]

"Thank you so much. Omg, I was freaking out. Bugs are so not my thing," the Panda girl said.

Lixin almost forgot about the girl because he was so focused on killing that abomination. "No problem, that thing needed to die."

"You're right about that," the girl chuckled. "My name is Berry Fairy. What about you?"

He was surprised by how friendly the girl was. However, he wouldn't let his guard down around her that easily. He had learned his lesson and would no longer be fooled by a nice facade.

"I'm Fortuitous Fish. It's nice to meet you," he replied as he walked over to the monster's corpse and claimed his spoils.

[Cora:] [You gained 32 Bronze Coins!]

[Cora:] [You gained 1 Unprocessed Silk Roll!]

[Cora:] [You gained 1 Health Potion!]

"Fortuitous Fish... huh, that's a really cool name," Berry Fairy stated. "I should have put more thought into mine."

"Haha, thanks. And you shouldn't worry about your name. I think it's cute." In all honesty, it reminded him of a name a host of a children's show would have.

"I'm glad, I thought it would be perceived as childish."

Suddenly a notification screen appeared in front of Lixin's face.

[Cora:] [Berry Fairy wants to be your friend! Do you accept? Yes or No?]

After a moment of contemplation, he decided to accept. If she turned out to be a two-faced bitch like his step-sister he could always add one more name to his list. With that in mind, he smiled before clicking Yes.

"Nice, you are the first friend I have made in this game so far. Well besides my brother but he doesn't count."

"It's the same for me but substitute brother for cousin," Lixin chuckled.

"So where are you headed? I was on my way to find an easy place to level when I ran into that thing," Berry Fairy shuddered at the thought of that spider monster. "Whoever created that critter had a screw loose."

Lixin silently agreed. He was just glad it wasn't a boss monster. It would have been three times as frightening. "I'm trying to locate a book."

"A book? In the woods?" she questioned. "Is it some kind of magical book or something?"

"No. It is just a regular book, but the book isn't the quest item. They are a jar of flowers and a card."

"Now I'm even more confused but also intrigued. What kind of quest is it?" Berry Fairy inquired curiously.

"Well, I got the quest while I was in the library researching something for another quest..." Lixin went on to explain the quest he got from the ghost girl in detail. "... And now I'm on my way to find the presents she prepared for her mother."

Berry Fairy sniffed as she wiped her eyes. "That's like seriously so sad, but at the same time so heartwarming."

"I felt the same way."

"Do you mind if I help you look for it? Just thinking about poor Zinnia not being able to move makes me want to do something!" she exclaimed. "Plus this will give me the chance to pay you back for killing that nasty bug."

In agreement, Lixin said, "That would actually be an enormous help. Because the location circled on the map has about a two-mile radius."

"Seriously? Wow, that is a large area to cover. Luckily you have me. I will be able to help you find it quickly," Berry Fairy boasted.

Lixin knew she wasn't making an empty promise because beastmen, from what he read, had excellent senses. These types of Personas had the ability to smell, see, and hear things others couldn't.

He nodded in agreement and replied, "Yes, I am counting on you."

Although he had been reluctant to befriend her he was glad for her help. Since he was unfamiliar with this area, it would have taken him much longer on his own.

"Let's go," Berry Fairy said.


Lixin and Berry Fairy began walking along the path. As they neared the section of the woods where they needed to cut through he stopped her. He explained that they should run until they reached the area marked on his map, so as not to alert any possible monsters ahead.

Berry Fairy nodded in agreement, and they raced through the forest. Branches snapped beneath their feet as they ran. Adrenaline surged through them when they had a few close calls with some monsters that were lurking in the shadows. Eventually, with relief, they arrived at their destination unscathed.

"I'm glad we didn't run into any more bug-like creatures," Berry Fairy said happily.

"If we had, I could have taken them on," Lixin told her, but inwardly he was glad they didn't. It would have made them lose daylight.

Berry Fairy didn't respond and just began to look around the area. "So what does this bag look like anyway?"

"I don't know but it should be near the Whooselit flowers."

"Whooselit flowers? Do you know what they look like?" Berry Fairy asked.

Shaking his head, Lixin said, "No, but I will be able to identify them once we are near them.''


[Cora:] [Berry Fairy wants you to join her party! Do you accept? Yes or No?]

Lixin pressed Yes.


After 30 minutes of searching, Berry Fairy paused and asked, "Do you think we should split up? We have been searching for so long but we still aren't able to find a hint of those flowers."

"No. I don't think we should. It would be much faster that way, but something doesn't feel right," he replied.

Lixin didn't think anything of it at first but the longer they spent here he realized something was off. The environment was eerily quiet.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Don't you find it strange that we haven't encountered any monsters while we were searching?" he questioned. "Also, where are all the animals? Besides a few birds, we haven't seen any since we got here."

Berry Fairy thought for a second and replied, "Now that you mention it, that does seem odd…"

Before she could finish her sentence, the ground rumbled and loud chirping could be heard coming from beneath their feet.


Author Says

MomoCatt: Dun… Dun…Dunnnn!


MomoCatt: If you want to know what happens next, stay tuned till next time.

Lixin: And make sure to bring snacks. I recommend Lemon Blueberry Whoopie Pies.