
I Am The Poltergeist Within

Harper Whitlock didn't have a nice life, hardly a life at all. Taken from her home at a young age, stolen, kidnapped, each phrase signifies the issue here. Yet, after escaping, ready to go off on her own, But because of her stupid-ass ability, she had accidentally trapped herself within the head of another victim of her kidnappers. In the place she can't leave just yet. But maybe will, eventually. (dramatic music~, lights fade~) (PLEASE TRUST THE PROCESS I DO UNDERSTAND THAT THE BEGINNING MAKE YOU WINCE AT AN EXCESSIVE EXTENT)

V1v1_3nn3 · Fantasi
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8 Chs

The 'Classroom'

Our grade walked through the hall, silently.

They had made it a rule: 'No loud noises'

it disturbed them when they're trying to get peace and quiet, and/or work.

The punishment for it depends on volume: slightly under shouting, (over normal volume) would result in extra experimentation. Shouting would result in 'no holding back experimentation. And finally, screaming/ volume that's enough to disturb the entire area could result in expulsion. Honestly, they're so needy.

All of us travelled down the long hallway, for some particular reason it felt short, like we're not taking our time arriving into our first class, like time was pressed on fast-foward.

I didn't like it, if anything, I would like this leisurely movement of my 'walking limbs' to drag on, forever hopefully.

But it didn't, and won't. I've learnt long ago that time will no stop just because I want it to. That only works for people with time abilities, and I obviously don't have that. But I've heard that the 7th year's had one,

but they got Expelled last year.

Cain led infront I was behind him. Then behind me was Mara, and following after her was Aidan.

We strode towards our door, a very large door, obviously everything around us was white but the door wasn't. No. It was jet black,

metal too and was excessively reinforced.

It was similar to a bank safe, but much smaller and also rectangular—not circular.

There was a type of thing on the left side of the door it was akin to an ipad, screen, scanner, something like that.

Cain had placed his left hand on this scanner. With a small glowing red line, it smoothly waved upwards and downwards, taking in every detail of his hand, not missing a thing. Eventually, it stopped. The jet black door cracked open he waltzed through the door. Glancing back at us cheekily, for no reason, or was it just me? No, it has to be us; we're a group, after all.

The door slammed shut, waiting for the next student to test the authentication of their identity.

Next, it was my turn. I stepped forward, placing my hand across the chilled surface of the screen the glowing red line also moved across my hand, again, it stopped. The creak of the bulky door was sounded; it cracked open enough for me to walk in without any disturbances. Once I did, the door slammed thunderously.

It seems that 'they' don't care for doors to be slammed loud enough for the entire continent to hear, but if we even make a peep, we get electrocution and needles.

I just don't understand them. But I don't think anyone can. They kidnap children to train them to become personal little killing machines. I pretty sure people like that would be very hard to comprehend.

Cain was sitting at the front corner, next to the windows. He was staring outwards of it; I could see his reflection as I glanced at where his line of sight was leading. His expression was serene yet he seemed to be drowning in his own thoughts. For some reason, he does this often when we're not with him; I've noticed that for a while now.

I sat myself next to him, our desks are right next to each other. I think that it's likely that reason we're always put together is because we're the only ones who can match each other, so much so that they paired us up, to cause less damage to the rest of our classmates when fighting well, that's only my theory.

He was gazing at the large forest surrounding the field, with the field surrounding us.

I snapped him out of his thoughts before it got any more extreme.

"Hey, mime~ stop being so edgy and talk with me." I put my palm on my cheek and leaned my elbow in my desk

His glazed-over obsidian pupils flickered back to their original colour; he noticed me immediately. And his trademark smirk reappeared

There we go, he's back.

"Your presence is so small, I hardly noticed you."

"Mm. And here I thought that the only person in our year who can be able to go toe to toe with me can't even discern my presence approaching you. My, how disappointing."

"Dammit. Become a lawyer or something with that backtalk." He grouched.

"You know we can't do that."

"We can dream. Can't we?" He glanced back outside the window as he chuckled.

Look at that; the Edge Lord has arrived again.

"Yet, that's all we can do." I disheartened.

It's hard to keep a positive in a place like this.

Except for Mara, she's a blessing from heaven.

Speak of the devil -er, angel, she walked in and sat at the table right infront of ours.

"Whatcha taking about?~" She gave a half-suppressed snicker.

Ah, my eyes are burning from the pure angel light.

Ah, so... bright.

I dramatically put on a sham as if I fainted, with my hand on my forehead with my palm facing outwards—adding to the effect of my dramatical performance.

Unexpectedly, falling too far, into the lap of Cain.

"Hm?..." Cain was to focused with his emo thoughts to see me crashing onto his muscled thighs, and once he did, he was equally as speechless as the rest of us both.

"...?" Mara, like the adorable, innocent, sweetheart she is, was just slightly fazed with the outcome of my performance. Not because of the position I'm in now, just the fact I fell back so far. Tilting her cranium faintly to the side

"Um..." I blushed slightly. I am so thankful that when I blush, most of it only shows up at the back of my nape. And right now, that's in his thighs, hidden from the world. And gratefully so- GRATEFULLY??

...I'm pretty sure I just changed another, deeper, shade of crimson.

We heard the door fling shut once again; all three of us immediately sprung our line of sight towards the door.

There stood Aidan, stupefied at what's registing into his recollection of every event in his mind he can remember.

(Aidan's POV)

Okay, so ShitStealer is sitting there with a huge grin on his face.

Flitsy is... smiling innocently(?)

And Harpy is in ShitStealer's lap, bushing furiously.

"...heh." I silently chuckled ShitStealer; the girls didn't notice, but I did.

Damn this guy, just confess you like Harpy already, God, it's not hard. I mean, look at Flitsy. Even she can tell.

"...Eh?" She thinks no one can see that blush on the back of her neck, poor Harpy, so oblivious. Sometimes, I wonder why she's the smartest in the group. It should obviously be me.

They should just confess already. Yes, it's entertaining for me to see them struggle this way, but sometimes, it just stresses me out—so much that I want to forcefully make them realise it. The dog food is just TOO. MUCH.

But, eventually I don't, because it'll ruin the whole show. Eventually, drama returns so that I can handle it.

And it'll be gross to see 'em all 'lovey-dovey'.

"...?" Flitsy is as confused as she always is.

It seems that it is my time...

(As if he was ascending, at the perfect time, a single beam of light shone upon him, like a spotlight for H*rry Styl*s)

And it seems that luckily, I have the strength to do it.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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