
I am The Son Of The Devil

A prophecy that no human can change The reigning of the darkness is set to give humans suffering A hero will be born to save the world The course of destiny has been laid out But everything had been ruined, the course of destiny had been re-rewritten by a man from the other world A demon child has been born... inside of the child is the soul of the man. a system has been brought with him in his reincarnation What could be this child do to change the flow of destiny? Darxus Helmon Fedal is a 24 years old male, working at a large well-known company as a normal office worker. one night he intended to go home after he drink some alcohol in a bar in an ally, but when he's on his way home he feels someone is staring at him, he turned to look and see a strange silhouette he run as fast as he could but ended up being hit by a truck before he close his eyes he heard a voice of some kind of machine, little did he know it was actually a system being activated by his death he got reincarnated as a young demon who is being looked down on by others and been abandoned by his father, his life only cause him suffering, when he knew what happened to the old owner. he made an oat to the old owner of the body that he will get everything that the boy deserves, and he will also get revenge on all of those who looked down on him and cause him suffering he thought that he was just getting revenge but little did he know, he was walking a path that no other demon has ever walked.. and that is to be the catastrophic demon king who will be the great disaster, not just in the world of the demons but also the world of the humans and the other races From now marks the beginning of the story of the son of the devil

Devia_j · Fantasi
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2 Chs


I'm Darxus Helmon Fedal a 24 years old male, I work at a large well-known company as a normal office worker.

today I do my daily routine and that is to wake up, get ready, go to work, eat, work overtime, go home, eat then sleep

boring isn't it?

that's what I thought too, but everything changes one night

when I was off going home that night, for some reason I decided to go to the bar by past the second ally... I crave some alcohol, maybe because I've been overworking this lately

I have not yet reached my destination but for some reason, I am quite sensitive, I heard a crackle but I just ignored it because I thought it was just a cat, I continue walking until I reach the bar. I indulge myself in alcohol, as I lost my sanity I also lost my fatigue, my stress, and all of those problems, this must be the reason I'm craving for it.

I still have a little sanity left in me and it is enough for me to go home I guess. I walk home as if it was just a normal peaceful night. when I'm passing that ally where I heard those crackles I keep having this feeling like someone staring at me, I know that I'm drunk but my intuition has never been wrong.

I double my pace of walking but still in no vain, I still feel it penetrating through me. it sends a shiver through my whole system, for the first time I made a bold decision, I started walking slowly until I stop... i... feel a strange.... presence in my back I turned my head to see who it is and I see a black silhouette walking towards me and it feels like I'm staring at the abyss and the abyss stared back at me, his pace double with that I sense danger coming towards me and my body acts towards it by running; I run as fast as I could.

I stop to catch up my breath and ran again when I passed the corner of the road I spotted a light and so as people walking ... I immediately ran there... for some reason I see a light on my left, I turned to see what it is . . . but before I saw what it was, I see my self . . . flew away far from my original post.

My vision began to darken but before I could close my eyes I could see the people around me and they seemed confused and panicked, I could also see the flashing lights of the ambulance around me. . . am I . . . dying?? . . . did I got hit by a truck or something?? . . . i . . . still want to live . . . I still want to enjoy my life . . . if only I could survive this . . . i promise that I will live my life to the fullest, before I could close my eyes I hear something like a machine talking . . .

" host has been registered, would you like to live again?"

would I really like to live again? going through that life again? well, maybe I do ...

"yes" I answer it even I don't know who asks that question, maybe I'm just eager to live again?

" the system has received the host confirmation, the system will start in 3 seconds"




" system is now activated, the system has found the PERFECT body for the host, reviving will star. . "

that's the last thing I heard before I died...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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