
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
193 Chs

Chapter 127 - 127. Questions and Answers and Collapse (Complete)

"In short, it seems that the loss or distortion of memory has been caused by the 'crown'."

"...So you're saying that what I knew as a game might not be a game?"

"There is little information, and there is no way to clearly distinguish whether or not that information is true, so there are many possibilities. First, there was no such thing as a 'game'. ' Is the hypothesis that it just made it easier to do."

"But my memory of the game was too accurate..."

"Because it is a ridiculously transcendent power to go back in time by opening a dimensional rift, it seems that one person's memory can be easily manipulated."


I always thought I had a good memory, but maybe that wasn't the case.

Breathing quickens in an instant.


It was still just a 'hypothesis'.

"...What next?"

"Secondly, the 'game' containing the predestined future of this world was 'real', but God took various things into consideration and the current situation came to pass. Here, 'various' means that Zeto-sama made his own existence. I think it was to make people think of it as a 'character' and I, Zeppetti's existence, were also figured out in advance and put into the calculations."

This also seemed plausible.

If Zeppetti could reach the record of the game containing the future of the world, the world would have flowed according to Zeppetti's will.

I wonder if it was very easy for 'God' to erase all records about the game.

"Is the reason why you made me think of me as a character I created for adaptation?"

"Yes, from examining the functions of the crown, it appeared to have been designed to adapt to an unfamiliar world."

"Adaptation for what?"

"That far cannot be calculated. The transcendental being's intentions are currently impossible to ascertain."

"...Give me a moment to organize my thoughts."

I said that to Zeppetti, who was staring at me, then lowered my head and looked at the white ground.

A situation in which obvious memory loss or distortion has occurred due to the 'eyepatch that penetrates reason' called the 'crown'.

My memory of the game is so clear, but other than that, I couldn't get a clear answer to the ordinary past, what kind of existence I was as an earthling.

Common sense as an earthling, or knowledge, existed.

However, as for my personal memories, only vague memories of being like this or that were all. Certainly, I couldn't recall any suitable memories to say that I was this kind of person.

Memories play an important role in all beings.

We learn from past experiences called memories and make appropriate judgments based on them.

For animals and plants, it provides information necessary for survival and reproduction.

In humans, it does more than that. It is not only learning, but also a device that allows you to establish who you are and who you used to be.

As I listened to Zeppetti's explanation, I fell into deep anguish.

Who the hell am i

Am I jeto

Or is it an unknown Korean?

My hands are trembling.

I could feel cold sweat running down my spine.

Everything I had accepted so far was collapsing at once.

"Mental breakdown detected. It is confirmed that you are extremely confused about your current situation."

"...You don't have to tell me. I know what state I'm in."

Some sharp words came out of my mouth as I was shaking my head and fired at Zeppetti.

However, Zeppetti just tilted his head as if nothing was wrong.

At least, if it is true that my body is an earthling, will my current body and appearance be 'me' under the assumption that there was no transformation such as 'God's customization'?

The memory of the last time I looked in the mirror springs up and naturally plays in my head.

Did 'I' look like this?

It didn't really hit me.

As I quietly listen to the piano melody and think about it, my mind calms down a bit.

Zepetty, like an artificial intelligence, was fast in calculations.

'It seems that when I was on Earth, I drew pictures instead and answered questions based on the learning data...'

I don't know how it became extinct and developed enough to cross the dimensional gap, but its power will be of great help in understanding the current situation.

"Why does the crown have to look like this?"

I pointed to the 'eyepatch' around my eyes and asked Zeppetti.

Now, it was a question that I asked because I didn't know if this was an item I had received as a perk.

Zepetty's invisible gaze turned to me.

"Once someone who is not known as a king in this world wears a crown, of course, it will receive strange glances. Since many functions are focused on adaptation, it is possible that the crown has been converted into a natural form that Zeto subconsciously desired. ."

"Is this the type of crown I was hoping for?"

"...That's right. First of all, Jetto-sama doesn't seem to have lost his eyesight, is that correct?"

Zeppetti approached me and asked softly.

Zeppetti revealed the truth I had been hiding. No matter how much it was, it seemed that even the super-developed artificial intelligence could not be fooled.

"...That's right. But I can see even though I'm blindfolded, and I thought it was an important item, so I pretended not to see..."

"I think it was the right choice. Based on my analysis, the crown seems to be made of materials and energies unique to this world. It is often called an important item found in 'role-playing games'... A kind of 'key'. It is my opinion that it seems to be."

As I listened to Zeppetti's words, I quietly loosened the bandages around my eyes.

"Still, I'd like to be able to keep the item I suspect has been tampered with and made to lose my memory, but... I'm really reluctant."

Zeppetti, who was tilting his head, seemed to be carefully observing my eyes, which were soon revealed.

Maybe it was because I was covering my eyes every time, and I wonder if it was such a burden for someone to look into my eyes.

I steadfastly endured Zeppetti's burdensome gaze and continued talking.

"Is there any chance that the crown influenced my actions or judgment?"

"...You're suspecting brainwashing. Since we don't know where and how far the memories were touched, I think there's a probability itself. This is because human actions and judgments are often based on memories and experiences. However, , I don't know if it actually did that. Rather..."

Petty, who was answering my questions, blurted out his words.


"...I think I can understand why the crown came to be like this. It's just a hypothesis, but would you like to hear it?"


"Zetto's eyes are currently identified as blue. I think they are very pretty, but to Koreans 200 years ago in my data, or Asians, these blue eyes would have felt quite alien."

"Is that so...?"

"I still don't know what kind of life Zeto has lived, but what I do know is that being different from others in appearance was a reason for discrimination. Such discrimination mixed with persecution can also cause a person to collapse. "


"Yes, I carefully guessed that such a thing might have resulted in the form of an eyepatch that can cover the eyes as it is now.

"No. ...Because there's not much to figure out."

Looking back on my actions so far, it was said to be for the sake of acting, but I was extremely reluctant to reveal my eyes.

Even Sierra, who was invisible to others, tried to hide it.

'Were you bullied as a child because of the color of your eyes...?'

I don't remember anything, but for some reason, thinking that it was like that didn't make me feel good.

Black hair blue eyes

I don't even remember my parents' faces, and I don't even know if they were around when I was growing up.

However, Zeppetti's words had credibility.

In this fantasy world, different eye colors are not treated as unusual, but it is unlikely that this was the case even in modern times.

Je Petty then asked me a lot of questions to confirm the function of the 'crown' he knew, that is, the 'eyepatch that pierces reason'.

It was like a kind of psychological test.

To the guy's question, "Is it okay to kill people?" I answered yes.

I thought it was because they were just wicked, but looking back now, I think they were quite cool and calm.

Zeppetti stopped asking questions and told me.

Right now, I said that it seems that my emotions are gradually worn out.

According to God, a 'king' goes through the process of becoming a 'king'. The guy guessed that the process wasn't talking about this.

Jeppetti, who continued the explanation, throws a question at me, saying that it is the last question.

"...What is Jeto's purpose? Isn't there something you want to achieve?"

It's purpose

From the beginning, I had come this far with a single purpose.

Its purpose was a purpose that could be said to be infinitely human compared to the phenomenon of emotional wear and tear and distance from humans.

"A happy ending."

After listening to my answer, Zeppetti tilts his head again.

"If it's an ending, does it mean death?"

"It's not like that... I'm talking about the ending, the ending of the game. Something like that where precious people live a happy life laughing and chatting? That's how everyone lived happily..."

"Then does that 'everyone' not include Jeto-sama?"

"Me...? If they're happy, wouldn't I be happy too. I think I'll be satisfied. Unless this is due to the brainwashing of an unknown god. No, even if the god intended, I don't think it would be hard to give up on this."


Zeppetti was speechless.

In front of an artificial intelligence whose face was unrecognizable in an empty space filled with only white, I confessed everything.

Soon, Petty opens her mouth.

"Humans are stupid. But that stupidity seems to make them remain human."

Je Petty, who was continuing his speech, suddenly bends his one knee to me and bows his head.

"I, Zeto's servant and servant, Zepeti, inform you that there was no alteration in the noble 'purpose' of Zeto. This is the conclusion I came to through my own calculations after talking with God."

Zeppetti seemed to be trying to help me not to be confused anymore.

'There was no change in the purpose.'

It might have been a little comforting.

Soon, Petty puts his hand on her chest. It was a kind of oath.

"I, Zepeti, are artificial intelligences created to serve humans. So please allow us to serve Zeto as the 'king'."

"...A king."

Apparently, as a human being defined by Zeppetti based on their roots, so now, as the only earthling, I don't think I can escape the status of their 'king'.

These machines, now called alien species, called the humans living on the continent Panthera, defined them as hostile forces, and were in a situation where they were in conflict with each other harming each other.

Anyway, in order to stop the slaughter of alien species, I had no choice but to accept it. According to Zeppetti, it seemed that some kind of virus had been planted.

"... I will."

It felt a bit awkward to imitate the king all of a sudden, but Zeppetti didn't care much.

"I, Jeppetti, and all aircraft will serve and follow only Zeto-sama, and I swear now that we will act for Zeto-sama's purpose."

Zeppetti nodded once, stood up, muttered a long line of words such as 'change the command system', then stared at me before opening his mouth.

"Can the title be Zeto-sama?"

"Uh, uh... But I've been wondering since before, why can't I see your face?"

"I didn't create a face because I didn't really need it. If Jeto is uncomfortable, I'll change it right away."

Jeppetti indifferently answered my question, which could be sudden, and then a face appeared on the guy with a crackling sound.

Before long, his face was fully exposed, and Petty was a small human with white hair and red eyes.

However, I couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman, but it seemed like it was because there was no gender because it was artificial intelligence.

Zeppetti, who had been glaring at me for a while, asked cautiously.

"...Wouldn't it be better to decide the gender?"