
I Am The Peak

In a normal world of mortals, Saber was a special existence but, this all changed when he was sent into different worlds, meeting different things, and being revealed to cultivation... Well, at least this was what he expected but, it never changed. He was still special in the end, not that he complained. The endless world of cultivation is filled with ruthlessness and scheming. But, not everything is as it seems. This isn't the story of Saber, but of a being who should have transcended everything... This is his second chance at it...

Slewpy · Fantasi
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308 Chs

Do You Know?

In what seemed to be a bedroom that wasn't even five meters wide, one could see the figure of a female that had a bright smile on her face. Even though her fair skin had no blemishes and she was a beauty above-average in appearance, the blood that was splattered across her face would creep anyone out.

As she stood there, her crazed eyes gazed toward the two dead bodies under her feet. Both were middle-aged adults that were clearly in some way related to the female by blood. It was obvious since their appearances were rather similar to her own.

In the corner of the room, two figures stood, and shockingly, the female seemed to be unable to sense them.

"Do you see?

Out of all the people that we have visited, this female human that you wanted to save was the worst of the lot.

The worst part of it all was the fact that it was caused by a mortal sin called greed. It is the work of the mortal sin, greed. A sin that humans have come to truly become one with..."

Saber's emotionless voice resounded in Bruce's mind. A mind that was questioning his life's goals, and also the actions of his previous life.

He had now begun questioning the true reason for his existence, and if what he had thought even before beginning cultivation...was it the right way to think?

"There isn't a right way to think?" Bruce mumbled as the words of Saber once more reverberated throughout his mind.

"Hmm, yes, I remember once telling you that there isn't a right way to think. If my will is supreme, then my way of thinking is the only correct way.

You as a lesser must follow and think how I tell you to." Saber proclaimed. His voice went on to startle the female who was in the room.



But, before she could even turn around, her head was blasted into blood and guts by a Bruce who had somehow appeared behind her figure.

The golden aura which surrounded him was noticeably darkening and slowly, it transformed from a pristine golden to a dark and dreadful blood-red. Along with it were Bruce's hair and pupils as three symbols in the form of teardrops formed under his left eye.

A smile formed on Saber's face as his dark purple pupils shone with interest. He then asked.

"What was that for? She seemed like another human to me." Saber's tone was that of one teasing a little ignorant kid who now learned something new about the world.

"I am merely doing what I think is right, Saber!" Bruce said with a barely visible smirk on his face. Seeing this, Saber then thought...

'It seems that illusions truly are really useful.'




(Some Hours Later)


An incredible explosion that shook the whole planet occurred. It was an explosion that sent tremors across the earth as many buildings were blasted to smithereens.

The cause? A punch from Saber that contacted with the fists of an Immortal human cultivator. Shockwaves from such a punch caused the winds to churn and the cloud in the sky to part ways.

"Look at what you've done. Immortal human cultivators, the protector of all humanity... Now, here you are destroying the planet filled with the humans that you have sworn to protect." Saber stated with a smirk on his face.

The last five Immortals of humanity who had been fighting with Saber for some time now were long brimming with wrath by Saber's casualness. Yet, the power he displayed was something they did not think was possible from a lifeform that wasn't Branden.

"This bastard... Even Branden would be exhausted after using such a large amount of energy." The person who previously clashed with Saber uttered while clutching his bleeding arm. His bulky body was battered and bruised, showcasing how much Saber was in domination.

Yet, even when knowing they had no chance of saving their planet. Their eyes didn't lose hope since they knew that eventually, those Immortals of the Chaos Dojo would arrive. Even if they hadn't the best relationship, all Immortals of planet earth had one goal...

Protect Humanity... They knew that those of the Chaos Dojo would never place anything above the safety of earth since it was the location of their origin.

It was the location of humanity's base. And even when the residents of this planet who were below them lost hope, they wouldn't...

"Even if you're stronger than Branden, with all of us working together, you'll never be able to win!" The bulky man spoke in a deep voice as he said with conviction that Saber would fail.

"Huh? It seems you are unaware of your situation." Saber said. Even though Bruce floated next to him with an incredibly powerful aura, the Immortals weren't threatened since they could sense that Bruce was still a mortal... Saber, on the other hand, saw this and smirked sadistically as he said.

"There are two reasons why you're death is inevitable.

First of all, the entity next to me is someone who has gained my interest. For such a thing to even be conceivable, said person must be outside your scope of comprehension, so rules such as Immortal and Mortal would never apply.

Secondly, even if he was unable to defeat the five of you, do you truly think you'll escape my grasp by relying on the hope that those Chaos Dojo Immortals would come to save you?!" He said.

Right after, a flash of light made its appearance as an object suddenly appeared in Saber's palm. It was an object that he flung toward the bulky Immortal who acted as the leader. This sudden action caused the Immortal to instinctively catch the object the size of a modern-day soccer ball.

"Even though I was unable to retrieve the others since their bodies were obliterated along with the planet, this should suffice for you to be aware of their current state...right?!"

Saber's words caused the Immortals to shift their attention toward the object in the bulky man's hands with confusion visible in their eyes. Yet, as soon as their eyes landed on the object, the sight of Elissa's face caused them to flinch in shock and fear.


The dull and lifeless eyes that contained nothing but endless pain and suffering shook their souls as they thought in horror about what she had gone through before her death.

Even Bruce's eyes showed slight apprehension when seeing such a sight. One must know that Bruce had now begun changing so such scenes would still affect him. Saber then said with a smirk on his normally emotionless face.

"Didn't Branden comprehend the time element?!" Saber said. Even though one would think he asked the group of five, it was clear that it wasn't a question. Right after saying that, a dark blue aura wrapped around Saber's body as he said.

"Do you know, when I absorb someone's physical body, I gain almost everything from them besides concepts that make them up such as talent? It's not as if I need someone else's talent, but I am saying it so you'll understand..." Saber said while he casually waved his hand.

Thereafter, a shocking and frightening scene went on to play out that could shake anyone's soul to its core. It was a scene that caused primal fear to grip the heart of someone who experienced traveling through time.

It was a sight that made even Bruce shiver in fright.

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