
I Am With You Forever: The Devil & The Angel

Zane & Serah were dating until the event that Serah was stabbed with a knife that bore the power to kill someone in minutes, as death comes her soul was taken and now an answer from God "You will have reincarnation".

Clarce · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
53 Chs

Chapter 1

"Zane!wake up!wake up! we're having a date remember! Don't sleep yet!"Serah poking the face of Zane while pouting.

Serah the daughter of the Ainsburg family,a girl that has bright green eyes,blonde hair,a fair and kind woman sitting on a bench with her boyfriend sleeping on her lap snoring.

"Hmph!"She had no more patience at his lovely boyfriend snoring like a baby was pinched and he was surprised,he got up , touching his right cheek where he got pinched.

"S-Serah I-uh hehe your lap was good to sleep on the day so"

Her teary eyes and her continued pout made her boyfriend sigh,he patted her head and smiled,she wipes her tears and began to smile along to Zane.

"Let's go arcade!"she cheers.


"Faster!faster!or else we'll not have enough time cause summer will end!"

"Uhhhh it's only the start of summer okay"

"Hmph!"thumping her kick to the ground.

"Be Patient-"

Zane stopped talking, footsteps of running came close,the man stabbed Serah on her back,it bleeds so fast that it leaves Zane to confusion, shock and also anger filling his heart,his heart skipped a beat,his mind thinking who should be important first,this came to his mind,his own girlfriend.

"Serah!Help! anybody!"he succeeded on catching her,the body of Serah falling down to his arms ,blood she chokes,the warm liquid splashed to Zane's face,his eyes were widened,he realised that it was pointless,she stopped breathing,her body going colder at a fast rate, others called at high speed.

"Serah...is this poison?"ba-dump he too has lost it,he collapsed facing the face of his girlfriend, closing his eyes slowly still watching her bright green eyes to become dark-green colour.

The man runs fast into an alley ,he disappears without a trace,at the moment the man was suddenly at a tall tower.

"I have completed the job"he answers to a call on someone.

"Thank you"the caller answers.

"Now let's proceed as planned"the man dropped the call watching the two lying down even though it's far away.The siren of ambulance getting noisy, people gathered to see what's happening and gossips, rambling their mouths.


The castle amongst castles , Heaven where home to angels and God Yawe,a place of full of wonder,animals,plants and gold mansions and gold castle,gems of many kind in the surface of the walls of the castle.In the throne room where the great almighty of heaven sit to his throne.

"My Lord!we have retrieved the soul you asked for!"Michael one of the seven archangels says in his joyous completion of the task.

"Very well done"he praise his angel.

"Anything for you our Creator"he kneeled in front of the God he swore his loyalty.

Six archangels appear at the sight of the creator,they too kneeled to his presence in glory of his name.

"We are forever in debt of you"

God used his command magic to take control of the soul taken from Serah,for once in awhile He showed his face to the soul. Tears rolled to his cheeks as the archangels got astonished to his surprise,the happiness and sadness of God filled the room, touching carefully the soul,it was dear one to his heart and again in this lifetime he'll watch them always.

Meanwhile in the hospital of the private operation room of Serah,the doctors couldn't explain her death that by just stabbing, how could a person die quickly they thought. They flipped her body slowly and saw something strange flowing out of the stabbed area, widening their eyes in shock ,they take a sample of that particular liquid.

"It's coloured rainbow but we don't know what is this substance though"says the assistant.

"Take it, we'll have experiments with that liquid"

"What about the patient?"the assistant asks.

"Tell them she's dead and be sincere about it,we can't do a remedy to something that is unknown also don't let it go out of this hospital only the nurses and doctors will know got it?"with no expression of sympathy or sad.

Nod "Right"

After confirming Serah Ainsburg was dead,her parents were weeping in tears of their daughter leaving them in her early life,she could've done more if she were to live,alas she never stands a chance at heaven's call. Her father was in a down fall that he never accepted that this would happen and he never expected this to their kind girl of the family.

"Please tell me that is alright too..."she desperately asks.

"He's fine Ma'am,he is just unconscious to the shock he received,his body is stable so no need to worry"in Liean's heart she wished that instead her daughter her broken to be son-in-law was she wanted to die.