
Chapter 12 (slightly changed)

This glowing arrow gives me a feeling of dread as if even the slightest touch would bring devastating damage and pain. To bad for me that it is impossible to dodge this attack except of course I use the more drastic methods.

Without thinking twice I break my own neck and fall lip to the ground. Trough the abnormal angle of my now broken neck I dodge the arrow by a hairs breath. Not wanting to lay her any longer I use the last bit of energy gained from the bird that I ate on the beginning to fix my broken neck.

Once again in top condition I just want to take the final leap to freedom as dagger makes his way to my eyes. Analyzing the situation I confirm that the assailant is of the assassin class people and open my mouth and devour his dagger with his hands still holding it. Shirking in pain he stumbles a step backward, using this moment I turn around and block the sword that aims for my back while using the momentum gained from my spin to behead the assassin.

Jumping back after your first clash I slash with my tail at the incoming arrow that have an aura of fire around them and scatter them. After the slash I crouch close to the ground to dodge the horizontal attack of a man with a sword that looks suspicious like a katana. Ignoring the incoming memories of my past encounter with the japans entertainment industries I focus back on the fight.

I just notice a fatal weakness in my ability to devour beings, which is I cant devour things while in combat! This is horrible how did I not notice it till now?

While in thoughts I dodge the in coming attacks of meanwhile eight? no nine people with rather good skills. Forceful bringing back my focus to the battle I was right in time to notice a second glowing arrow making its way to me.

This time slightly better prepared I pierce my tail trough the foot of one of my enemies all the way trough to the ground. Using the new gained hold I throw my self out of the way of the arrow to the next near poor soul that got a frontal dose of burning liquid in the face and then a claw that slits his throat.

The fight goes on for some time and I notice that more and more people are coming but they are all weaker than the first nine from which only four remain alive till now. Deciding that this is the best time to make a run I crouch down and jump with all my remaining power to the other side of the wall.

Haaa....live just hates me.

Just as I land on the ground and I raised my head to look before me, I see a giant magic circle as big as football field appearing above me. Deciding to put all my luck on the last card I willed all the already spent energy in my body to transform back to its energy state.

A pain crashes trough my mind and body that even I have to fight for my sanity as all the spent energy transforms back to its first state. As the transformation ends Im at the last of my sanity and use it to order the energy to transform my body into the strongest beast that ever faced in my old life.

The incoming pain throws my last shred of sanity down in the all to familiar abyss of madness.

With this my body losses all its intelligence and the only remaining thing is the primal instinct to survive!

Mind POV

I float in the nearly endless abyss of insanity and slowly the surroundings begins to change till it forms a old memory of the day where I got here the first time.

Blood, a dead body, a bloody knife, a shivering child and a shadow that lurks behind the child with a ecstatic smile on its face.

The child begins to shiver stronger and stronger till it couldn't stand anymore and falls to his knees while having a crazy smile on the face and a desperate look in the eyes. This whole scene only makes the shadow more happy and ecstatic as he slowly begins to devour the blood of the dead man on the ground.

The child didn't notice any of this and just kneels there in silence while his mind begins to form cracks with every passing second. After a minute of silence the shadow changes its focus to the child and a frown forms between his dark red eyes as if dissatisfied with the condition of the human child.

Reaching out with his abyssal black hand he grabs the head of the child and the cracks that already spread trough the whole mind of the child stopped expanding.

As I watch this memory play before me I suddenly begin to laugh uncontrollable with the same crazed smile on my face but instead of the desperate look in the eyes like the child mine have one of absolute mockery as I stare at the bloody past of mine.

Mind POV End

My ideas are running low so if any of you has one Im all ear. XD

SithLordcreators' thoughts