
Official Website Information, Concerns About Trolls.

Penerjemah: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Whether he could cast Fireball, or not, was not the point now. The point was whether he could find any hidden and more useful information.

Reed recomposed his thoughts and continued to rummage through the official website.

The only detailed information available was for the four main races: humans, elves, orcs, and deepkin.

It was quite obvious that once the game was open to players, those few races would be available first.

The one he could easily make contact with was the humans and the orcs, and he could even make an issue out of it in the future.

Reed rubbed his nose as more than a dozen thoughts came to mind.

He then continued to scroll through the official website and found the class introductions that he cared most about.

Glory not only had mages but also four other initial classes.

Warriors, priests, rogues, archers, and mages formed the five initial class systems of Glory.

The official website displayed a ranking of difficulty and combat effectiveness for the five classes.

The first was the mage, with a difficulty level of 10 stars, and combat power of 10 stars.

The second was the archer, with 8 stars in difficulty and 7 stars in combat effectiveness.

The third was rogue, with 7-star difficulty and 8-star combat effectiveness.

The fourth was priests, with 6 stars in both aspects.

The fifth was warrior, with a difficulty of 5 stars and combat effectiveness of 7 stars.

Reed's progenitor was already a Level 10 mage, and his secondary class was a Level 5 warrior with no more room for any other classes, so he could just read up and have an understanding of the other classes.

Over in Grimm, those classes were the mainstream professions, and there were no other classes based on the Progenitor Vampire's memories.

Reed was not done. The information had been useless to him two days ago, not now, however.

Sadly, that was all the materials available on the official website, and the legendary secret classes, artifacts, and equipment were simply glossed over.

After he did his research for a few more minutes and was sure that he had not missed any useful information, he finally opened the forum on the official website.

Thanks to the strong publicity campaign in the past few months and exhibitions with live game experience in various first and second-tier cities, the official forum of Glory was abuzz.

A group of trolls, who would die if they did not stir sh*t up, had been enthusiastically posting all over the forum, and some of the topics took Reed aback.

Shocked! After experiencing Glory today, my wife unexpectedly...

On the feasibility analysis report of bonking in-game...

Looking for someone to teach me how to obtain artifacts and hidden classes QQ.

Online games are heresy. To protect the health of children, parents must be resolute. I will purchase alpha and beta test accounts at a high price.

Aside from those nonsensical complaints, most netizens were asking when the game would be released, and the explosive realism of the game had them itching for it.

Only a few were talking about things that interested Reed.

For example, one of the posts that analyzed the game's background made him think. However, the poster's point of view was not something he had expected.

Knight of the Broken Sword: I'm in Beijing, and I've experienced Glory at least thirty times.

It is no exaggeration to say that Glory is an epoch-making production, and once Glory is released, who can compete with it?!

All right, cutting to the chase, let's talk about the background of the five classes in this game.

Judging from the small amount of information published on the official website, this is a virtual game with magical elements that are based on Medieval Europe.

There are elves, orcs, dragons, dwarves, vampires, and the like. Of course, whether these races are playable or not remains to be officially announced.

Now, I will mainly talk about the five initial classes.

Glory has a very important focus, which is the incorporation of gods in its background story.

This seems like something that most games would have, but as a player who has experienced this game over thirty times, I have to say that this game is different. So, don't look at it with those old-fashioned thoughts.

The other games are designed by level planners and game designers, but I suspect that this game uses the most advanced of AI to proceed with the plotline.

So, don't look down on it.

Due to the existence of gods in Glory, I'm inferring that there is a high probability that we may see a collision between gods and kings.

Based on the current situation, the priests are undoubtedly the representative of the gods, while the other four classes belong to a neutral camp.

Why? Because I have tried all classes.

Only the priest has to choose the god he worships at the start of the game, and different gods provide different abilities. I won't talk about it here. You can read my other post on that.

From the priest class, we can see that gods must be extremely important in this game.

While all of us are familiar with the priest class, when the developers divide a huge chunk of the class under the banner of the gods, what does that mean?

You need to know that priests can delve into some parts of the mage's class system, and they can be changed into full-time priests later on.

As to why I see it like this, it's because the game is just too real that it begets comprehension.

The two camps between gods and kings are not as simple as you think, and everyone needs to pay attention to this.

So, when you choose a class, you can consider priests. After all, having a powerful backing from the gods is definitely a much better start than not having any...

That novel take amazed Reed, and Grimm was indeed like that in his memory.

The relationship between the city lord, who had personally been appointed by the King of the Norland Empire, and the major temples in the city was extremely cold, and there was even friction from time to time.

The existence of gods pressed against the king's control of the country, but the power of the church provoked the king's fear, so the relationship between those two powers was not a harmonious one.

Just from having experienced the game and inferring so much information from the simple details given on the official website, there were just too many powerful players lurking about.

That thought also raised Reed's sense of crisis by several notches. The players were absolutely gifted at causing trouble.

If those trolls knew about the existence of the vampires, especially the fact that a vampire's entire body was full of alchemical materials that could be sold to mages for money, the consequences would be...

Reed shook his head. He needed to develop the vampire clan before the players arrived, otherwise, he would never be able to stop those players.

After that post, the rest were mere speculations and rumors that had nothing to do with the game.

Once Reed determined that there was no more valuable information, he searched Baidu for more particulars regarding Glory.

As expected, Glory had just materialized out of thin air. There was no other valuable information, and everything about the game started three months ago.

Reed, who did not manage to gain anything, turned off the computer and made something to eat. He worked out for an hour before he took a quick shower.

By the time he was done, it was already one in the afternoon.

He quickly lay on his bed and closed his eyes.


And he was back in the game world.