
I Am Your Clock!

This novel is in the Webnovel Spirity Awards 2023 competition for ML: New Tropes: Unique Systems and Kingdom Building. Updated every day ——— I was like you once, but now I am in some place. What is this place? Why is it all black, but I can still see myself? Where am I? Who am I? Am I still the person who I think I am? Am I Matthias the Human? Or… am I something else?

BoredMansDream · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

Ch 5: I am a Field of Beauty

(Please choose one of the following abilities:


Info: A God without an Apostle is like a phone without a receiver! Designate an Apostle and you can communicate with them at any time you wish! See through their eyes at any time you wish!

Disclaimer: You may only appoint one apostle at a time.



Info: A God that can't bless people is nothing more than just a human! Gives you the ability to grant your followers the ability to make Clocks and one of the following abilities!

See one second into the future.


Bless others to be stronger than the average human (Lesser blessing)

Be stronger than the average human (Greater blessing)


God's Charisma.

Info: The Ultimate Rizz! How can a God not command humans? Be able to influence your followers with but a word!

Disclaimer: it will still take a lot more than just a word.


My eyes widen in shock. I have to rub them just to make sure I am not dreaming.

"Does that say… 'Grants followers the ability to make Clocks?'!"

"That's fucking broken!" I can't help but scream. "At that point, its just exponential growth!"

'Sure, being able to command people is nice, and having Maz as my apostle sounds perfect, this is just too broken!'


(Congratulations to Host for acquiring the skill "Blessing"!)

As it finally grew dark as the sun set, I continued to stay awake. 'Do I even need to sleep as an Eldritch?' "System, what are the restrictions on my followers making Clocks, because there definitely has to be one."

(Your followers cannot turn anything into a Clock that they themselves have not made. For example, your followers would not be able to turn a star into a Clock because they did not make the star. This also stops them from turning concepts into Clocks.)

"… I can turn concepts into Clocks?"


I smile. "What would happen if I turned a human life into a Clock? Would I possess them?"

(Answer: Impossible.)

"Why?" I ask, the smile on my face wiped in an instant.

(Do you remember when the System told you that you have no Ki as an Eldritch and that you only have Mana? The Eldritch race constantly converts all of their Ki into something known as 'Essence'. This very essence is what keeps your clocks ticking, as they pull Mana from the surrounding area and convert it into something the Clocks can use.)

(The Clocks keep the Essence contained, so it's fine normally, but Essence is extremely toxic to the human race, which is why you humans constantly attribute to 'Dying when in the presence of God'.)

(If you were to turn a human subject into a Clock, the Essence contained in the Clock would kill them by rotting their very flesh within a minute. So the answer to your question is yes, but it would not last more than a minute max, making it impossible.)

"… Okay. You also said that I can do anything with the Clocks, right?"

(That is correct, Host.)

"What if I set a humans lifespan as a Clock and pause it? Would the Essence override the Clocks ability to stop the human from dying?"

(… It has not been tested by any previous Eldritch of Time.)

I smile again. "Alright, next question, do I need to sleep as an Eldritch?"

(Answer: You are capable of sleep but the Eldritch race does not need sleep, nor do they enjoy it.)

"Why wouldn't they enjoy it? I'm going to sleep, wake me up when it is morning,"

(Firstly, that is not one of the Systems functions. Secondly, the System can promise you will be awake before dawn.)

I ignore it and close my metaphorical eyes.


Visions appeared before me.

The rotting corpse of Mr. H stood before me, He smiled genuinely. "Thank you for leaving me to die!"

I couldn't escape the visions.

The next one, I was on the ground. Gavin stood above me as he smiled and reached down.

He grabbed my ear.


The pain stayed throughout the next vision. My own corpse, full of maggots, started to eat me alive.

I felt all of it.

I bolted awake, panting.

I tried to calm down a little. Those visions were still in my head.

I sigh. "A little warning next time, System?"

(The System is not the Hosts friend, only it's ally. The System suggests Host to find things out for himself.)

I ignore the System and watch the sun rise off in the distance. I look at the clock in my menu.


I try to sit up and remember that I can't move.

"Ugh, when do I get a physical body?"

(The System cannot predict the future, Host, and even if it could, that would be forbidden information.)

"I wasn't asking you!"

I sigh, "Status."


Name: Matthias

Age: 91 Days

Race: Eldritch

Status: Healthy

Mental Status: Moderately Healthy, Suboptimal

Representation of Mana: 45MP/110MP

Representation of Mana Recharge: 1MP per 11 hours 59 Minutes.

Current mood: Annoyed/Intrigued/Slightly Fearful


I smile as I see the MP go up for the first time.

I close the menu and look around.

It was… beautiful to say the least. In the time that I have trained Maz, he cut down the trees in the area making a clearing for me. But that's not what made it beautiful.

Roses, orchids, daisies, and thousands of other flower species' that I couldn't identify covered the area, creating a sea of green, blue, yellow, and red. Such beauty created a shrine like area that you couldn't help but admire.

I don't know if Maz hid flower seeds in his pockets while coming here or if they grew naturally. Either way, it's beautiful.

'I only wish that I could smell them.'

As I enjoy the view, Maz silently sneaked up behind me and lifted the Sundial into the air. "Goodmorning, Lord Matthias!"

"Hello, Maz. Tell me, does this flower field have a name?"

"No, Lord, would you like to name it?"

"Lets call it… Evangelion, named after the Book of Gospels."

"I don't know what that is, but it's a good name! Are you ready to head to the village?"

"…Yes, just let me enjoy this a little longer."


Authors note: Talked with the Webnovel team, turns out this book has to be out for a week and over 4k words to be allowed to have powerstones, guess we just gotta wait, sorry yall.