
Chapter 14

I slowly make my way closer to the back of the fire bear while keeping my body hidden in the branches and leaves.

Once I'm over his position I freeze and don't move anymore.

The bear suddenly turns his head around and breaths out a flame of seven meters length and half a meter thick.

The fire is aimed at my position and will only take a second to arrive.

I use this second to bring my tail near my body and push out with my legs so that my tail is going to be in the center of the fire beam.

Then the flame came and envelops my tail while the rest of my body falls on the bear.

The bear seemingly expecting that he uses his right front paw to attack my falling body.

But what it didn't expect is the sudden pain in its throat as a bony blade pierces through his neck.

The bladed tail used the fire beam as cover to directly attack the neck of the bear while the rest of the body served as a distraction.

With the blade in his mouth the bear completely forgot about the falling enemy till he feels a powerful grip on his shoulder and pain on his belly as a black hand grips his right shoulder and clawed feet tore through his belly.

Turning his bleeding neck to the right he was just right to see the inside of an ivory colored maw with pristine white teeth's and a red tongue, then it closed.

The skull from the jaw upward gets crushed into a mass of bone, blood and brain as I bit down.

Then I jump of the bear and look at the under half of the head while the body slumps dead to the ground.

Shifting my focus to my inside I find the now familiar energy inside my body, surprisingly I also feel the presence of the earth, fire and antenna blueprint inside it.

This brought for a question that I ignored before. How was I even able to become what I am now? I haven't eaten it before but was still able to replicate it to the detail.

Going future down it also brings up the questions like, am I able to turn into any thing I want as long as I can imagine it? Or has it to be something I'm very familiar with?

In an attempt to test that I start to devour the rest of the bear and concentrate on the gained energy.

I will the energy to form a turtle like shell on my back.

But what I got was a bone like tumor sprouting out of my spine.

I observe the strange bone and come to the conclusion that the energy requires some kind of blueprint to follow.

I retrieve the energy from the tumor like bone which brings a wave of pain through my body.

I just want to go over my knowledge about the being which I copied, as I sense a movement twenty meters to my left.

I immediately jump up into the trees and hide between the leaves, I also make sure that I'm able to observe the area where I sensed the movement.

After exactly one minute a small cat like creature appears in my vision.

It looks beautiful and fragile, the cute fluffy ears that carefully move around, the thine long whiskers in its small face and everything is covered in this entrancing white fur.


I Snap out of my irritating thoughts and prepare to dash as far away as possible from this dangerous ball of curtness.

Buuuut maybe I can watch a bit longer, it isn't like it is going to harm anyway. Right?

My tail suddenly pierces my back and the pain brings me back to reality, I avert my eyes from the creature and use my stored energy to once again create the antennas, but this time only to on my head.

It didn't even take a second for two black antennas to shoot out of my white skull and dangle above it.

With my new sensing organ ready I close my eyes and run for my life.

As soon as the creature notices my escape it took up my pursuit with bared fangs and glowing red eyes that I wasn't able to notice before as something played with my eyes and mind.

With the creature on my tail, I didn't hesitate to use the rest of my energy to recreate my fire heart to turn my body fluids into burning liquids as everything that can help me against this thing is desperately needed.

The pain of the new heart and the following burning in my veins and pores informs me of their completion and I immediately gather salvia in my mouth to prepare for a counterattack.

The scary thing is fast and manages to shorten the distance between us at ridicules speed.

Once it reaches within ten meters I jump up and make a front flip.

At the exact moment as my face points to the thing, I spit out my prepared salvia and make sure that its spreads a big area.

Landing on my feet I hear a pained shriek behind me, taking that as a sign I spin around and dart directly at the creature with opened mouth ready to crush the small thing between my teeth's.

Arriving before it I snap shut my mouth only to eat air, as the thing jumped up to evade my attack.

I don't stop my momentum and continue my way under the thing.

Its jump was high enough for me to pass under it before it started to descend.

With my antennas I'm able to see the expression on the things face, it seems to mock me.

But not for long as a bladed tail makes his way to the belly of it.

The thing is helplessly floating in the air, completely open to my blade but to my horror the tail suddenly changes its direction and moves out of the way so that the thing can safely land.


I repeat in my mind as I throw out all ideas of continue fighting it, and only concentrate on escaping.

Give me some Ideas or at least give me a feed back to the story so that I get some motivation to continue racking of my brain for following chapters.

SithLordcreators' thoughts