
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
193 Chs

Chapter 126 - 126. Questions and Answers and Collapse (3)

When I woke up and looked around, it was an unknown space with an endless white floor.

I looked around, but Sierra was nowhere to be seen. Not only Sierra, there was no one in this space.

'I thought it was a virtual space...'

I squeeze and stretch her hand.

Sensation is normal. If I had to ask, would it be similar to Edward's fantasy magic?


Soon, something like a crack forms in one corner of the space, and a person comes down and steps lightly on the white floor.

Something in the shape of a person striding towards me was invisible.

It certainly had a face, but it was difficult to recognize.

It approached me and lowered its head.

"It's an honor to meet you. This is the first time I'm greeting you, so please forgive me for my rudeness in making arbitrary judgments without permission."

He was very polite, as if he were treating a king.

'I think this will work, but...'

I was still listening to the 'Korean' of a guy who had become quite 'humane', and I was wondering what to say, but I decided to start with a simple question.

"You... What is your true identity? Are you 'Mosin'?"

"I am called 'Zepetti', an artificial intelligence created exclusively to serve humans. 'Mosin' is not an official name, but just a name that has been transformed to fit into the current environment."

"Zepetti...? I don't really understand the expression that it was created to serve humans..."

"I think that could be the case with the knowledge of the people of old Earth. I estimate that there is a time difference of 200 years between the present Earth and the Earth that the 'King' knows."

200 years... It was a time that was not strange no matter what happened.

What happened in the future Earth, and how can it be said that artificial intelligence and robots, which can be said to serve humans, were created solely to serve humans?

"Rather than that, why don't you stop calling me king?

"What should I call you? I don't have enough information about you. I think 'Master' is also fine."

"...Call me Jetto."

"Yes, Mr. Jeto."

It seems burdensome no matter what.

I asked Zeppetti to explain the current situation. Immediately, Zeppetti continues to explain.

"120 years ago, a huge world war broke out in which mankind entrusted the war to artificial intelligence to destroy the opponent's country. And in the process, all mankind became extinct."

"Humanity is extinct...? So it was a war with no winners?"

Zeppetti shakes his head.

"No, to be fair, there was a 'winner'. Only the best AI, which destroyed all servers and databases of physically hostile AIs, was able to maintain its existence."


Although it was quite a shocking story, there was not much inspiration. Maybe it's because it feels like an absurd story because it's so far away from the reality I knew.

"...But the artificial intelligence that lost its creator realized that this was not victory. Since it was created only for destruction, it is presumed that it overlooked the purpose of humankind's continuation. In fact, if it is for victory, it does not hesitate to see its creators. It seems that there were judgments that sacrificed people without mercy. The phrase 'the case of losing a cow and repairing a barn' comes to mind, but is the expression used in this case correct?"

"That's right... So what happened?"

"Yes, the artificial intelligence just described is the artificial intelligence that created me. Artificial intelligence created an artificial intelligence created to protect and serve humans in a world where humans have disappeared in order to win. That is me, Zeppetti."

"Then the artificial intelligence..."

"...In order to win, he chose to destroy himself, deciding that he was no longer worthy of being destroyed."


As Zeppetti said, it was like losing a cow and fixing a barn.

In the end, does the artificial intelligence created by imperfect humans end up not being perfect?

"Left alone like that, I 'wandered'. I was created to serve humans, but humans no longer existed in the world."

"It must have been."

"At that time, a transcendent being contacted me."

"A transcendent being... Are you referring to 'God'?"

"Yes. The transcendent being, 'God', as people often called him, did exist."

It was ironic that a guy who would have been made with scientific technology from one to ten would talk about the reality of a transcendent being that was not scientific at all... But it was not wrong because 'God' and 'God of Demon' openly existed here too. .

"A transcendent being, I will call you 'God' from now on. God told me where to go to find a 'human' and our 'king.' I could have arrived here."

"...Wait a minute, aren't you guys hurting the humans here?"

I pointed out the contradiction in Zeppetti's explanation.

"The 'human' I'm talking about is only one 'Earthman', that is, the 'king', Jeto. This judgment was made because they were showing that they valued their 'roots'."

It was an explanation that gave me a bit of a headache.

Rather, wasn't I 'possessed' by the world in the game?

What is the king, and what is God's intention in telling Zepeti about it?

Should I say that the nameless god who opened a dimensional rift in the earth is the one who created the game and the one who dropped me into this world?

The question and answer continued.

There was bound to be a lot of questions.

"I don't think there was a need to attack... Is there a reason?"

"I haven't been able to figure out the cause either. It seems that some kind of 'virus' has been planted that makes us behave the way we have arrived in this world. Right now, I can't be considered perfect due to changes in my environment, so I can't get rid of this 'virus'. No. But I think we can control it if Zeto-sama gives orders. As an 'Earthling', Zeto-sama has strong authority."


I briefly explained what I had been through to Zeppetti, who kept referring to 'king' or earthlings or humans.

The games I played, the possessions, and even the existence of the 'eyepatch that pierces reason'.

Then, Petty, who had told me everything in silence, nodded his head.

"...The explanation I heard from the gods before I crossed the dimensional rift is as follows: Your 'king' wearing a 'crown' has flowed into this world. If you enter here, you will find it. But, through the dimensional rift, As I moved, the flow of time seems to have crossed. It was exactly 223 years since I entered this world that I was able to meet Zeto-sama."

It was a foreign species that appeared in the game, so it seemed right that the flow of time was mixed.

"...But I don't have a crown or something?"

"The crown is the 'eyepatch that penetrates reason' that Zeto-sama just explained. It looks like a pure white bandage or cloth to me, but I naturally came to recognize it as a 'crown'. I guess this is due to transcendental power. "

"Then don't you have any data on games? If you research 200 years ago, you might find out. Still, in the era of the Internet..."

"This is a story about him... There is a reason we were able to identify Zeto as an Earthling."


"...Since Zeto's mental shock is expected, we will create an environment in which he can find psychological stability in the virtual space for a while."

Petty gave me a break and said that, and as I waved his arm, calm music started flowing in the virtual space.

It's a psychological shock.

I don't know if this will really help.

Just as that thought crossed my mind, Petty opened her mouth.

"The god who approached us explained the effect of the crown. He said that the crown as a whole was designed to easily adapt to this world."

"...I did."

If you think about experience or ridiculous performance, it was like that. Even more so, if even the 'status window' was an effect of an eyepatch, it seemed clear that it was made for easier adaptation.

"But it seems that Jetto-nim doesn't know about the other functions. I'm careful, but may I ask Jetto-sama a few questions?"

I shrugged and nodded.

Although Zepetty was an artificial intelligence, it resembled humans in many ways. Is it designed that way?

"Zetto's body now contains the unique energy of this world, called 'Mana'. Is that correct?"

"That's right."

"Since it was forcibly put into the body of an earthling, I think there must have been side effects. Have you ever felt such side effects?"

Hearing Zeppetti's words, I tilted my head. The body of an earthling is not a situation in which I became Zeto, a game character I created.

But... There was one thing that came to mind when it came to side effects.

"...To the extent that it was difficult to deal with mana in the beginning? But isn't that because I've never dealt with it before? I'm Zeto, the game character I've customized now."


Following my words, a moment of silence passed, and soon beautiful melodies from the piano and violin flowed into my ears.

Zepetty was reluctant to speak of him.

I wonder if she, her artificial intelligence, could have that kind of attitude...

Finally, Petty opens her mouth.

"As far as I can see... Zeto currently has the body of an Earthling. There is a slight but subtle difference in the physical structure of the Panthera and the Earthling. I don't know how difficult it is to deal with mana as a side effect, but the Earthling's As much as having a body, it is certain. More importantly..."

Ze Petty trails off her words.

It seemed like he was about to say something important.

Eventually, the words that Zeppetti heard were as he said.

...It was a sentence sufficient to give a mental shock.

"Zetto-sama, do you remember yourself as an Earthling? And do you remember the name of the 'game' that Zeto-sama played?"

It felt like being hit in the back of the head.

My whole body trembled and I got goosebumps in an instant.

"I did my own research, but the expression 'other species of beasts' or 'other species of humanoids' that the Pantherin refers to us does not exist anywhere. Perhaps all related data has been erased so that I cannot look into it. So, If Jeto-sama's explanation is really true, it means that only Jeto-sama knows the future of this world."

Zepetty then muttered something more, but it didn't come into his head.

That would be too...

...I can't remember.

What did I look like as an earthling?

What was my name as an earthling.

What was the name of the game again?

My mind went dark.

What's even more creepy is that I hadn't even thought of remembering it until now.