
I ascended to godhood through madness

This is a story set in a future city, but in a world where sudden supernatural phenomena have mutated the world. The protagonist goes through many tests, acquires various supernatural abilities, and finally becomes a god of the entire world.

Unknown_Mr · Derivasi dari karya
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21 Chs

"The World of Filth"

In the distance, two figures clad in black trench coats stood silently, watching the concrete house ahead. The girl's screams and ghastly laughter continuously emanated, piercing the night sky.

One of the figures, around 50 years old, slowly pulled out a cigarette, placed it in his mouth, and lit it, taking a leisurely drag.

Beside him, a noticeably younger man in a black trench coat seemed unable to bear the distressing sounds, his expression one of horror as he swallowed nervously.

Just then, a passerby drawn by the horrifying sounds from the concrete house approached the two men in trench coats, exclaiming in fear, "I say, is someone... committing a crime, murdering someone in there?"

Shaking slightly, the passerby suggested, "I'm alone and weak; let's check it out together!"

The older man in the trench coat slowly turned around, revealing a rugged, weather-beaten face but made no move to approach. Instead, he casually flipped open his coat, revealing a glint of metal at his waist.

The passerby's eyes widened in shock, "A badge...?!"

The man in the trench coat's voice was calm, "We're working on a case."

The passerby, baffled, pointed towards the distant concrete house, "But... inside there..."

The man in the trench coat revealed a hint of a gun holster beneath his coat, his voice still calm, "For your safety, you should leave now."

Confused and not understanding the situation, the passerby hesitated. Considering the real threat of firearms, he chose not to cause trouble and hurriedly ran off, prioritizing his safety.

2 minutes later, the young man known as Qin Yiguan slowly emerged from the concrete house, holding a dagger dripping with blood, his face and clothes smeared with blood under the moonlight.

He calmly approached the two men in trench coats, locking eyes with them.

After a moment of silence, the older man took another drag of his cigarette and asked, "Is she dead?"

The young man nodded, "Dead."

At this moment, the younger man pulled out a thin tablet, his brows furrowed as he stared at it. The screen displayed the photo of the girl in the white dress, accompanied by a caption—File: Missing Girl Case.

The older man took another drag, "I had hoped she was just missing. Now it seems she can never return to her parents."

Then, the older man waved his hand.

The younger man stepped forward, pressing something on his tablet.

A strange phenomenon occurred. The concrete house started to flicker with blue light, then lost its color, reducing to basic outlines. Those outlines turned into code-like particles, floating in the air and vanishing.

Similarly, the blood on Qin Yiguan's face and the dagger glowed blue, transforming into code and disappearing. His face and the dagger became clean, as if nothing had happened.

He examined the dagger under the moonlight, then tucked it back into his backpack.

Then, the young man looked up and said, "The murderer, a male, 35 years old, a painter, wears glasses, somewhat religious, an admirer of Western demons. He killed the girl in a secluded space nearby and dismembered her into 28 pieces."

"From here, heading west, inside the drainage system, you'll find the remains."

As Qin Yiguan finished speaking, the two men in trench coats exchanged glances.

After a while, the younger man couldn't contain his curiosity, "Friend, I know you're that part-time detective with a widespread reputation in the police department. Hmm... some call you 'the freak detective.'"

"You can revisit the crime scene under our holographic simulation technology to deduce."


He hesitated, "All we knew was that the girl had been missing for seven days, and this area was just her last known location. With such scant information..."

"How did you conclude she was murdered?"

"How did you determine the killer was that man... 35 years old?"

"And how did you determine that the girl was dismembered, specifically into 28 pieces?"


"How could the body be certainly hidden in the sewer to the west?"

The young man was very calm, "Of course, I didn't make wild guesses."

At this point, the young man glanced sideways at the older man in the black trench coat, who was smoking, "Thanks to the information Officer Wang gave me four days ago."

"He gave me a list of 16 suspects, those who had contact with the victim within the last 30 days."

"I... have a certain ability."

The young man's voice suddenly deepened, his gaze flickering, "As long as I gather enough information, I can imitate anyone, their every move, their demeanor, their mental activities. I can even mimic illnesses under medical equipment surveillance so convincingly that even doctors can't debunk it."

The younger man in the black trench coat looked stunned, "Is this... for real?"

"Using the detailed information from Officer Wang, I imitated all 16 suspects, living as them for a period of time."

"I discovered..."

The young man looked up, his eyes taking on a strange glint, "Suspect number 6 has a severe tendency for sadism. He prefers girls in white dresses, especially those barefoot..."

As he spoke, the young man seemed to become someone else entirely, his features distorting into a frenzy.

Even his voice changed suddenly, becoming hoarse, as if he had been hiding in a basement for a long time, without sunlight or water, his throat parched.

His next words were spoken through gritted teeth, his eyes revealing his uncontrollable desire, as if he himself was suspect number 6.

"Unfortunately, that little girl had drawn a little angel on her dress."

"I worship Western demons, and to me, that little angel represents everything pure, the very thing I despise the most..."

"Barefoot, wearing a white dress, with a little angel drawn on it, I just couldn't control myself..."

"I wanted to defile her, I wanted to cover all purity with filth!"

"Filth covering everything!"

"That's the true face of the world!"

"So, I approached her as an art teacher, lured her to a deserted area..."

"I couldn't control my inner desires..."

"I acted, and it was unstoppable!"

"I killed her!"

"I killed her!"

"Her struggle brought my sadistic tendencies to a peak!"

"I chopped her up!"

At this moment, the young man suddenly looked up, his eyes bloodshot, "For 12 years, every day, I've been tidying up my cumbersome painting tools. I have a penchant for organization, I dislike clutter. From here to Rust City, there are 28 abandoned sewers. I distributed her, evenly, inside them!"

"And the west, is where the devil resides, I finally offered her to the devil!"

The young man said this almost roaring, his clenched fists violently pounding the air!

The younger man holding the tablet, his arms started to tremble slightly.

"Just like that."

The young man's expression suddenly became smooth again, the madness dissipating, calmly stating, "This way, when he returned to Rust City, he came back empty-handed, without any anomalies."

The young officer snapped back to reality, hurriedly flipping through to the photo of suspect number 6.

That was a middle-aged man with glasses, wearing a shirt, his face thin but with a very calm expression.


The younger man in the black trench coat hesitated, "This man, in his past life, showed none of the symptoms you've described. And for 12 years, he diligently painted, supporting his family..."

"If the girl was truly killed by him..."

"Do you have any evidence?"

The young man, Qin Yiguan, expression turned solemn again, as he pretended to adjust non-existent glasses on his nose.


Touching the bridge of his nose as if adjusting glasses that weren't there, he squinted into the air, "He has countless glasses at home, many smeared with paint, which he never cleans, instead, he keeps buying new ones."

"He likes to view the world through filth."

"When he killed the girl, many blood splatters landed on his glasses."

"When he returned home, he used chemical solutions to remove the color of the blood."

"But in the dead of night, he would wear those glasses, illuminated by LSK fluorescence, then admire the spray patterns. For him, it was a form of reliving, a form of enjoyment."

The young officer was momentarily stunned.

LSK fluorescence is used by forensic scientists to illuminate crime scenes to find blood traces.

Even if the blood has been cleaned, under LSK fluorescence, faint brown traces would remain.

At this moment, the young man, gazing at the moon, seemed to see a world stained with blood, the moon itself dim and lightless.

"Whether he is the real murderer or not."

"Find the cleanest pair of glasses in his house, and a test will reveal the truth."