
I Am Unstoppable

History changed its course due to sudden emergence of magic in this new world. Humans the once frail creatures have now become superpowers of Galactic Era. Science and Magic combined gave them the power to destroy planets and build newones. But as they become strong will the gods they once worshiped remain still just to watch someone gaining powers equal to theirs. Will the professed war happen? .... Enter the MC, Lucifer Godfell A man who can honestly be trusted to always be dishonest. His food is wine , His shelter is women's heart, and his clothing is disguise,leagues apart. But is there a greater hand at work, will Lucifer who always sought to gain materialistic world finally start upon a spiritual journey or will he tread upon both lands and engrave his own path.. Want to know? Then embark with Lucifer on an epic journey to mock the gods, kill the sods and fuck the lords. P.S- The cover describes MC while he gives the, "I dont give a single f.ck" expression somewhere down the storyline.

SIDPEN · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

History Changed

Year 1939, Sept 1

The world was plunged into chaos due to Germany's declaration of war which gave rise to the second world war but just after a year of war a strange phenomenon was discovered throught out the globe.

There was an emergence of a new type of particles, named as Solacites. Although fascinating it was not enough to change the interest of the high officials from the war towards the research of these particles, that is until one day when America's Solacite testing facility along with the entire city near it was atomised without any sound. The news shocked the entire world.

But at the same time it also proved the destructive capabilities of Solicite particles which would come to be known as Magic particles later.

It didn't take long for humanity to build its first solicite based Bomb. The nuclear era which was just budding was taken over by Solacites in a flash.

Year 1950

All countries were eyeing each other but none taking action because of the fear of mutual destruction, But Human mind is fragile nonetheless, the world was thereby pulled into destruction by the release of solacite bomb by Britain on China On 15th December.

Year 2000

The world summit took place and it was decided that no country will be in possession of solacite bombs. Of course the decision was not taken mutually but under the threat of the Omega Merchant corp which had slowly taken over the entire world trade in these fifty years. The became winner by loosing the least in the war and advancing their own Solacite research while others were involved in chaos. Hence the world fell under the hands of a private Corp which had advanced Solacite weaponary which included even beings who could use the so called magic power.

Year 2043

The founder-owner of Omega Corp Alexander Soloman was crowned as the first Emperor of the Earth, The Man who conquered All.

And thus the world had now fallen into Monarchy.

There were no countries anymore, only regions ruled by Soloman.

Thus abolishing patriotism for the first time the world was united as human kind. While the political activities had drastically changed the research on development of solacites was never stopped, The earth although barren could still be habitable for some years.

So it was a race against time for humans to search for new planets.

Year 2080,

The Breakthrough in Solacite teleportation Technology allowed Humanity to venture out in the yet to be discovered galactic planets.

And thus started the first Intergalactic Journey of Humans.

The Magical Era had thus started.





Some 1500 years later

Year 3520

Planet Of The Celestials, Antraxia.

Summit of The Galactic Forces.

Tick, Tick, Tick ...(tapping noise)

"My lord Roth, the Kazilieans(race 1) ,those brutes wont stop the skirmishes on the northern borders , My kind faces the fear of extinction, I beseech My lord to help us"

Tick, Tick, Tick...(tapping noise continues)

"I agree with Mr. Zuraf, Lord Roth these wild creatures are not something one can talk into negotiations"

Tick Tick.…( tapping stopped)


The 11 feet Ragrad (race 2) and the 7 feet Tigron (race 3) Looked at each other before sitting down hesitantly.

Every race present in the hall was nervous, everyone knew the moment the tapping stops something drastic will take place. All because of the Man sitting in front of them.

Not long before the same Humans who now rule these races were nothing but laughing stalk. No special body traits, height, weight, strength none particularly good. Although aesthetically pleasing as compared to the bestial races they were only good as entertaining monkeys and adorable sex toys.

But These same underdogs had slowly taken control of the entire 9 galactic realms within a span of 1500 years. There survival ability, ability to adopt, evolve and most of all their shrewd strategies, intelligence and above all their unmatched talent in use of magical elements were the unseen traits which defeated everyone present in the hall. The Human kind was feared and respected by everyone including their enemies.

Everyone in the hall had their eyes stuck upon the seat at the top of the conical hall.

A man with stature of 6.7 ft, broad shoulders over which hung the royal coat of the Soloman family, inner smooth velvet red, outer white with golden delicate obsidian metal design and two heavy golden shoulder pieces seated firmly on those broad shoulders. A wide jawline, with sharp black eyes and black hair. All in all a person with majestic look.

He is none other than the man who rules over one of the 9 realms, the Sigma Realm under the name of Omega empire.

11th prince of Omega Empire, Roth Soloman

Roth Soloman who was tapping on the arm of his chair stopped suddenly before signalling his aid,

Jeffrey immediately took action and a huge holographic display started playing in mid air,

What the screen displayed was huge armada of ships hovering in space in an entrapment around a planet.

Zuraf after witnessing the scene widened his eyes in horror, because the armada had surrounded the Kaziliean capital planet, Zefros.

But before he could doubt his eyes he heard a deep heavy voice.

"Mr Zuraf, I have been looking at the tax collections and the GDP(Gross Domestic Product- how much they earn in laymans term) of your Kingdom but the calculations don't add up so can you please explain yourself"

Zuraf started sweating heavily he knew that he had avoided paying the exact tax by various methods, he never thought the empire would come to know about his tax evasion endeavour, Zuraf wanted to explain but before he could say anything Roth continued.

"Its fine Mr Zuraf, I understand, afterall its the living who make mistakes right?, but for this mistake as a punishment the Tigron race must sign a slavery contract with the empire for next 100 years. I will give u 10 seconds to decide."

Zuraf'e eyes almost popped out. A slavery contract was as harsh as it sounded although the citizens would continue with there jobs the high officials will be overthrown and the entire tax collected would go to the empire.

Zuraf gripped his fists and was ready to rebuke at this ridiculous order, But just then the Ragrad who spoke earlier grabbed his friend and shook his head slightly . Zuraf's confidence was shattered he looked into Roth's deep eyes that sent a shudder down his spine. He knew however small the man in front of him looked there was no one here who could win against that guy. After shaking his head Zuraf finally gave a sigh,

"Tigron race will do as My lord commands"

Roth's lips curled up a little, he stood up,

"now that all matters have been taken care off, you all are dismissed, have a safe journey back home"

Everyone stood up in respect.

Roth swirled his Coat and walked off with his royal guard.

But no one walked out because the display on the screen started displaying flashes of light. Lasers, magic cannons, space ships were annihilating the Kazilieans who were running amok. There counter attacking ships couldn't even come out of there own atmosphere before being destroyed. The Mini ships of Omega landed on the ground where soldiers marched and annihilated every living being detected on macroscopic level.

Jeffrey looked at the watch 25 mins had passed till the commencement of the attack and the Kazilieans had already fallen. He shook his head in disappointment of the thrill of the battle and announced with a welcoming smile.

"I hope everyone enjoyed the show, Mr Zurif your decision was commendable I am glad I didn't had to display what was on screen 2, Have a good day everyone"

Zurif gulped on his saliva murmuring, "was it my planet on screen 2"

The meeting had come to an end and from today onwards everyone knew the Kazilieans will be no more.

Although i did mention a lot of things in the synopsis but i would like answer some of the questions which are often asked here itself.

1.MC will be having relations with many girls with no strings attached status like they may become his friends later not necessarily mistress/ GF/wife etc.

2. The MC is no saint like literally he may annihilate some species wantonly just because he thinks they are overpopulated XD

I just thought these major questions should be answered at the start to give a better perspective of the story.

Now then the Stage has been set dear readers,

Its high time the MC Enters.^_^

Hope You enjoy the novel!

Author out.

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