
I Am The Strongest.{Ju-jutsu Kaisen Fan-fic.}

Transported to another world as an infant, Seishiro Nagi grows up fighting against mysterious monsters that only he could see. Read to discover his perilously fantasic journey on his way to becoming the strongest.

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4 Chs


Nagi raised an eyebrow when he heard Geto's offer. This didn't make sense.

'Isn't this guy a jujutsu sorcerer? Why does he want me to join him?'

While Geto was wearing different attire from the unifrom the two jujutsu sorcerers he met wore, he couldn't trust this fact.

Who knew what the specific rules of their organization were? This guy could be a higher up who could wear whatever he wanted.

'But he doesn't wear that pin...this is strange.'

As Nagi thought about the situation, he started to take note of certain factors that were present.

The man known as Geto wasn't attacking. In fact, his entire demeanor was friendly. The girls next to him, while seemingly annoyed, had no ill intentions toward him.

'Ever since Granny taught me how to read people, I've only ever been wrong a few times. This guy...might be telling the truth.'

Nagi gave it some more thought.

"Why? I know you're a sorcerer, so why not turn me in?"

Nagi asked Geto this simple question.

Geto, in turn, just calmly replied with a smile on his face, "I want to change this world. So I left that organization behind. I'm making a new one, no, a new family of sorcerors my own."

Nagi wasn't too impressed by this goal. Changing the world or any grand plan like that required too much thought and was too complex.

Not to mention, Nagi just disliked long winded plans.

With a slight smirk on his face, Nagi replied, "I'll be honest with you, man, your plan sounds boring. Why change the world when you can make the world change for you? I want to become the strongest there is. If I do that, don't you think those weaker than me would do what I say?"

Nagi had a triumphant glint in his dead, grey eyes as he spoke these words.

Geto was stumped for a little bit before he slapped his palm across his face and burst into laughter.

One of the little girls next to Geto stomped her feet and bit her lips as she stared at Nagi.

'How dare he call Mister Geto's plan boring?!'

The other girl seemed to be more nonchalant about the matter, but her eyebrows also started to twitch.

They both felt like Nagi insulted Geto, who, from the way they clung to him, was important to them.

Geto himself though, was different.

"So simple, so ignorant, but yet you're not wrong. If you're strong enough, the world itself has to change to your whims. Heh, little one, you'll fit right in."

Nagi squinted his eyes at the group as he asked, "If i join you, will I get to fight strong people?"

Geto placed one hand on his chest and one in his pocket as he smugly replied, "Right now, I'm the second strongest sorcerer alive. They can only send the strongest people to kill me. So, your wish will be granted."

That's all Nagi wanted to hear. While he did entertain the idea of living on his own, staying with a group of like minded people didn't sound like a bad idea. Plus, Geto was definitely stronger than Granny Ogami. Nagi could feel it.

The boy dug his hands into his pockets as he walked over to Geto and said, "I'm Nagi. The one who raised me never gave me a last name. Who are they?"

Nagi was referring to the female twins by Geto's side.

At the mention of their identies, the one who was stomping her feet in frustration was about to speak up when Geto laid his hand on her shoulder and said, "Now, be nice to him. I'm sure he didn't mean anything bad by what he said earlier."

The girl bit her lips and tried her best to not scream at Nagi as she responded, "My...name is Nanako! I'll make sure you apologize to Mister Geto later!"

Nagi smiled. There was no need to bother with unfounded words from her.

The other twin, simply cleared her throat and said, "I'm Mimiko."

Nagi simply nodded at her and turned his gaze towards Geto.

"So, I joined you, now what?"

Geto turned around while motioning towards the direction where Nagi had entered the sewer first.

"Welcome to the family."

As the trio started walking away, Nagi followed closely behind.

'What an interesting situation. Theres just one thing i'm wondering about.'

As they silently walked through the sewers, Nagi put his arms behind his head and said, "So, Geto, how did you find me? I don't think that sorcerer should've made it back to your base and reported the situation that fast. Its only been what...a day?"

Geto chuckled.

"A day? Nanami reported that situation a week ago. At first, I wanted to kill you...but a lot happened since then. I've started being who I truly am. But, to answer your question, it was easy to find you with my technique."

A week? Nagi was stumped by this revelation.

He was defenseless for so long.

'If he wasn't the one who had found me...I would've been dead. I need to be more careful.'

Nagi simply nodded at Geto's answer as a response.

His thoughts wandered into different directions as they walked through the sewers. From what could've happened, to what will happen in the future, to what Geto's cursed technique could be, and finally, the thought he landed on, the mechanics of his own cursed technique.

When they left the sewers, a shadow appeared from under Geto's feet, revealing a grotesque flying creature.

'A cursed spirit! So he could control them!'

Geto jumped on the spirit and motioned for them to come up. The girls jumped on excitedly while Nagi slowly stepped on, still unsure of the situation.

"Never thought I'd be riding a cursed spirit..."

Geto chuckled as Nagi muttered those words.

'He has a lot to learn about the depths of jujutsu sorcery. But, he seems to have potential. Satoru...you would have liked this one had he taken a different path.'

As they cursed spirit rose into the air and started flying, Nagi slowly but surely got over the shock of it. Then, his thoughts went back to where they were, his cursed technique.

'Even now, it's hard to understand. All I know is, it controls the Sands Of Time. I could control the essence of time, but only to a small degree. The sand is much easier to control. But why does it wear me out so much whenever i use it? No one else seems to have this issue. Then there's Crisis. That one...sigh...'

Nagi's cursed techniques had mysteries that he couldn't even begin to comprehend with over 3 years of experience with them. He knew that he was missing an aspect of Sands Of Time somewhere. But he didn't know what it was.

As for Crisis, it was more of a passive technique, one that activated without Nagi's control, at least, for now. Since it was inscribed in a certain part of his brain, there were only a few things he managed to grasp about it.

Crisis was a time-related cursed technique. The first time it had activated, he was fighting a cursed spirit that had the ability to harden itself. After being on the defensive for a long while, he decided to attack, only to see the cursed spirit disintegrate in front of him as his punch got closer.

In another instance, as he was running away from a cursed spirit, he had met a dead end. The moment he got close to the wall, his vision changed and it was as if he could see the future of that wall being eroded by time.

Again, when his vision returned to normal, the wall suddenly disintegrated and he was free to move.

The other thing he figured out about Crisis is that it wasn't referring to him. A 'Crisis' was what the opponent faced when the technique activated.

Nagi rested both hands on his head and sighed.

'Thinking this much is making me tired. I'll figure everything out about these techniques soon enough I think. For now, I'll just hang around Geto to see where things take me.'

Nagi had found a new home and a potential enemy, Geto, had become a new friend. What could be in store for him? He couldn't know.

But, as the years slowly passed by, the words that Geto said had finally came to fruition...