
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
193 Chs

Chapter 36 - Labyrinth (5)

Chapter 36 - Labyrinth (5)

"Acupuncture... You must have practiced a lot, right?"

Priscilla asks, tilting her head.

"Sure, don't worry."

I gave Priscilla a smile that might have given her confidence.

Her gaze reaches my waist as I answered.

'As expected, to some extent, she feels it too.'

But Priscilla didn't care more than that. Now, the treatment of the injured came first.

This medical technology exchange meeting quest, which is a related quest in the Lycanthrope episode, is a kind of benefit given to those who choose the medical technology exchange meeting when choosing an exchange meeting.

Having learned acupuncture at the exchange meeting, all I had to do was get rid of the 'confusion' of the status quo from them.

I followed Priscilla into her infirmary.

"The monster's claws were poisonous, and the injured cadets are confused."

As Priscilla continues to explain to me, I hear the groans of the students.


You can see the wounded lying on the bed struggling.

"Well, that's why it's difficult to infuse 'Heal'. It can be solved by using my own acupuncture or 'Divine Clear', but it takes a long time. So, Jetto... Where is 'Confused Blood'? Do you remember?"

"...This part of the wrist of the left arm."

I answered Priscilla, pointing to the chaotic blood on my arm.

"It's accurate. But it's not easy to put acupuncture on as much as the injured struggle a lot with confusion. If it seems difficult, can you tell me now?"

Priscilla's question continued.

In the game, at this time, if you have not reached the 2nd level of acupuncture, you have no choice but to choose not to do it.

I'm already level 3 in acupuncture, and I was confident that I could heal.

She nodded at Priscilla and put her backpack down in the corner of her infirmary.

"It seems possible."

So I was assigned the role of spitting on the wounded to clear up the 'confusion' before Priscilla healed.

It's okay, but it's just enough to cut down on time.


I sat next to Priscilla and grabbed the struggling cadet's left arm.

I had to aim for the time when I was weak.

In the game, it was a mini-game like a rhythm game.

At that moment, she felt her left arm loosen and lose strength.

Place the acupuncture needle in the correct position in an instant.

How many seconds had passed

Eventually, the frown of the cadet becomes comfortable, and the violent struggle subsides.

"Hmm. My skills have improved quite a bit...?"

Priscilla, who was heeling over the cadet I had spit on, questions as she praises.

"Ahaha... I practiced a lot."

I moved on to another cadet scratching my head. Priscilla glanced at me like that and soon focused on healing.

[My student has a lot of talent. Acupuncture...]

Meanwhile, Sierra was floating beside her, watching my acupuncture with interest.

Since then, it has been an iterative task.

Grasp the victim's arm, wait for the strength to wear off, and then acupuncture.

I feel fatigue rushing through my body.

After spending 30 hours in the labyrinth, I had to take a break.

'Let's exert a little more strength.'

It was a time when the injured cadets' 'confusion' was steadily removed and Priscilla's treatment was getting faster.

"The last wounded!"

Butler, the senior cadet who told me about this, enters the infirmary with the injured person assisted.

There was also a glass behind it.

"What, Zeto!?"

Yuri, who found me, exclaimed.

She, too, was helping her wounded.

"Haha, nice to meet you again."

However, Yuri and I did not have time to have a leisurely conversation.

Butler moved the injured cadets according to Priscilla's guidance and checked the condition of the injured's bleeding.

Yuri briefly retreated from her infirmary and blended into the crowd of cadets who were watching this from afar.

After a while, the treatment of the urgently injured in the infirmary was over.

The rest was left to Butler and Priscilla.

Butler is a little bit, but it looks like he can use 'heel'.

Looking outside the infirmary, I saw cadets with shallow injuries leaning against the wall.

They were moderately conscious.

I approached the female cadet who was closest to me.

"Where else would be uncomfortable?"

"Uh, two... Little headache..."

"Can you relax your arm?"

Now it was time to get the information.

As I lay down, I naturally ask questions in a friendly voice.

"What kind of guy was he?"

"I didn't see it well because it was so fast... More, I think it was much bigger than a person..."

"...It must have been a terrible experience. Do you remember what floor it was on?"

"The 5th floor... It was the 5th floor..."

The female cadet raised her head and thoughtfully recalled her memories before replying.

I lick her stretched lips, let go of her spittle on her still, and open her mouth a little bit.

"...Does the headache get better?"

"Yes, yes...! My head is clear..."

"Fortunately, the."

"You must be uncomfortable with your eyes, but you're amazing... Thank you."

"It's nothing. I'm glad it helped."

Leaving those words behind, she passed the reddened cadet and dug up information from others as well.

[Disciple, do you really have to touch your arm like that... But since you can't see, that's the only way... ]

With all my work done, I sat on a corner of the wall outside the infirmary, leaving Sierra's pouty-faced grunts behind, and gathering the information in her head.

It was bulky.

Dark gray fur.

Its claws were very long and sharp.

I felt like a wild beast.

The lycanthrope was certain.

He was on the 5th floor.

'Should I say fortunate...'

Today I finished on the 3rd floor, so when I go down to the 5th floor, the level will rise a little more.

Most of the cadets watching her infirmary seemed to be waiting for their friends or out of curiosity.

Among the crowd, the female students seem to be particularly busy chatting.

In the meantime, I could see Yuri's face, but her expression wasn't very good, perhaps because she was tired.

[ ...As expected, our student is overly friendly, so it seems to be a problem, especially to women. ]

Sierra, who was wandering around among the cadets, came up to me and spit out words that I don't know the meaning of.

Sierra then narrows her eyes at them and embraces a bloody smile.

'Because he's like that sometimes...'

After that, as a few cadets left the infirmary after treatment, the group of cadets gradually decreased.

Soon, Yuri slowly approaches me and taps her on the shoulder to talk to her.

"Jetto, are you almost done?"

"I guess so. As soon as I got out of the labyrinth, I wonder what this is, haha... What a crazy day."

It is said that Yuri also grasped her situation as soon as she came out of the labyrinth, and immediately helped Butler.

"They said they helped right away without saying anything... The Clementine family would be magicians, but they're also good at strength!"

Butler, who was inside her infirmary, looked at Yuri and she cried out.

Yuri murmurs, 'It's not until business...' And then she turns her head away from Butler.

"Is it very late?"

I asked Yuri.

When she was done, she was the reason she wanted to eat together.

"Yeah, I'm going back now."

"I think I'll have to finish it and go back."

"Okay. Then see you next time. You really worked hard today."

I exchanged greetings with Yuri, who seemed to be smiling so brightly.

Seeing her smile again, I guess she was just tired.

Not long after Yuri leaves, Priscilla comes out of her infirmary.

"Haa... It's over now."

Priscilla stands at the door of her infirmary, stretches her body out, then turns her head to look at me.

To be precise, my eyes were on my sword.

The reward for completing the quest has not yet been received.

It means that the quest is not over for some reason.

"Jetto, do you have a minute? I heard there's something to talk about."

Priscilla asked me that.

'Is something coming...'

Priscilla wants her to bring out her story about the urethra.

"All right."

I silently followed her.

Following Priscilla, we arrived at the rooftop of her academy. It was late at night, so no one was on the roof.

Cool air flows into the lungs without obstruction.

"Today was hard."

Priscilla, leaning against the railing, opened her mouth.

I didn't get into the main topic from the beginning.

"Haha, the medical officer had a harder time."

"Sometimes this happens when there are monsters that are difficult to defeat on the lower floors... So her acupuncture skills have improved considerably, she must have practiced hard? It's commendable."

Priscilla praises me and smiles softly.

I also made fun of her along her, but that wasn't the point.

Priscilla's eyes had been directed to Yodo from earlier.

Judging from the fact that her gaze was not directed at Sierra, who was hovering next to me, it didn't seem like a lump of Yogi was visible like the Daedroth from before.

But he seldom talked about it.

"How did you practice acupuncture?"

"Like the last time, it's moderately Bohr's skin..."

"Hmm... You can't improve your skills that much, right?"

Priscilla, hearing my excuses, let out her drool.

Her eyes were shining bright emerald with moonlight.

"...I don't hate guys who have a lot of secrets.

Said Priscilla, leaning against the railing as if collapsing behind her.


Priscilla also had a secret.

It was related to her past.

In the game, frequent association with Priscilla allowed her to dig into her past.

That she now treats her cadets as her medical officer was, to her, nothing more than her 'redemption'.

What's unusual is that learning her past is a bad ending.

Aware of her digging into her own past, Priscilla imprisons her player.

It was irresistible.

The player couldn't cope with anything, and it was the ending of confinement.

So it was better to keep some distance from Priscilla.

After staring at the moon without saying anything for a while, Priscilla soon lowers her head.

"...Anyway, thanks to you, the treatment was comfortable. Take this."

Priscilla said that and threw one of her pockets at me.

I naturally snatched her pocket and asked her.

"What is this?"

"This is the money the cadets gave to me as a thank you earlier. I already gave it to Butler. You can think of it as a reward."


I put the pouch into my bosom and felt a surge of energy all over my body.

'Is it a level up?'

All quests are over.

After that, Priscilla was slowly leaving her rooftop.

In the end, she didn't even ask me about the sword.

'I thought he'd ask me something because he brought me to the roof... Is this a comfortable solution?'

When she stayed on the roof and looked around, it was already dark.

There was a round full moon in the sky, standing tall and streaming in light.

[ ...There are quite a few suspicious guys in this academy. Instructors, cadets, let alone medical officers...? ]

Sierra's subsequent words penetrate the great character of the game, and she lets her laughter escape.

"Ha... I will."

I strongly agree with what she said.


After a good rest, I searched the labyrinth again early in the morning.

It was the way to split the Orcs on the 4th floor and go down to the 5th floor. It was to meet the lycanthrope on the 5th floor.

I had finally found the stairs leading down.

I checked the status window as I slowly descended the stairs.

〈 Zeto 〉 Lv.23

Skills you have

-Ghost Sword Lv.12

- Sierra Ryu Reverse Heaven (Incomplete) Lv.3 - [Ghost Sword Art] Effect is being applied

-Excellent Senses Lv.7

- Weakness Detection Lv.MAX - [Eye patch that pierces reason] Effect is being applied

-Acupuncture Lv.3

Remaining Skill Points: 3

Item being worn

-Eye patch that pierces reason [Legendary]

-Bracelet with Origin [Epic]

-Yodo (妖刀) 'Sierra' [Belonging]

-Necklace containing the protection of the warrior [Epic]

Yesterday's medical technology exchange meeting quest raised 2 levels. After quickly skimming from the 3rd floor to the 4th floor, I went up one more level, and now I am level 23.

I invested all of them in demon swordsmanship with 3 points left.

Thanks to that, Yeokcheon's level has risen... But I can't use 'Chapter 2' yet.

Judging from the rough estimate, it seems that if you raise the skill level once more, you will be able to use 2 cards.

The fishy smell of blood intensifies with each step down the stairs.

It was clear that he was on the 5th floor.

Whether it be cadets or monsters, he would be tearing apart anything that caught his eye.

When I went down the stairs and stepped onto the fifth floor for the first time, I saw a tall man.

It was a face I knew, even if I wasn't very familiar with it.

"You guys..."

As soon as he found me, he lowered his voice like a ferocious dog growling.

'Amon Caligus?'

As usual, he was glaring at me with stone gauntlets on both arms.

"The 'hunter' on the 5th floor is mine. Don't think about getting spit on. Get out."

Amon told me so.

It seems that he also heard the rumors and came to the 5th floor to catch the lycanthrope.

Sometimes a good idea comes to mind.

"...Ah, then I have no choice but to yield."

I smiled at Amon and replied.

Thanks to kind Amon, I can guess how much power the Lycanthrope has.