
I Am Unstoppable

History changed its course due to sudden emergence of magic in this new world. Humans the once frail creatures have now become superpowers of Galactic Era. Science and Magic combined gave them the power to destroy planets and build newones. But as they become strong will the gods they once worshiped remain still just to watch someone gaining powers equal to theirs. Will the professed war happen? .... Enter the MC, Lucifer Godfell A man who can honestly be trusted to always be dishonest. His food is wine , His shelter is women's heart, and his clothing is disguise,leagues apart. But is there a greater hand at work, will Lucifer who always sought to gain materialistic world finally start upon a spiritual journey or will he tread upon both lands and engrave his own path.. Want to know? Then embark with Lucifer on an epic journey to mock the gods, kill the sods and fuck the lords. P.S- The cover describes MC while he gives the, "I dont give a single f.ck" expression somewhere down the storyline.

SIDPEN · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

Meeting the Mayor

Lucifer started reading through his stats carefully. All his attributes were 10 except for life rating which he didn't know what exactly it meant. Some quantum computers could indeed guage one's power level but he had never heard of anything so precise down to telling the distribution of one's strength, Dexterity, velocity etc.

Lucifer started doing some push-ups and crunches to know what exactly was his strength at the moment. After going through such tests he tried to see his stats again and to his surprise his strength had gone up by a single point although it wasn't too much but still it was hinting towards what needed to be done.

After confirming this Lucifer moved to the next sections on the panel

The sould treasures had amazing powers but sadly they couldn't be merged with his body instantly each one of them required different time. The Shroud of lightning required 10 hrs while the Horns of Devil required 8 something hours to be completely assimilated into his body.

Lucifer looked at the clock in his room 2 hours had passed since his study began and he wasn't going to get any privacy inside a room where it wasn't even secure enough that a woman had just seen him naked. So Lucifer gave up on the thought of starting the merging process but reading there amazing effects made Lucifer extremely delighted nonetheless.

Next Lucifer focused his attention on the Spirit bead and instantly a tennis ball sized bead appeared in his hand. It emitted a faint blue-green light. There was some kind of mist flowing inside it. Lucifer Brought it close to his eye and focused his full attention on it wanting to know more but well nothing happened.

Lucifer had already read through the description and the fact that he could summon a beast or somthing from another plane of existence sounded to good. Lucifer other than summoning his beast was also rather curious about how it would afterall it was supposed to be a reflection of his inner nature. As for the requirement well Lucifer had no idea what Mana Essence stone was.

Lucifer Sighed and finally looked at the one last thing that had intrigued him from the start the skill named 'Tandava'. His one and only high tiered skill lightning flash in itself was his most precious possession after all skills were rare as a peacock's feather (peacock has become extinct btw). So getting another skill, that too given him by a god one could imagine the chaos it could create.

Lucifer gave an excited smile and clicked on the learn option in front of the Skill.

Immediately a sound entered his ears, the sound of a flute. It was sweet yet intense. The rhythm was haphazard at one point and smooth at other. After approximately 15 minutes had passed did the phenomenon finally stop.

Lucifer breathed heavily and started doing some actions with his hands and legs in a smooth fashion. He had unbelievably learnt a god level skill in just minutes. But Lucifer's attention was fully focused on practising the skill, he didn't gave it much thought.

Time passed by....

Lucifer with closed eyes was moving all around the room but he never crashed into anything. There was a smoothness to his dance that couldn't be described with words alone. A strange blue mist had started to develop around him also moving like his shadow.

A group of people started walking towards Lucifer's room lead by Dr.Stella. Two sharp looking men in long black coats with black face masks and a man standing between them wearing a long silver coat. With a hat on his head and a stick in his hand. He was none other than the mayor of the City Tuberg, Ronald Suez.